Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- cabhairn
- cavern
- n(m)
- cabhairn - cavern poss ccaverns - cabhairnean pl
- Subject: Geography
- cactas
- cactus
- n(m)
- cactas - cactus poss ccacti - cactasan plcactuses - cactasan pl
- Subject: Science
- cadmium
- cadmium
- n(m)
- cadmium - cadmium poss c
- cadmium ogsaid cadmium oxide
- cadmium sulfaid cadmium sulphide
- cealla cadmium cadmium cell
- puinnseanachadh cadmium cadmium poisoning
- Subject: Science
- caesium
- caesium
- n(m)
- caesium - caesium poss c
- caesium clòraid caesium chloride
- cloc caesium caesium clock
- Subject: Science
- caidheagadh
- kayaking
- n(m)
- caidheagaidh - kayaking poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralPhysical Education
- cailc
- chalk
- n(f)
- cailce - chalk poss cchalks - cailcean pl
- cailc phastail chalk pastel
- Subject: Art
- càileachd
- quality
- n(f)
- càileachd - quality poss c
- dearbhadh càileachd environmental quality survey
- suirbhidh càileachd àrainneachd quality assurance
- Subject: General
- Cailean
- Colin
- taigh Chailein Colin's house
- Subject: General
- Cailigearraidh
- Calligarry
- tuineachadh Chailigearraidh Calligarry settlement
- Subject: Geography
- cailleach-oidhche
- owl
- n(f)
- caillich-oidhche - owl poss cowls - cailleachan-oidhche pl
- Subject: Science
- cainnt-lann
- language laboratory
- n(f)
- cainnt-lainn - language laboratory poss clanguage laboratories - cainnt-lannan pl
- Subject: Language
- càirean
- palate
- n(m)
- càirein - palate poss cpalate - càireanan pl
- Subject: Science
- càirich
- plot
- vb
- càirich na puingean a leanas air clèith plot the following points on a grid
- Subject: Mathematics
- cairidh
- weir
- n(f)
- cairidh - weir poss cweirs - cairidhean pl
- Subject: Geography
- cairt
- cart
- n(f)
- cairte - cart poss ccarts - cairtean pl
- cuir don chairt add to cart
- thoir às a' chairt delete from cart
- Subject: Computing
- cairt
- card
- n(f)
- cairt(e) - card poss ccards - cairtean pl
- cairt dhidseatach digital card
- cairt-ceangail connection card
- cairt-comharraidh notation card
- cairt-creideis credit card
- cairt-dùbhlain challenge card
- cairt-fhigearan digit card
- cairtean didseatach digital cards
- cairtean-ceangail connection cards
- cairtean-dùbhlain challenge cards
- cairtean-fhigearan digit cards
- Subject: Mathematics
- cairt sionoptaig
- synoptic chart
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- cairt-bhòrd
- cardboard
- n(f)
- cairt-bhùird - cardboard poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- cairt-creideis
- credit card
- n(f)
- cairt-creideis - credit card poss ccredit cards - cairtean-creideis pl
- Subject: General
- cairt-iùil
- chart
- n(f)
- cairt-iùil - chart poss ccharts - càirtean-iùil pl
- atlasan, mapaichean, càirtean-iùil agus planaichean atlases, maps, charts and plans
- cairt sionoptaig synoptic chart
- Subject: Geography
- cairteal
- quarter
- n(m)
- cairteil - quarter poss cquarters - cairtealan pl
- cairteal an dèidh quarter past
- cairteal gu quarter to
- co-chothromachd cairteal-chuartail quarter turn symmetry
- dà chairteal two quarters
- trì cairtealan three quarters
- trì chairteal three quarters
- Subject: Mathematics
- cairteal
- quartile
- n(m)
- cairteil - quartile poss cquartiles - cairtealan pl
- cairteal àrd upper quartile
- cairteal ìosal lower quartile
- eadar-chairtealach interquartile
- leth-raon eadar-chairtealach semi-interquartile range
- Subject: Mathematics
- cairteal
- quadrant
- n(m)
- cairteil - quadrant poss cquadrants - cairtealan pl
- an 2ra cairteal 2nd quadrant
- a’ 1d chairteal 1st quadrant
- Subject: Mathematics
- cairtealaich
- quarter
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cairtealaichte
- quartered
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- caisead
- gradient
- n(m)
- caiseid - gradient poss cgradients - caiseadan pl
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- Caiseal
- Cashel
- Subject: Geography
- Caisleán an Bharraigh
- Castlebar
- Subject: Geography
- caisteal
- castle
- n(m)
- caisteil - castle poss ccastles - caistealan plcastles - caisteil pl
- Caisteal Leòdhais Lews Castle
- Colaisde a' Chaisteil Lews Castle College
- Subject: Geography
- Caisteal Dhùghlais
- Castle Douglas
- crannagan Caisteal Dhùghlais crannogs of Castle Douglas
- Subject: Geography
- caith
- spend
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- caitheadair
- consumer
- n(m)
- caitheadair - consumer poss cconsumers - caitheadairean pl
- Subject: Science
- caitheamh
- consumption
- n(m/f)
- caitheimh - consumption poss c
- beus-eòlas caitheimh ethics of consumption
- caitheamh ola oil consumption
- Subject: General
- caitheamh
- degradation
- n(m/f)
- caitheimh - degradation poss c
- caitheimh bhruaichean degradation of river banks
- Subject: Geography
- caitheamh
- erosion
- n(m/f)
- caitheimh - erosion poss c
- caitheamh ceimigeach chemical erosion
- caitheamh haidreolaig hydraulic erosion
- Subject: Geography
- cala
- harbour
- n(m)
- calaidh - harbour poss charbours - calachan pl
- Subject: Geography
- Cala Ros Láir
- Rosslare Harbour
- Subject: Geography
- caladh
- harbour
- n(m)
- calaidh - harbour poss charbours - calaidhean pl
- Subject: Geography
- Calafòrnia
- California
- n(f)
- Chalafòrnia - California poss c
- leòmhann-mara Chalafòrnia Californian sea lion
- Subject: Geography
- calafòrnium
- californium
- n(m)
- calafòrnium - californium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Calanais
- Callanish
- tursachan Chalanais Callanish standing stones
- Subject: Geography
- calaraidh
- calorie
- n(m)
- calaraidh - calorie poss ccalories - calaraidhean pl
- Subject: GeographyScienceHome EconomicsPhysical EducationPersonal and Social Education
- Calasraid
- Callander
- club goilf Chalasraid Callander golf club
- Subject: Geography
- calcium
- calcium
- n(m)
- calcium - calcium poss c
- calcium carbonat calcium carbonate
- calcium clòraid calcium chloride
- calcium fluaraid calcium fluoride
- Subject: Science
- call
- loss
- n(m)
- call(a) - loss poss closses - call pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- callaid
- hedgerow
- n(f)
- callaid(e) - hedgerows poss chedgerows - callaidean pl
- Subject: Geography
- callaid
- hedge
- n(f)
- callaid(e) - hedge poss chedges - callaidean pl
- Subject: Geography
