Internet terminology booklet – a useful guide to internet terms in Gaelic
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
Ceanglaichean – Bun-Chruinn-Eòlas was written with the needs of teachers and pupils in mind. It is a complete course which:
• can be used in a variety of ways
• moves smoothly from step to step
• is colourful, attractive and pleasant to use
• is appropriate for children of varying abilities who are working at different levels
• encourages pupils to discover things through research
• employs a wide range of teaching methods
• supports teachers
Bunaitean – Bun-Chruinn-Eòlas was written with the needs of teachers and pupils in mind. It is a complete course which:
• can be used in a variety of ways
• moves smoothly from step to step
• is colourful, attractive and pleasant to use
• is appropriate for children of varying abilities who are working at different levels
• encourages pupils to discover things through research
• employs a wide range of teaching methods
• supports teachers
Àiteachan – Written specifically for schools in Scotland, and compiled by the authors in co-operation with teachers in Scotland, Bun-Chruinn-Eòlas – Àiteachan Foillseachadh Albannach:
• includes a new section on places in Scotland
• gives detailed, contemporary information on Brazil, Kenya, Italy and Japan
• provides a separate unit on world development
• follows the style and format of Bun-Chruinn-Eòlas
• is suitable for pupils working at different levels
• employs a wide range of teaching methods
Eadar-cheanglaichean Ùra – Eadar-cheanglaichean Ùra was written with the needs of teachers and pupils in mind. It is a complete course which:
• can be used in a variety of ways
• moves smoothly from step to step
• is colourful, attractive and pleasant to use
• is appropriate for children of varying abilities who are working at different levels
• encourages pupils to discover things through research
• employs a wide range of teaching methods
• supports teachers
Ionnsaich mu Iàpan – Full of different types of activities, this book emphasises the development of basic skills and geographic methods such as interpreting photographs, analysing articles, map-reading, making graphs and tables, using IT, researching and displaying information.
National Geographic – A series which tells how we use the Earth’s resources:
Roinn-cuain Ghraonlainn (Ocean Regions of Greenland)
Fàsaichean Astràilia (Austalia’s deserts)
Coilltean-uisge Indonìsia (Rain Forests of Indonesia)
Beanntan Pheru (Mountains of Peru)
National Geographic – Animals in their Habitats:
Beathaichean a’ Chuain (Ocean Animals)
Beathaichean an Fhàsaich (Desert Animals)
Beathaichean na Coille-uisge (Rain Forest Animals)
Beathaichean na Coille (Forest Animals)
Atlas Sgoile Oxford - A comprehensive, accessible atlas for 10-14 year olds
Globe - Stòrlann distributed Gaelic globes to nursery, primary and secondary schools throughout Scotland. The aim was to have one in every Gaelic nursery and primary class, and some in secondary schools which taught subjects through Gaelic.
World Wall Map
Gaelic Map of Scotland - Gaelic map of Scotland showing placenames, topography, seabed, transport links and local authority areas.
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
Seallaidhean à Eachdraidh – As the title indicates, these are snapshots from history which give the opportunity to look at six separate topics, from Skara Brae in the Stone Age to the Union of the Parliaments of Scotland and England in 1707. The topics were chosen because each one has been extremely important in the history of Scotland, including events which have shaped the development of the country and affect it to this day.
Càirdeas Eadar-nàiseanta – The series of appealing books Eachdraidh dhan Ìre Choitchinn was written especially for pupils engaged in courses at Standard Grade and they cover a wide range of history. The reports include visual and written accounts; there are questions and assignments to accompany these. There are materials appropriate for Foundation/General/Credit level available for use at every level.
Na Meadhan Aoisean – In this book you will learn about people, communities and events during the Middle Ages – from the sovereignty of the English over Wales to the struggle of the Scots as they tried to preserve their independence; from the horrors of the Black Death to the daring expeditions of Marco Polo.
An Seann Saoghal – In this book we learn about people, communities and events during Ancient Times – from Scotland’s first people to the orderly world of the Celts; from the influence and ideas of Rome and Greece to the civilised days of the Chinese. In this book the reader will discover for him/herself the evidence which helped historians get to know about the people who lived long ago.