- Callainn
- Callan
- Subject: Geography
- calypso
- calypso
- n(m)
- calypso - calypso poss ccalypsos - calypsothan pl
- Subject: Music
- camag
- bracket
- n(m)
- camaig - bracket poss cbrackets - camagan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Camarùn
- Cameroon
- n(m/f)
- Chamarùn - Cameroon poss c
- Poblachd Chamarùn Republic of Cameroon
- Subject: Geography
- camas
- gulf
- n(m)
- camais - gulf poss cgulfs - camais plgulfs - camasan pl
- Camas Mheagsago Gulf of Mexico
- Sruth a' Chamais Gulf Stream
- Subject: Geography
- Cambodia
- Cambodia
- n(m/f)
- Chambodia - Cambodia poss c
- faichean Chambodia plains of Cambodia
- Subject: Geography
- càmhal
- camel
- n(m)
- càmhail - camel poss ccamels - càmhail pl
- càmhal Aràbianach Arabian camel
- Subject: Science
- camomhail
- camomile
- n(m)
- camomhail - camomile poss c
- Subject: Science
- Canada
- Canada
- n(f)
- Chanada - Canada poss c
- feallsanachd nan Stàitean Aonaichte agus Chanada philosophy of United States and Canada
- roinnean Chanada regions of Canada
- Subject: Geography
- canadh
- chant
- n(m)
- canaidh - chant poss cchants - canaidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- canadh-eaglaise
- plainsong
- n(m)
- canadh-eaglaise - plainsong poss cplainsongs - canaidhean-eaglaise pl
- Subject: Music
- Canaigh
- Canna
- Eilean Chanaigh Isle of Canna
- Subject: Geography
- canàl
- canal
- n(m)
- canàil - canal poss ccanals - canàlaichean pl
- An Canàl Cailleannach Caledonian Canal
- Canàl Phanama Panama Canal
- Canàl Shuez Suez Canal
- uisge (a') c(h)anàil water of (the) canal
- Subject: Geography
- cànan
- language
- n(m/f)
- cànain - language poss clanguages - cànanan pl
- a' cleachdadh eòlas mu chànan using knowledge about language
- àrainneachd nuadh -chànanan coimheach modern foreign languages environment
- cànanan clasaigeach classical languages
- cànanan dùthchasach native languages
- cànanan soidhne sign languages
- nuadh-chànanan modern languages
- Subject: Language
- cànanachas
- linguistics
- n(m)
- cànanachais - linguistics poss c
- cleachdadh àbhaisteach agus cànanachas gnìomhach standard usage and applied linguistics
- eòlas-dualchainnt agus cànanachas eachdraidheil dialectology and historical linguistics
- Subject: General
- Canèidianach
- Canadian
- adj
- ubhlan Canèidianach Canadian apples
- Subject: Geography
- Canèidianach
- Canadian
- n(m)
- Canèidianaich - Canadian poss cCanadians - Canèidianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- cangarù
- kangaroo
- n(m)
- cangarù - kangaroo poss ckangaroos - cangarùthan pl
- radan cangarù kangaroo rat
- Subject: Science
- canon
- canon
- n(m)
- canon - canon poss ccanons - canonan pl
- Subject: Music
- cantàta
- cantata
- n(f)
- cantàta - cantata poss ccantatas - cantàtathan pl
- seinn is cluiche cantàta cantata singing and playing
- Subject: Music
- canù
- canoe
- n(m)
- canù - canoe poss ccanoes - canuthaichean pl
- Subject: GeographyPhysical EducationGeneral
- canzona
- canzona
- n(f)
- canzona - canzona poss ccanzonas - canzonathan pl
- Subject: Music
- caochladair
- variable
- n(m)
- caochladair - variable poss cvariables - caochladairean pl
- ann an 4x, is e 4 an co-èifeachdair agus x an caochladair in 4x, 4 is the coefficient and x is the variable
- Subject: Mathematics
- caochladh
- variation
- n(m)
- caochlaidh - variation poss cvariations - caochlaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- caogad
- fifty
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- caol
- acute
- adj
- ceàrn caol acute angle
- Subject: Mathematics
- Caol Acain
- Kyleakin
- cidhe Chaol Acain Kyleakin pier
- Subject: Geography
- Caol Bhòid
- Sound of Bute
- n(m)
- uisge Caol Bhòid water of Sound of Bute
- Subject: Geography
- Caol Loch Aillse
- Kyle of Lochalsh
- n(m)
- stèisean Caol Loch Aillse Kyle of Lochalsh station
- Subject: Geography
- Caol Muile
- Sound of Mull
- n(m)
- uisge Caol Muile water of (the) Sound of Mull
- Subject: Geography
- caolan
- gut
- n(m)
- caolain - gut poss cguts - caolain pl
- Subject: Science
- caolan
- intestine
- n(m)
- caolain - intestine poss cintestines - caolain plintestines - caolanan pl
- balla a' chaolain intestinal wall
- caolan beag small intestine
- caolan mòr large intestine
- tinneas caolain intestinal illness
- Subject: Science
- caolan a' bhìdh
- alimentary tract
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- caolan beag
- small intestine
- n(m)
- caolain bhig - small intestine poss csmall intestines - caolain bheaga pl
- Subject: Science
- caolan mòr
- large intestine
- n(m)
- caolain mhòir - large intestine poss clarge intestines - caolain mhòra pl
- Subject: Science
- caolas
- channel
- n(m)
- caolais - channel poss cchannels - caolais pl
- Caolas Shasainn The English Channel
- Subject: Geography
- caolas
- sound
- n(m)
- caolais - sound poss csounds - caolais pl
- Caolas na Hearadh Sound of Harris
- Caolas Yell Yell Sound
- Subject: Geography
- caolas
- strait
- n(m)
- caolais - strait poss cstraits - caolais pl
- Caolas Dhover Strait of Dover
- Caolas Mhenai Menai Strait
- leud a' chaolais width of the strait
- leud caolais width of a strait
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas Bhreannain
- Kilbrannan Sound
- n(m)
- uisge Caolas Bhreannain water of Kilbrannan Sound
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas Bhristol
- Bristol Channel
- n(m)
- Caolas Bhristol - Bristol Channel poss c
- soithichean ann an Caolas Bhristol ships in the Bristol Channel
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas Dhòrnaich
- Dornoch Firth
- n(m)
- uisge Caolas Dhòrnaich water of (the) Dornoch Firth
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas Dhover
- Strait of Dover
- n(m)
- Caolas Dhover - Strait of Dover poss c
- tha Caolas Dhover eadar Sasainn agus an Fhraing The Strait of Dover is between England and France
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas Mhenai
- Menai Strait
- n(m)
- uisge Caolas Mhenai Menai Strait water
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas na Hearadh
- Sound of Harris
- n(m)
- aiseag Caolas na Hearadh Sound of Harris ferry
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas Reachlainn
- Rathlin Sound
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas St George
- St George's Channel
- n(m)
- Caolas St George - St George's Channel poss c