Linn nan Caochlaidhean Mòra (Imprint/Stòrlann) – In this book you will learn about people, communities and events in the Age of Revolutions. You will learn about the Jacobite uprisings in the Highlands of Scotland and about the introduction of radical changes that affected the industrial and agricultural landscapes of Britain. You will also learn about political issues that ended British rule in America and about important events that brought to an end the old way of life in France, leaving the ruling classes throughout the rest of Europe living in fear.
Rìoghachd na h-Alba anns na Meadhan-Aoisean 400-1450 – Heinemann’s Scottish History is an intersting new series, written specifically for pupils in S1 and S2. The series is designed to address concern about progression at this stage and to give teachers an opportunity to teach History in a manner which will inspire the pupils.
Germany 1918-39 – This book, in the Heinemann Scottish History series, deals with political, economic and social change in Germany between 1918 and 1939 and the effect these had on the people of the country. The book is suitable for National 4 and 5 Levels.
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
Home Economics Pack - Units written by the Home Economics advisory panel:
Dealbh is Dèan (Design and Make)
Mathas (Nutrition)
Daithead na h-Alba (The Scottish Diet)
Cùisean Uaine (Green Matters)
Slàinteachas Bìdh (Food Hygiene)
Teicneòlas Aodach Fighte (Textile Technology)
Reasabaidhean (Recipes)
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
Facal air an Fhacal - Book – You can speak a language without knowing its grammar but grammar can be a great help, especially if you are learning or teaching a language. Until now there has been no simple grammar book based on modern Gaelic. Facal air an Fhacal was compiled to fill that gap. It was written by a young lecturer in Glasgow University, Michel Byrne, with advice from teachers. Facal air an Fhacal was designed primarily for teachers and secondary pupils – who are already fairly fluent in Gaelic – but it is likely that it will also be useful in primary schools and for adults.
Facal air an Fhacal – Worksheets – This pack is based on Michel Byrne’s book Facal air an Fhacal. The philosophy behind the worksheets is that the grammar work emerges from the reading passages. Also, each reading passage is linked to pages in the book Facal air an Fhacal, and when pupils are completing the worksheets they should have the book as well; in fact it would be good if it were always open in front of them.
Gràmar na Gàidhlig – Facal air an Fhacal was the first Gaelic grammar which was written and explained in Gaelic. It was published in 2000 by SRG and Acair. The author, Michel Byrne, is now giving us another book, this time with explanations in English while retaining the Gaelic examples. It will be extremely useful to secondary teachers and pupils and will be a good reference book for learners.
Gràmar na Gàidhlig (Workbook) – This book is based on the second edition of Michel Byrne’s book Gràmar na Gàidhlig, which was published by Stòrlann/Acair in 2004. This book of exercises should be used along with Gràmar na Gàidhlig to ensure that pupils have grasped the grammar points which appear in each passage. The explanation is entirely in English while the reading passages and examples are in Gaelic. Where appropriate, the answers can be checked on the pages at the back of the book. It will be extremely useful for teachers and senior secondary pupils as well as being a good help for learners.
Seadh – This pack was prepared for children who have transferred to secondary school. The course has been created with the intention of improving and extending children’s Gaelic language skills through reading, writing, listening and speaking. It contains three units – Prose, Poetry and Suggestions.
Ceumannan 1 - The first book in a new course for Gaelic learners at secondary level, based on the Curriculum for Excellence. Extension work and other information can be found online at
Ceumannan 2 - The second book in a new course for Gaelic learners at secondary level, based on the Curriculum for Excellence. Extension work and other information can be found online at
Ceumannan 3 – The third volume of a new course for Gaelic learners in secondary school. The course is based on the Curriculum for Excellence. Extension work and other information about the course is available on-line at
Ceumannan 4 – The fourth volume in a new course for Gaelic learners in secondary school. The course is based on the Curriculum for Excellence. Extension work and other information about the course is available on-line at
Smeòrach Mi - The poetry of this anthology contains work from different ages and countries under ten headings that relate pupils’ work at Higher level and also give other readers an opportunity to make comparisons between what these times and places have to say about the enduring concerns of human nature. The 150 poems include compositions by men and women, famous bards such as Sorley Maclean and Derick Thompson and also poets whose works have never before appeared in a Gaelic collection. Each section includes an introduction, a short biography of the poets, and support for the reader in the form of notes and a brief glossary for each poem.