- tha Caolas St George eadar Èirinn agus a' Chuimrigh St George's Channel is between Wales and Ireland
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas St George
- St George's Channel
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas Thoraigh
- Tory Sound
- Subject: Geography
- Caolas Yell
- Yell Sound
- n(m)
- Uisge Caolas Yell Water of Yell Sound
- Subject: Geography
- caora
- sheep
- n(f)
- caorach - sheep poss csheep - caoraich pl
- a' geamhrachadh chaorach wintering sheep
- caora a' cnàmh a cìr a sheep chewing the cud
- cù-chaorach sheepdog
- tuathanachas chaorach-monaidh hill sheep farming
- Subject: GeographyGeneralScience
- car
- rotation
- n(m)
- cuir - rotation poss crotations - caran pl
- caran nan cuibhlichean rotation of the wheels
- tionndadh na talmhainn rotation of the earth
- Subject: Science
- car
- turn
- n(m)
- car - turn poss cturns - caran pl
- car tuathal anti-clockwise turn
- caran ann an iomadan de 45° turns in multiples of 45°
- leth-char half turn
- Subject: Mathematics
- carabhaidh
- boyfriend
- n(m/f)
- carabhaidh - boyfriend poss cboyfriends - carabhaidhean pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- carabhaidh
- girlfriend
- n(m/f)
- carabhaidh - girlfriend poss cgirlfriends - carabhaidhean pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- carabu
- caribou
- n(m)
- carabu - caribou poss ccaribous - carabuthan pl
- Subject: Geography
- caragal
- caracal
- n(m)
- caragail - caracal poss ccaracals - caragalan pl
- Subject: Science
- càraid
- duo
- n(f)
- càraid(e) - duo poss cduos - càraidean pl
- ran na càraid the duo's song
- Subject: Music
- caraidh
- weir
- n(m)
- caraidh - weir poss cweirs - caraidhean pl
- caraidh-aibhne weir (on a river)
- Subject: Geography
- carbaid
- carbide
- n(f)
- carbaid - carbide poss c
- tungstan carbaid tungsten carbide
- Subject: Science
- carbohaidreat
- carbohydrate
- n(m)
- carbohaidreit - carbohydrate poss ccarbohydrates - carbohaidreatan pl
- Subject: Science
- carbon
- carbon
- n(m)
- carbon - carbon poss ccarbons - carbonan pl
- carbon dà-ogsaid carbon dioxide
- carbon dà-shulfaid carbon disulphide
- cìs carbon carbon tax
- làrach-carbon carbon footprint
- màthair-carbon carbon source
- sinc carbon dà-ogsaid carbon dioxide sink
- sneachd carbon dà-ogsaid carbon dioxide snow
- Subject: Science
- carbonach
- carbonic
- adj
- searbhag charbonach carbonic acid
- Subject: GeographyScience
- carbonachadh
- carbonation
- n(m)
- carbonachaidh - carbonation poss c
- Subject: GeographyScience
- carbonat
- carbonate
- n(m)
- carbonait - carbonate poss ccarbonates - carbonatan pl
- calcium carbonat calcium carbonate
- Subject: Science
- Cardaf
- Cardiff
- n(m)
- Chardaf - Cardiff poss c
- Oilthigh Chardaf Cardiff University
- Subject: Geography
- Caribbeanach
- Caribbean
- adj
- am Pleata Caribbeanach Caribbean Plate
- Subject: Geography
- Càrn Eighe
- Carn Eighe
- n(m)
- mullach Chàrn Eighe peak of Carn Eighe
- Subject: Geography
- Càrn Fheusta
- Carnoustie
- raointean-goilf Chàrn Fheusta Carnoustie golf courses
- Subject: Geography
- Càrn Rìoghain
- Cairnryan
- aiseag Chàrn Rìoghain Cairnryan ferry
- Subject: Geography
- càrnan
- cockroach
- n(m)
- càrnain - cockroach poss ccockroaches - càrnain pl
- càrnan-siosarnaich Mhadagascar Madagascan hissing cockroach
- Subject: Science
- Carnlach
- Carnlough
- Subject: Geography
- carragh
- pillar
- n(f)
- carraigh - pillar poss cpillars - carraighean pl
- carragh-triantanachaidh triangulation pillar
- còig carraighean Islam five pillars of Islam
- Subject: General
- carragh-triantanachaidh
- triangulation pillar
- n(f)
- carraigh-triantanachaidh - triangulation pillar poss ctriangulation pillars - carraighean-triantanachaidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- Carraig Fhearghais
- Carrickfergus
- Subject: Geography
- Carraig Mhachaire Rois
- Carrickmacross
- Subject: Geography
- Carraig na Siúire
- Carrick-on-Suir
- Subject: Geography
- carran
- shrimp
- n(m)
- carrain - shrimp poss cshrimps - carrain pl
- carran fìor-uisge freshwater shrimp
- carran-mara brine shrimp
- Subject: Science
- carthannach
- benevolent
- adj
- Subject: General
- carthannas
- charity
- n(m)
- carthannais - charity poss ccharities - carthannasan pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- cartùn
- cartoon
- n(m)
- cartùn - cartoon poss ccartoons - cartùnaichean pl
- Subject: General
- casachain
- leggings
- n(pl)
- casachan - leggings poss cleggings - casachain pl
- dath nan casachan the colour of the leggings
- trì pàidhrichean chasachan three pairs of leggings
- Subject: Home Economics
- casachan
- pedal
- n(m)
- casachain - pedal poss cpedals - casachain pl
- Subject: Music
- Casagstan
- Kazakhstan
- n(m/f)
- Chasagstan - Kazakhstan poss c
- Poblachd Chasagstan Republic of Kazakhstan
- Subject: Geography
- casaid-cùirte
- law suit
- n(f)
- casaid-cùirte - law suit poss claw suits - casaidean-cùirte pl
- Subject: Modern Studies
- casg
- disable
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- casg-breith
- abortion
- n(m)
- casg-breith - abortion poss cabortions - casgan-breith pl
- Subject: ScienceGeographyPersonal and Social Education
- casg-gin
- contraception
- n(m)
- casg-gin - contraception poss c
- Subject: ScienceGeographyPersonal and Social Education
- casg-gin
- birth control
- n(m)
- casg-gin - birth control poss c
- dòighean casg-gin birth control methods
- Subject: ScienceGeographyPersonal and Social Education
- casg-searbhaig
- antacid
- n(m)
- casg-searbhaig - antacid poss cantacids - casgan-searbhaig pl
- Subject: Science
- casgte
- disabled
- adj
- riaghladh dì-chomasaichte disabled control
- Subject: Computing
- Cataibh
- Sutherland
- Chataibh - Sutherland poss c
- Diùc Chataibh Duke of Sutherland
- Subject: Geography
- catailist
- catalyst
- n(m)
- catailist - catalyst poss ccatalysts - catailistean pl
- Subject: Science
- Catalan
- Catalan
- adj
- Subject: Language
- Catalan
- Catalan
- n(m)
- Catalan - Catalan poss c
- cruinneachaidhean ann am Fraingis, Occitan agus Catalan collections in French, Occitan and Catalan
- litreachasan Catalan Catalan literatures
- Subject: Language
- catalog
- catalogue
- n(m)
- catalog - catalogue poss ccatalogues - catalogan pl
- catalogan a rèir ùghdair, deit, agus eile catalogues arranged by author, date, etc.
- catalogan chuspairean choitcheann general subject catalogues
- catalogan fhaclairean dictionary catalogues
- Subject: General
- Catàr
- Qatar
- n(m/f)
- Chatàr - Qatar poss c
- beairteas Chatàr wealth of Qatar
- Subject: Geography
- cath
- battle
- n(m)
- catha - battle poss cbattles - cathan plbattles - cathannan pl
- ann am meadhan a' chatha in the midst of battle
- Subject: General
- cathair
- chair
- n(f)
- cathrach - chair poss cchairs - cathraichean pl
- bean na cathrach chairwoman
- bean-chathrach chairwoman
- cathair daibìotas (oilthigh) chair in diabetes (university)
- cathraiche chairperson
- fear na cathrach chairman
- fear-cathrach chairman
- neach-cathrach chairperson
- Subject: General
- Cathair Chaladain
- Kirkaldy
- baile Chathair Chaladain town of Kirkaldy
- Subject: Geography
- Cathair Cheann Tulaich
- Kirkintilloch
- talla-baile Chathair Cheann Tulaich Kirkintilloch town Hall
- Subject: Geography
- Cathair na Mart
- Westport
- Subject: Geography
- Cathair Saidhbhin
- Cahirsiveen
- Subject: Geography
- cathair-eaglais
- cathedral
- n(f)
- cathair-eaglais(e) - cathedral poss ccathedrals - cathair-eaglaisean pl
- Subject: GeographyReligious and Moral Education
- catharra
- civil
- adj
- An t-Seirbheis Chatharra The Civil Service
- cogadh catharra civil war
- còraichean catharra civil rights
- cùirt chatharra civil court
- einnseanaireachd chatharra civil engineering
- gluasad nan còraichean catharra civil rights movement
- iomairt nan còraichean catharra civil rights campaign
- lagh catharra civil law
- modh-obrach catharra civil procedure
- saorsa chatharra civil liberty
- seirbheis chatharra civil service
- seirbheiseach catharra civil servant
- Subject: Modern Studies
- Catriona
- Catherine
- Catriona Mhòr Catherine the Great
- Subject: General
- cead-cleachdaidh
- license
- n(m)
- cead-chleachdaidh - license poss clicenses - ceadan-cleachdaidh pl
- cùmhnantan cead-cleachdaidh license terms
- Subject: Computing
- cead-dealbhachaidh
- planning consent
- n(m)
- cead-dealbhachaidh - planning consent poss c
- Subject: Geography
- ceadaich
- allow
- vb
- liosta cead - allow list poss c
- Subject: Computing
- ceàird
- trade
- n(f)
- ceàirde - trade (craft) poss ctrades (crafts) - ceàirdean pl
- aonadh-ciùird trade union
- Subject: General
- ceàird
- craft
- n(f)
- ceàirde - craft poss ccrafts - ceàirdean pl
- "Ceàird an Sgrìobhaiche" "Writer's Craft"
- ceàird agus deilbh craft and design
- clachan-ciùird craft village
- Clachan-ciùird Bhaile na Cille Balnakeil Craft Village
- Subject: General
- ceàird agus deilbh
- craft and design
- Subject: Technical
- cealla
- cell
- n(m)
- cealla - cell poss ccells - ceallan pl
- beatha agus ceallan life and cells
- bun-cheallan stem cells
- cealla uighe egg cell
- cealla-fala blood cell
- cealla-sìl sperm cell
- ceallan neo-speisealta non-specialised cells
- ceallan speisealta specialised cells
- meamran cealla cell membrane
- rannsachadh bun-cheallach stem cell research
- roinneadh cheallan cell division
- stuth cealla cell tissue
- Subject: Science
- Ceanannas
- Kells (Kilkenny)
- Subject: Geography
- ceangail
- attach
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- ceangail
- connect
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- ceangail
- link
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceangal
- connection
- n(m)
- ceangail - connection poss cconnections - ceangalan pl
- ceangal lìn web connection
- Manaidsear Ceangail Connection Manager
- Subject: Computing
- ceangal
- link
- n(m)
- ceangail - link poss clinks - ceangalan pl
- bàr ceangail link bar
- ceangal beò live link
- ceangalan neo-fhaicsinneach invisible links
- Subject: Computing
- ceangal
- junction
- n(m)
- ceangail - junction poss cjunctions - ceangalan pl
- Subject: Technical
- ceangal
- link
- n(m)
- ceangail - link poss clinks - ceangalan pl
- ciùban-ceangail linking cubes
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceangal
- relationship
- n(m)
- ceangail - relationship poss crelationships - ceangalan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceangalachan
- attachment
- n(m)
- ceangalachain - attachment poss cattachments - ceangalachain pl
- Subject: Computing
- ceann
- heading
- n(m)
- cinn - heading poss cheadings - cinn pl
- Subject: Computing
- Ceann a' Bhràist
- Kinbrace
- Bun-sgoil Cheann a' Bhràist Kinbrace Primary School
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann a' Gheàrr-Loch
- Garelochead
- baile Ceann a' Gheàrr-Loch village of Garelochead
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann a' Ghiùthsaich
- Kingussie
- baile Cheann a' Ghiùthsaich town of Kingussie
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann an Chairn
- Carnsore Point
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Caillí
- Hags Head
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Cléire
- Cape Clear
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Léime
- Loop Head
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Léime
- Slyne Head
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Loch Chille Chiarain
- Campbeltown
- caladh Ceann Loch Chille Chiarain Campbeltown harbour
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Loch Èireann
- Lochearnhead
- Geamannan Gàidhealach Ceann Loch Èireann Lochearnhead Highland Games
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Loch Gilb
- Lochgilphead
- Ionad-spòrs Ceann Loch Gilb Lochgilphead Sports Centre
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Loch Lìobhann
- Kinlochleven
- ionad-sreap Ceann Loch Lìobhann Kinlochleven climbing centre
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Locha
- Kinloch
- muinntir Cheann Locha people of Kinloch
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann na Creige
- Kennacraig
- aiseag Cheann na Creige Kennacraig ferry
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Phàdraig
- Peterhead
- baile Cheann Phàdraig town of Peterhead
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Rois
- Kinross
- muinntir Cheann Rois people of Kinross
- Subject: Geography
- Ceann Toirc
- Kanturk
- Subject: Geography
- ceann-bliadhna
- birthday
- n(m)
- cinn-bliadhna - birthday poss cbirthdays - cinn-bliadhna pl
- chunnaic i iomadh ceann-bliadhna she saw many birthdays
- Subject: General
- ceann-latha
- date
- n(m)
- cinn-latha - date poss cdates - cinn-latha pl
- seach an ceann-latha past sell-by date
- Subject: General
- ceann-rèile
- terminal
- cinn-rèile - terminal poss cterminals - cinn-rèile pl
- Subject: Geography
- ceann-theacsa
- header
- n(m)
- ceann-theacsa - header poss cheaders - ceann-teacsaichean pl
- cuir a-steach ceann-theacsa insert header
- Subject: Computing
- ceanna-bhaile
- capital city
- n(m)
- ceanna-bhaile - capital city poss ccapital cities - ceanna-bhailtean pl
- Subject: Geography
- ceanna-bhrat
- canopy
- n(m)
- ceanna-bhrat - canopy poss ccanopies - ceanna-bhratan pl
- Subject: Geography
- ceannaich
- buy
- vb
- ceannaich a-nis buy now
- Subject: Computing
- ceannaiche
- retailer
- n(m)
- ceannaiche - retailer poss cretailers - ceannaichean pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ceannard
- leader
- n(m)
- ceannaird - leader poss cleaders - ceannardan pl
- ceannardan agus buidhnean leaders and organizations
- Subject: General
- ceannard
- head
- n(m)
- ceannaird - head poss cheads - ceannardan pl
- ceannard buidheann rannsachaidh head of research group
- ceannard ghoireasan daonna head of human resources
- ceannard leasachaidh head of development
- ceannard roinne head of department
- ceannard sheirbheisean head of services