Eadar Dà Sgeul – This book contains a selection of short stories in Gaelic, some of which have appeared in various publications over the years and some which have been newly written. Stòrlann chose stories that would be suitable for pupils in secondary schools to encourage them to think about the way the stories are written and to get enjoyment from this type of reading. Extension work for the stories can be found online at
Mar a chuala mise e – Who gives Christmas presents to children in Russia? How could you make a fortune from one grain of barley? Why do the Chinese have houses and willow trees painted on their crockery? Come with us across land and sea with this selection of stories from every corner of the globe and you will find the answers to these quetions, and much more too...
Ceàird an Sgrìobhaiche - A collection of more than 30 texts which can be used for Shared Reading and Shared Writing work in upper primary and lower secondary. The texts in the book are arranged in four sections: non-fiction, fiction, poetry and traditional Gaelic tales. There is background information about the source of the excerpt, a little about the type of writing, and information about the author. It suggests ways in which teachers can guide the pupils’ reading through conversation, drama and other activities. Also, it’s a resource which will give teachers ideas for general literature assignments, eg ways in which poetry from ‘Can gun robh’ or ‘Smeòrach Mi’ can be used.
SQA Past Papers - Official SQA Past Papers with Answers. Standard Grade - Gàidhlig/Gaelic (Learners) 2007-2010
Learners Preliminary Examinations - Gàidhlig and English CDs
Preliminary Examinations for Fluent Speakers - CDs
Fo Bhruid – Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous story, ‘Kidnapped’, retold in a modern day setting.
A’ Chorrag Chrosta – a Gaelic version of ‘The Magic Finger’ by Roald Dahl. This book is appropriate for upper primary and lower secondary.
Mus Tig An Oidhche – this is a story about friendship and loyalty. The friendship between Andrew, Iain and Màiri is tested to the extreme, and this leaves the three of them in real difficulty in highly unusual circumstances. This is a Gaelic version of ‘Before Night Falls’ by Keith Gray.
Dùbhlan an t-Srainnseir – Simon and Finlay were great friends. However, they didn’t really trust Dol-Angie, Finlay’s uncle, who had appeared in the village after being away for years. By doing a little investigation, the boys would find out for themselves whether he was a real rogue.
Cuach a’ charthannais – Ceit and Anna were very close, although Anna’s parents weren’t too happy about their friendship. When the opportunity arose in school, the girls, along with the other pupils, were enthusiastically raising money for charity. But what happened to Anna’s tin and who was to blame?
Mealladh – New Short Stories. This is a collection of engaging new short stories from new writers such as Karen Mackinnon and David Martin, and from experienced writers such as Donald John MacIver.
Dànaidh, Laoch an t-Saoghail – A Gaelic version of ‘Danny, the Champion of the World’ by Roald Dahl. This book is suitable for upper primary and lower secondary.
Other novels and Gaelic books published by Stòrlann can be seen at:
Roimhearan fillte
Na Diofar Thràthan
Is agus Bi
Ainmearan leis an Alt
Anns a bhaile (Ceumannan)
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
Faclair Matamataig – It was a request from pupils, teachers and parents for more guidance on the terminology used in the Heinemann Maths series which prompted us to compile this glossary. Gaelic learners and people working in the media had also expressed an interest in such a project. It is not long since Gaelic medium maths teaching began in the schools, and therefore we hope that we have made a start on a project which will be revised and developed as more and more maths resources become available.
Teejay Ìre B (5-14) - This volume covers Level B in the Mathematics 5-14 series. It is anticipated that pupils will take about a year to complete it. The book begins with Chapter 0 which gives a brief review of the topics covered at level A. This is a good preparation for them before they begin the work at Level B.
Teejay Ìre C (5-14) - This volume covers Level C in the Mathematics 5-14 series. It is anticipated that pupils will take about a year to complete it. The book begins with Chapter 0 which gives a brief review of the topics covered at level B. This is a good preparation for them before they begin the work at Level C.
Teejay Ìre D (5-14) - This attractive, colourful book covers everything that is required of pupils in order to achieve Level D within the Mathematics 5-14 framework. It is anticipated that it will take pupils about a year to complete. The first chapter in the book involves the pupils revisiting briefly all the topics dealt with at Level C. This will ensure the pupils are adequately prepared to tackle the tasks required at Level D.
TeeJay Ìre E (5-14) - This book covers Level E in the series Matamataig 5-14. It is expected that pupils will take about a year to complete it. At the beginning of the book is Chapter 0. In this section pupils do a quick revision of each topic they covered in Level D. This is good preparation for them before starting on Level E work.