- ceannard-sgoile headteacher
- Subject: General
- ceannasach
- dominant
- adj
- 7mh còrd ceannasach dominant 7th chord
- sgèile cheannasach dominant scale
- Subject: Music
- ceap
- fret
- n(m)
- ceapa - fret poss cfret - ceapan pl
- Subject: Music
- Ceap Verde
- Cape Verde
- n(m/f)
- Cheap Verde - Cape Verde poss c
- Eileanan Cheap Verde Islands of Cape Verde
- Subject: Geography
- ceap-deighe
- ice cap
- n(m)
- cip-deighe - ice cap poss cice caps - ceapan-deighe pl
- ceapan-deighe pòlarach polar ice caps
- Subject: Geography
- Cearara
- Kerrera
- Eilean Chearara Isle of Kerrera
- Subject: Geography
- cearban
- shark
- n(m)
- cearbain - shark poss csharks - cearbain pl
- cearban mòr geal great white shark
- Subject: Science
- cearc
- chicken
- n(f)
- circe - chicken poss c
- cearc-fhraoich grouse
- Subject: Home Economics
- cearc
- hen
- n(f)
- circe - hen poss chens - cearcan pl
- taigh-chearc hen-house
- Subject: Science
- cearc-fhraoich
- grouse
- n(f)
- circe-fraoich - grouse poss cgrouse(s) - cearcan-fraoich pl
- Subject: Science
- cearc-ghainmhich
- sandgrouse
- n(f)
- circe-gainmhich - sandgrouse poss csandgrouse - cearcan-gainmhich pl
- Subject: Science
- cearcall
- circle
- n(m)
- cearcaill - circle poss ccircles - cearcaill plcircles - cearcallan pl
- aodann cearcaill circle face
- cearcall cuairt-chearcallaichte circle inscribed in a circle
- cearcall cuartaichte inscribed circle
- cearcall in-chearnagach circle inscribed in a square
- cearcall in-thriantanach circle inscribed in a triangle
- leth-chearcall semicircle
- pàtran cearcallach circle pattern
- tansaint cearcaill tangent to a circle
- Subject: Mathematics
- cearcall
- cycle
- n(m)
- cearcaill - cycle poss ccycles - cearcaill pl
- cearcall a’ bheathachaidh nutrient cycle
- cearcall-bìdh food cycle
- Subject: ScienceGeographyHome Economics
- Cearcall Teine a’ Chuain Shèimh
- Pacific Ring of Fire
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- cearcall-thomhas
- circumference
- n(m)
- cearcaill-thomhais - circumference poss ccircumferences - cearcall-thomhasan pl
- cearcall-thomhas crutha circumference of a solid
- Subject: Mathematics
- cearcallach
- circular
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- cearcallaiche
- compasses
- n(m)
- cearcallaiche - compasses poss ccompasses - cearcallaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceàrn
- angle
- n(m)
- ceàirn - angle poss cangles - ceàrnan pl
- air fhiaradh; air a fiaradh at an angle
- ceàrn caol acute angle
- ceàrn ceart right angle
- ceàrn co-fhreagarrach corresponding angle
- ceàrn co-leasachail supplementary angle
- ceàrn co-phàirteach complementary angle
- ceàrn farsaing obtuse angle
- ceàrn fosgailte reflex angle
- ceàrn, co-chothromachd agus eadar-nochdadh angle, symmetry and transformation
- ceàrn-àrdachaidh angle of elevation
- ceàrn-bualaidh angle of incidence
- ceàrn-fiaraidh angle of refraction
- ceàrn-ìsleachaidh angle of depression
- ceàrnan mu choinneamh (a chèile) vertically opposite angles
- ceàrnan-mu-seach alternate angles
- dlùth-cheàrn adjacent angle
- feuchadair cheàrnan cearta right angle tester
- meud a' cheàirn size of the angle
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceàrnag
- square
- n(f)
- ceàrnaig - square poss csquares - ceàrnagan pl
- ceàrnag chuairt-chearcallaichte inscribed square (in a circle)
- ceàrnag iomadachaidh multiplication square
- ceàrnag sheunta magic square
- lagh nan ceàrnagan mùiteach inverse square law
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceàrnagach
- square
- adj
- àireamh cheàrnagach (1, 4, 9) square number
- aodainn chearnagach square faces
- aodann ceàrnagach square face
- aonad ceàrnagach square unit
- aonadan ceàrnagach square units
- ceudameatair ceàrnagach square centimetre
- cilemeatair ceàrnagach square kilometre
- cliath-dhotagan cheàrnagach square dot grid
- freumh ceàrnagach square root
- freumhan ceàrnagach square roots
- pàipear ceàrnagach squared paper
- pioramaid le bonn ceàrnagach square based pyramid
- troigh cheàrnagach square foot
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceàrnagaich
- square
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceàrnagaichte
- squared
- adj
- àireamh cheàrnagaichte (\( 3^2, 7^2 \)) squared number
- claonadh ceàrnagaichte squared deviation
- faidean ceàrnagaichte squared lengths
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceàrnaidh
- locale
- n(f)
- ceàrnaidhean - locale poss clocales - ceàrnaidh pl
- Subject: Computing
- ceàrnaidh
- area
- n(f)
- ceàrnaidh - area poss careas - ceàrnaidhean pl
- buidhnean ann an ceàrnaidhean eile organisations in other geographic areas
- ceàrnaidh thogalaichte built-up area
- cruinn-eòlas, agus siubhal ann an ceàrnaidhean eile geography of and travel in other areas
- eachdraidh cheàrnaidhean eile history of other areas
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an ceàrnaidhen eile? history of Christianity in other areas
- feallsanachd ann an ceàrnaidhean eile philosophy in other geographic areas
- lagh uachdranasan agus cheàrnaidhean sònraichte law of specific jurisdictions and areas
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an ceàrnaidhean eile newspapers in other geographic areas
- saidhseansan talmhainn cheàrnaidhean eile earth sciences of other areas
- Sìona agus ceàrnaidhean mun cuairt China and adjacent areas
- staitistigs choitcheann cheàrnaidhean eile general statistics of other areas
- Subject: Geography
- ceàrnan mu choinneamh (a chèile)
- vertically opposite angles
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceàrnanach
- quadratic
- adj
- co-aontar ceàrnanach quadratic equation
- fuincsean ceàrnanach quadratic function
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceart
- right
- adj
- ceàrn ceart right angle
- feuchadair cheàrnan cearta right angle tester
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceart-cheàrnach
- rectangle
- n(m)
- ceart-cheàrnaich - rectangle poss crectangles - ceart-cheàrnachan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceart-cheàrnach (ri)
- perpendicular (to)
- adj
- letheadair ceart-cheàrnach perpendicular bisector
- loidhne cheart-cheàrnach perpendicular line
- tarraing loidhne cheart-cheàrnach suas bhon phuing A draw a perpendicular line up from point A
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceart-cheàrnach(ail)
- right-angled
- adj
- triantan ceart-cheàrnach(ail) right-angled triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceart-cheàrnachail
- rectangular
- adj
- cumaidhean ceart-cheàrnachail rectangular shapes
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceartachadh
- adjustment
- n(m)
- ceartachaidh - adjustment poss cadjustments - ceartachaidhean pl
- anns an fhoirmle \( 3^{n - 2} \) airson na nmh teirm, is e -2 an ceartachadh in the formula \( 3^{n - 2} \) for the nth term, -2 is the adjustment
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceartaich
- adjust
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceartas
- justice
- n(m)
- ceartais - justice poss c
- ceartas sòisealta social justice
- Subject: General
- Ceatharlach
- Carlow
- Subject: Geography
- ceatharnach
- tough guy
- n(m)
- ceatharnaich - tough guy poss ctough guys - ceatharnaich pl
- Subject: General
- ceathrad
- forty
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceathramh
- fourth
- adj
- an ceathramh fear/tè the fourth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- Ceilteach
- Celtic
- adj
- am Muir Ceilteach Celtic Sea
- cànanan Ceilteach Celtic languages
- litreachasan Ceilteach Celtic literatures
- Subject: Language
- ceimig
- chemical
- n(f)
- ceimig - chemical poss cchemicals - ceimigean pl
- biadh gun cheimigean chemical free food
- ceimigean cunnartach hazardous chemicals
- ceimigean fuadain artificial chemicals
- ceimigean gnìomhachais industrial chemicals
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- ceimigeach
- chemical
- adj
- cogadh ceimigeach chemical warfare
- eileamaid cheimigeach chemical element
- einnseanaireachd cheimigeach chemical engineering
- iom-obrachadh ceimigeach chemical reaction
- iom-obrachaidhean ceimigeach chemical reactions
- Subject: Science
- Ceimigeachd
- Chemistry
- n(f)
- Ceimigeachd - Chemistry poss c
- Ceimigeachd agus saidheansan co-cheangailte Chemistry and allied sciences
- Ceimigeachd anailiseach Analytical chemistry
- Ceimigeachd fhàs-bheairteach Organic chemistry
- Ceimigeachd fhiosaigeach Physical chemistry
- Ceimigeachd neo-fhàs-bheairteach Inorganic chemistry
- ceum ceimigeachd chemistry degree
- deuchainn-lann ceimigeachd chemistry laboratory
- foirmle ceimigeachd chemistry formula
- Subject: Science
- Ceinia
- Kenya
- n(m/f)
- Cheinia - Kenya poss c
- cànanan Cheinia languages of Kenya
- Subject: Geography
- cèir
- wax
- n(f)
- cèire - wax poss c
- a' cur cèir air mo chasan waxing my legs
- cèir gnìomhachais industrial waxes
- clàr-sgrìobhaidh cèire wax writing tablet
- stiall cèire wax strip
- Subject: General
- cèis
- envelope
- n(f)
- cèise - envelope poss cenvelopes - cèisean pl
- Subject: General
- ceist
- question
- n(f)
- ceistean - question poss cquestions - ceistean pl
- ceistean cumanta frequently asked questions
- Subject: General
- ceist
- problem
- n(f)
- ceiste - problem poss cproblems - ceistean pl
- a' fuasgladh cheistean doirbh solving complex problems
- ceist-àireamhan number problem
- ceist-teacsa word problem
- fuasgladh cheistean problem solving
- fuasgladh cheistean agus rannsachadh problem solving and enquiry
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceist
- query
- n(f)
- ceiste - query poss cqueries - ceistean pl
- Subject: General
- ceisteachan
- questionnaire
- n(m)
- ceisteachain - questionnaire poss cquestionnaires - ceisteachain pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ceistean
- quiz
- n(f)
- cheistean - quiz poss cquizes - ceistean pl
- Subject: Computing
- Cèitean
- May
- n(m)
- Cèitein - May poss c
- 26 Cèitean 26 May
- 26mh (An) Cèitean 26th of May
- an 26mh dhen Chèitean 26th of May
- an Cèitean May
- an siathamh latha fichead / air fhichead dhen Chèitean the twenty-sixth of May
- Cèit May
- Latha (Buidhe) Bealltainn May Day
- latha anns a' Chèitean a day in May
- meadhan a' Chèitein middle of May
- Subject: General
- ceithir
- four
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceithir-cheàrnach
- quadrilateral
- n(m)
- ceithir-cheàrnaich - quadrilateral poss cquadrilaterals - ceithir-cheàrnachan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceithir-cheàrnach(ail)
- quadrilateral
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceithir-deug
- fourteen
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- cello
- cello
- n(f)
- cello - cello poss ccellos - cellothan pl
- a' cluiche na cello playing the cello
- Subject: Music
- ceòl
- music
- n(m)
- ciùil - music poss c
- ceòl binn sweet music
- ceòl Clasaigeach Classical music
- ceòl do ghuthan singilte music for single voices
- ceòl folk folk music
- ceòl guthach vocal music
- ceòl pop pop music
- ceòl seòmrach chamber music
- ceòl tuairisgeul programme music
- ceòl-turchairt chance music
- clas ciùil music class
- corra-cheòl incidental music
- ionnsramaid ciùil musical instrument
- seastan-ciùil music stand
- Subject: Music
- ceòl pop
- pop
- n(m)
- ceòl pop - pop poss c
- Subject: Music
- ceòl-càraid
- duet
- n(m)
- ciùil-càraid - duet poss cduets - ceòl-chàraid(ean) pl
- a' cluiche ceòl-càraid playing a duet
- Subject: Music
- ceòl-taic
- accompaniment
- n(m)
- ciùil-taic - accompaniment poss caccompaniments - ceòl-taic(ean) pl
- meud ciùil-taic extent of accompaniment
- Subject: Music
- ceòladaireachd
- musicianship
- n(f)
- ceòladaireachd - musicianship poss c
- deagh cheòladaireachd good musicianship
- Subject: Music
- ceòlann
- orchestra
- n(f)
- ceòlainn - orchestra poss corchestras - ceòlainn pl
- Subject: Music
- Ceres
- Ceres
- n(m)
- Ceres - Ceres poss c
- Subject: Science
- cerium
- cerium
- n(m)
- cerium - cerium poss c
- meatailtean cerium cerium metals
- Subject: Science
- ceud
- hundred
- n(m)
- ceud - hundred poss chundreds - ceudan pl
- ceudan, deichean agus aonadan hundreds, tens and units
- Roinnidhean nan Ceud The Hundred Divisions
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceud
- hundred
- adj
- ceud mìle hundred thousand
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceudachd
- percentile
- n(f)
- ceudachd - percentile poss cpercentiles - ceudachdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceudad
- percentage
- n(m)
- ceudaid - percentage poss cpercentages - ceudadan pl
- ceudad de na prothaidean a percentage of the profits
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceudadach
- percentage
- adj
- àrdachadh ceudadach percentage increase
- ìsleachadh ceudadach percentage decrease
- lùghdachadh ceudadach percentage decrease
- meudachadh ceudadach percentage increase
- reat ceudadach bliadhnail annual percentage rate (APR)
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceudagram
- centigram
- n(m)
- ceudagram - centigram poss ccentigrams - ceudagraman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceudaliotair
- centilitre
- n(m)
- ceudaliotair - centilitre poss ccentilitres - ceudaliotairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceudameatair
- centimetre
- n(m)
- ceudameatair - centimetre poss ccentimetres - ceudameatairean pl
- ceudameatair ceàrnagach square centimetre
- ceudameatair ceàrnagaichte squared centimetre
- ceudameatair ciùbach cubic centimetre
- ceudameatair ciùbaichte cubed centimetre
- ciùban ceudameatair centimetre cubes
- pàipear ceàrnagach ceudameatair centimetre squared paper
- rùilear ceudameatair centimetre ruler
- teip ceudameatair centimetre tape
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceudamh
- hundredth
- adj
- an ceudamh fear/tè the hundredth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- ceum-marcachd
- bridleway
- n(m)
- cèim-marcachd - bridleway poss cceuma-marcachd - bridleway poss cbridleways - ceuman-marcachd plbridleways - ceumannan-marcachd pl
- Subject: Geography
- ceum-tarraing
- towpath
- n(m)
- ceuma-tarraing - towpath poss ctowpaths - ceuman-tarraing pltowpaths - ceumannan-tarraing pl
- Subject: Geography
- chaconne
- chaconne
- n(f)
- chaconne - chaconne poss cchaconnes - chaconneathan pl
- Subject: Music
- Chad
- Chad
- n(m/f)
- Chad - Chad poss c
- riaghaltas Chad government of Chad
- Subject: Geography
- chagra
- chagra
- n(m)
- chagra - chagra poss cchagra - chagrathan pl
- Subject: Geography
- Chan eil
- No
- adv
- Subject: Computing
- Chile
- Chile
- n(m/f)
- Chile - Chile poss c
- muinntir Chile people of Chile
- Subject: Geography
- chorale
- chorale
- n(m)
- chorale - chorale poss cchorales - choraleathan pl
- Subject: Music
- ciad
- first
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ciad-fàth
- sense
- n(f)
- ciad-fàth - sense poss csenses - ciad-fàthan pl
- a' cleachdadh mo chiad-fàthan using my senses
- Subject: General
- ciad-fhiacail
- milk tooth
- n(f)
- ciad-fhiacla - milk tooth poss cmilk teeth - ciad-fhiaclan pl
- Subject: Science
- ciamar a tha thu?