Teejay Ìre F (5-14) - This volume covers Level F in the Mathematics 5-14 series. It is anticipated that pupils will take about a year to complete it. The book begins with Chapter 0 which gives a brief review of the topics covered at level E. This is a good preparation for them before they begin the work at Level F.
Poster: Dè an uair a tha e?
Poster: Cumaidhean
Poster: Clàr nan uireadan
Poster: Àireamhan 1 gu 100
Poster: Bloighean ● Deicheadan
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
Nuadh Eòlas AS1 – AS2: (Nelson Thornes/Stòrlann) - Modern Studies AS1–AS2 was awarded The Saltire Society TES Scotland Educational Publications Award for 2004 as the judges' choice of the best published non-fiction work for the Scottish school’s curriculum. This attractive, new edition of the book has been revised and contains new information. All that was relevant from the first publication has been retained and new units have been added to deal with interesting topics such as the functions of the Scottish Parliament and the effects of terrorism on our modern global society.
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
An Fhìdeag Albannach – Using this book, you can learn to read music, or you can learn tunes by numbers (or you can do both!).
This book is innovative in that both methods are side by side on the page.
In a short time you will be able to play simple tunes
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
Cuisean 1 – 5 - The Cùisean course is designed for use in consecutive years, but the format of the books is sufficiently flexible to allow teachers a choice of units. Since each unit is complete in itself, they can also be used by specialist subject teachers who are teaching the inter-subject themes separately, or by teams of teachers who teach them in an extended period on the timetable.
National Geographic – Obair nan Ceallan (Cells at Work)
Craiceann (Skin)
Fèithean (Muscles)
Fuil (Blood)
Cnàmhan (Bones)
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880
Leabhar an Sgoileir – Saidheansan Ìre 2 – Ìre 3 (Hodder Gibson/Stòrlann) - This book will be helpful for pupils achieving Experiences and Outcomes for the sciences at Level 2 and Level 3 of the Curriculum for Excellence. It is in three sections: Earth and Space, Energy and Forces, and Living Things and Life Processes. The information is presented in an attractive manner which will help to ensure pupils are able to progress in their knowledge and understanding of scientific topics.
Pupils are encouraged to ask questions about the environment so that they will have a better understanding and informed opinions about the world in which we live. Specific chapters deal with research skills and pupils will plan and carry out balanced experiments, and learn how they assess and record their results. The following useful sections are included in the chapters:
· Fiosrachadh bunaiteach: a summary of the information in the chapter
· Faclan feumail: important new vocabulary is explained
· Ceistean: questions and activities to reinforce learning
National Geographic – A series which tells how we use the Earth’s resources:
Roinn-cuain Ghraonlainn (Ocean Regions of Greenland)
Fàsaichean Astràilia (Deserts of Australia)
Coilltean-uisge Indonìsia (Rainforests of Indonesia)
Beanntan Pheru (Mountains of Peru)
National Geographic – Obair nan Ceallan (Cells at Work)
Craiceann (Skin)
Fèithean (Muscles)
Fuil (Blood)
Cnàmhan (Bones)
National Geographic – Beathaichean nan àrainn fhèin (Animals in Their Habitats)
Beathaichean a’ Chuain (Ocean Animals)
Beathaichean an Fhàsaich (Desert Animals)
Beathaichean na Coille-uisge (Rain Forest Animals)
Beathaichean na Coille (Forest Animals)
Pasgan Lùth Ath-nuadhachail (Renewable Energy Toolkit) - A pack with information, games and activities relating to learning about renewable energy, to give pupils an initial understanding of science and geography. It is intended for upper primary and lower secondary classes.
Daydream Science Level 2-3 - DVD - Daydream Education have combined their successful Science Posters with the latest Interactive Software to deliver a totally new teaching method. The Interactive Content Folders allow full interactivity with text, graphics, animations and quizzes.
Science Course Levels D-E - for whiteboard - This course was designed as a teacher-led resource for the white-board. It was developed on the basis of 5-14, but principles of the Curriculum for Excellence which had been published at the time of writing, were also included where possible.
Poster: Periodic Table of Elements
In progress:
Saidheans 5 – 14 Pupil’s Book S2 (Hodder Gibson/Stòrlann)
Sgeama Saidheans Ghlaschu
Resources from Stòrlann can be ordered on 01851 700 880