- how are you
- Subject: General
- cidhe
- quay
- n(m)
- cidhe - quay poss cquays - cidheachan pl
- Cidhe na h-Innse Meadowside Quay
- Subject: Geography
- cile-uat
- kilowatt
- n(m)
- cile-uat - kilowatt poss ckilowatts - cile-uatan pl
- Subject: Science
- cileagram
- kilogram
- n(m)
- cileagram - kilogram poss ckilograms - cileagraman pl
- cg kg
- Subject: Mathematics
- cilemeatair
- kilometre
- n(m)
- cilemeatair - kilometre poss ckilometres - cilemeatairean pl
- cilemeatair ceàrnagach square kilometre
- km km
- Subject: Mathematics
- Cill Airne
- Killarney
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Ala
- Killala
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Chainnigh
- Kilkenny
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Chaoi
- Kilkee
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Chaoil
- Kilkeel
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Dalua
- Killaloe
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Dara
- Kildare
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Mhantáin
- Wicklow
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Mhic Réanáin
- Kilmacrenan
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Rìmhinn
- St Andrews
- Oilthigh Chill Rìmhinn University of St Andrews
- Subject: Geography
- Cill Rois
- Kilrush
- Subject: Geography
- Cille Bhrìghde an Ear
- East Kilbride
- baile Chille Bhrìghde an Ear town of East Kilbride
- Subject: Geography
- Cille Chuimein
- Fort Augustus
- eachdraidh Chille Chuimein history of Fort Augustus
- Subject: Geography
- Cille Chuithbeirt
- Kirkcudbright
- eachdraidh Chille Chuithbeirt history of Kirkcudbright
- Subject: Geography
- Cille Mheàrnaig
- Kilmarnock
- baile Chille Mheàrnaig town of Kilmarnock
- Subject: Geography
- Cille MoLuaig
- Kilmoluag
- sìde Chille MoLuaig Kilmoluag weather
- Subject: Geography
- cineataig
- kinetic
- adj
- lùth cineataig kinetic energy
- Subject: Science
- Cinn Tìre
- Kintyre
- Maol Chinn Tìre Mull of Kintyre
- Subject: Geography
- cinne-daonna
- humankind
- n(m)
- cinne-daonna - humankind poss c
- Subject: General
- cinneadail
- racial
- adj
- leth-bhreith chinneadail racial discrimation
- Subject: General
- cinneadh
- race
- n(m)
- cinnidh - race poss craces - cinnidhean pl
- co-ionannachd cinnidh race equality
- Subject: General
- cinneadh
- surname
- n(m)
- cinnidh - surname poss csurnames - cinnidhean pl
- Subject: General
- cinnidheach
- ethnic
- adj
- Subject: General
- cinnidheachd
- ethnicity
- n(f)
- cinnidheachd - ethnicity poss cethnicities - cinnidheachdan pl
- Subject: General
- cinnteachas
- determinism
- n(m)
- cinnteachais - determinism poss c
- cinnteachas agus neo-chinnteachas determinism and indeterminism
- Subject: General
- cìobair
- shepherd
- n(m)
- cìobair - shepherd poss cshepherds - cìobairean pl
- Subject: General
- cìoch
- boob
- n(f)
- cìche - boob poss cboobs - cìochan pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- cìoch
- breast
- n(f)
- cìche - breast poss cbreasts - cìochan pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- ciombal
- cymbal
- n(f)
- ciombail - cymbal poss ccymbals - ciombalan pl
- a' cluiche nan ciombal playing the cymbals
- Subject: Music
- cion-cosnaidh
- unemployment
- n(m)
- cion-cosnaidh - unemployment poss c
- cion-cosnaidh àrd high unemployment
- cion-cosnaidh ìosal low unemployment
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- Cionn tSáile
- Kinsale
- Subject: Geography
- Cìopras
- Cyprus
- n(m/f)
- Chìoprais - Cyprus poss c
- Eilean Chìoprais Island of Cyprus
- Subject: Geography
- ciorram
- disability
- n(m)
- ciorraim - disability poss cdisabilities - ciorram pl
- co-òrdanaiche taic luchd-ciorraim disability support coordinator
- Subject: General
- cìs
- tax
- n(f)
- cìse - tax poss ctaxes - cìsean pl
- bann-cìse tax band
- bliadhna-cìse tax year
- cìs carbon carbon tax
- cìs luach leasaichte (VAT) value added tax (VAT)
- cìs-cosnaidh income tax
- cuibhreann-cìse tax allowance
- lagh chìsean tax law
- Subject: Mathematics
- cìs
- charge
- n(f)
- cìse - charge poss ccharges - cìsean pl
- cìsean dùmhlachd congestion charges
- cìsean parcaidh parking charges
- Subject: Geography
- cìs-bhuailteach
- taxable
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- cìs-cosnaidh
- income tax
- n(f)
- cìs-cosnaidh - income tax poss cincome taxes - cìsean-cosnaidh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ciùb
- cube
- n(m)
- ciùb - cube poss ccubes - ciùban pl
- ciùb-ceangail linking cube
- ciùban cm cm cubes
- ciùban-ceangail linking cubes
- lìon ciùb net of a cube
- meadhan-chiùb centred cube
- Subject: Mathematics
- Ciùba
- Cuba
- n(m/f)
- Chiùba - Cuba poss c
- eileanan Chiùba islands of Cuba
- Subject: Geography
- ciùbach
- cubic
- adj
- ceudameatair ciùbach cubic centimetre
- freumh ciùbach cubic root
- fuincsean ciùbach cubic function
- Subject: Mathematics
- ciùbaich
- cube
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ciùbaichte
- cubed
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ciùbaid
- cuboid
- n(f)
- ciùbaid(e) - cuboid poss ccuboids - ciùbaidean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàbaraiche
- scavenger
- n(m)
- clàbaraiche scavenger
- clàbaraichean scavengers
- Subject: Geography
- clabhacord
- clavichord
- n(f)
- clabhacord - clavichord poss cclavichords - clabhacordan pl
- Subject: Music
- clach
- rock
- n(f)
- cloiche - rock poss crocks - clachan pl
- clach atharrachail metamorphic rock
- clach bhog soft rock
- clach bholcànach volcanic rock
- clach chruaidh hard rock
- clach chruaidh resistant rock
- clach dhrùidhteach permeable rock
- clach ghrùideach sedimentary rock
- clach neo-dhrùidhteach impermeable rock
- clach theinnteach igneous rock
- cruas cloiche rock hardness
- cuairt nan clachan rock cycle
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- clach
- stone
- n(f)
- cloiche - stone poss cstones - clachan pl
- clach cuaraidh quarried stone
- Linn na Cloiche Stone Age
- Subject: TechnicalScienceGeography
- clach atharrachail
- metamorphic rock
- n(f)
- cloiche atharrachail - metamorphic rock poss cmetamorphic rocks - clachan atharrachail pl
- feart cloiche atharrachail metamorphic rock property
- feartan cloiche atharrachail metamorphic rock properties
- Subject: Science
- clach chruaidh
- resistant rock
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyScience
- clach ghrùideach
- sedimentary rock
- n(f)
- cloiche grùidich - sedimentary rock poss csedimentary rocks - clachan grùideach pl
- feart cloiche grùidich sedimentary rock property
- feartan cloiche grùidich sedimentary rock properties
- Subject: Science
- clach theinnteach
- igneous rock
- n(f)
- cloiche teinntich - igneous rock poss cigneous rocks - clachan teinnteach pl
- feart cloiche teinntich igneous rock property
- feartan cloiche teinntich igneous rock properties
- Subject: Science
- Clach Ward
- Ward's Stone
- n(f)
- Clach Ward - Ward's Stone poss c
- àirde Clach Ward height of Ward's Stone
- Subject: Geography
- clach-aoil
- limestone
- n(f)
- cloiche-aoil - limestone poss climestones - clachan-aoil pl
- àrd-thalamh clach-aoil limestone upland
- cabhsair clach-aoil limestone pavement
- clach-aoil àrd-thalamh upland limestone
- clach-aoil charbonach carboniferous limestone
- Subject: Geography
- clach-ghràin
- granite
- n(f)
- cloich-ghràin - granite poss c
- Subject: Geography
- clach-mheallain
- hail
- n(f)
- cloiche-meallain - hail poss chail - clachan-meallain pl
- Subject: Geography
- clach-mheallain
- hailstone
- n(f)
- cloiche-meallain - hailstone poss chailstones - clachan-meallain pl
- Subject: Geography
- clach-mheinnir
- ore
- n(f)
- cloich-mheinnir - ore poss cores - clachan-mheinnir pl
- clach-mheinnir iarainn iron ore
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- clachair
- stonemason
- n(m)
- clachair - stonemason poss cstonemasons - clachairean pl
- Subject: Technical
- clachaireachd
- stonework
- n(f)
- clachaireachd - stonework poss c
- Subject: Technical
- Clachan an Fhamhaire
- Giant's Causeway
- Subject: Geography
- cladach
- seashore
- n(m)
- cladaich - seashore poss cseashores - cladaichean pl
- neo-dhruim-altachain cladaich seashore invertebrates
- Subject: Science
- cladach
- shore
- n(m)
- cladaich - shore poss cshores - cladaichean pl
- cladaichean Loch Fìn shores of Loch Fyne
- eileanan bhon chladach offshore islands
- neo-dhruim-altachain cladaich seashore invertebrates
- Subject: Science
- cladh
- cemetry
- n(m)
- cladha - cemetry poss cclaidh - cemetry poss ccemeteries - cladhan plcemeteries - cladhannan pl
- deilbh-tìre chladhan landscape design of cemeteries
- Subject: General
- clag-glainne
- bell jar
- n(m)
- claig-glainne - bell jar poss cbell jars - clagan-glainne pl
- mullach a' chlaig-gloinne the top of the bell jar
- Subject: Science
- claigeann
- skull
- n(m)
- claiginn - skull poss cskulls - claigeannan plskulls - claiginn plskulls - claignean pl
- Subject: Science
- claigeann-eòlas
- phrenology
- n(m)
- claigeann-eòlais - phrenology poss c
- Subject: General
- clàirneid
- clarinet
- n(f)
- clàirneid(e) - clarinet poss cclarinets - clàirneidean pl
- Subject: Music
- clann
- children
- n(f)
- cloinne - children poss c
- a' cur taic ri ionnsachadh chloinne supporting children's learning
- clann air fògradh evacuee children
- còraichean chloinne children's rights
- Cùmhnantan UN air Còraichean Chloinne UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- cùram chloinne child care
- Dìon Chloinne Child Protection
- sochair chloinne child benefit
- togail chloinne child rearing
- triùir chloinne three children
- Subject: General
- claon
- slope
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- claon
- sloping
- adj
- an taobh claon the sloping side
- aodann claon sloping face
- Subject: Mathematics
- claon
- dense
- adj
- Subject: General
- claon-bhreith
- prejudice
- n(f)
- claon-bhreith - prejudice poss cprejudices - claon-bhreithean pl
- gun chlaon-bhreith without prejudice
- Subject: General
- claon-bhreitheach
- prejudiced
- adj
- Subject: General
- claonadh
- slope
- n(m)
- claonaidh - slope poss cslopes - claonaidhean pl
- lorg claonadh na loidhne AB find the slope of the line AB
- Subject: Mathematics
- claonadh
- deviation
- n(m)
- claonaidh - deviation poss cdeviations - claonaidhean pl
- claonadh àbhaisteach standard deviation
- claonadh ceàrnagaichte squared deviation
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr
- register
- n(m)
- Subject: Computing
- clàr
- table
- n(m)
- clàir - table poss ctables - clàir pltables - clàran pl
- clàr àireamhan tuaireamach random number table
- clàr dà-shligheach two-way table
- clàr nan uireadan times table
- clàr-ama timetable
- clàr-triceid frequency table
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr
- record
- vb
- Subject: General
- clàr
- chart
- n(m)
- clàir - chart poss ccharts - clàran pl
- clàr stoc-is-duilleach stem-and-leaf chart
- clàr stoc-is-duilleach cùl-ri-cùl back-to-back stem-and-leaf chart
- clàr-àireamhan number chart
- clàr-cearcaill pie chart
- clàr-cholbhan bar chart
- clàr-cholbhan fillte compound bar chart
- clàr-cholbhan-loidhne bar line chart
- clàr-shràcan tally chart
- clàr-srutha flowchart
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr
- record
- n(m)
- clàir - record poss crecords - clàir plrecords - clàran pl
- Manaidsear Chlàran Oileanach Student Records Manager
- Oifigear Trèanaidh Chlàran Oileanach Student Records Training Officer
- Subject: General
- clàr
- array
- n(m)
- clàir - array poss carrays - clàran pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Clár Chlainne Mhuiris
- Claremorris
- Subject: Geography
- clàr nan uireadan
- times table
- n(m)
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-ama
- timetable
- n(m)
- clàir-ama - timetable poss ctimetables - clàir-ama pltimetables - clàran-ama pl
- clàr-ama thachartasan timetable of events
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-amais
- index
- n(m)
- clàir-amais - index poss cindexes - clàran-amais pl
- Subject: General
- clàr-bhioran
- pegboard
- n(m)
- clàir-bhioran - pegboard poss cpegboards - clàran-bhioran pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-bìdh
- menu
- n(m)
- clàir-bìdh - menu poss cmenus - clàran-bìdh pl
- Subject: General
- clàr-cearcaill
- pie chart
- n(m)
- clàir-cearcaill - pie chart poss cpie chart - clàir-cearcaill pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-cholbhan
- bar chart
- n(m)
- clàir-cholbhan - bar chart poss cbar charts - clàran-cholbhan pl
- clàr-cholbhan fillte compound bar chart
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-cluiche
- playlist
- n(m)
- clàir-cluiche - playlist poss cplaylists - clàran-cluiche pl
- roghainn bhon chlàr-cluiche choice from the playlist
- Subject: Computing
- clàr-dèante
- ready reckoner
- n(m)
- clàir-dhèante - ready reckoner poss cready reckoners - clàran-dèante pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-dhealbhan
- pictogram
- n(m)
- clàir-dhealbhan - pictogram poss cpictograms - clàran-dhealbhan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-fhiacail
- incisor
- n(f)
- clàr-fhiacla - incisor poss cincisors - clàr-fhiaclan pl
- Subject: Science
- Clàr-innse
- Contents
- n(m)
- Clàir-innse Contents
- Clàran-innse Contents
- Subject: Computing
- clàr-innse
- table of contents
- n(m)
- clàir-innse - table of contents poss ctables of contents - clàran-innse pl
- cuir a-steach clàr-innse insert table of contents
- Subject: Computing
- clàr-iùil
- key
- n(m)
- clàir-iùil - key poss ckeys - clàran-iùil pl
- clàr càraideach paired statement key
- clàr dà-shligheach binary key
- clàr geugach branched key
- clàr sreathach lateral key
- clàran bith-eòlasach biological keys
- Subject: Science
- clàr-leabhraichean
- bibliography
- n(m)
- clàir-leabhraichean - bibliography poss cbibliographies - clàran-leabhraichean pl
- clàran-leabhraichean de dh'obraichean air cuspairean sònraichte bibliographies of works on specific subjects
- clàran-leabhraichean de dh'obraichean bho àiteachan sònraichte bibliographies of works from specific places
- clàran-leabhraichean dhaoine fa leth bibliographies of individuals
- Subject: General
- clàr-notaireachd
- grid notation
- n(f)
- clàr-notaireachd - grid notation poss c
- Subject: Music
- clàr-sgrìobhaidh
- writing tablet
- n(m)
- clàir-sgrìobhaidh - writing tablet poss cwriting tablets - clàran-sgrìobhaidh pl
- clàr-sgrìobhaidh cèire wax writing tablet
- Subject: History
- clàr-shràcan
- tally chart
- n(m)
- clàir-shràcan - tally chart poss ctally charts - clàir-shràcan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-srutha
- flowchart
- n(f)
- clàir-shrutha - flowchart poss cflowcharts - clàran-srutha pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàr-ùine
- timesheet
- n(m)
- clàir-ùine - timesheet poss ctimesheets - clàir-ùine pltimesheets - clàran-ùine pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàrachadh
- registration
- n(m)
- clàrachaidh - registration poss c
- clàrachadh a' fosgladh aig 9m registration opens at 9am
- Subject: General
- clàrachadh
- tabulation
- n(m)
- clàrachaidh - tabulation poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralMathematics
- clàradh
- recording
- n(m)
- clàraidh - recording poss crecordings - clàraidhean pl
- clàradh de dh'agallamh recording of an interview
- Subject: General
- clàradh
- record
- n(m)
- clàraidh - record poss crecords - clàraidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàraich
- register
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- clàraich
- record
- vb
- Subject: General
- clàraich
- register
- vb
- clàraich ann an seo register here
- Subject: General
- clàraich
- array
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàraich
- tabulate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàraichte
- registered
- adj
- Subject: General
- clàraichte
- arrayed
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàraichte
- recorded
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- clàraichte
- tabulated
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- clas
- class
- n(m)
- clas - class poss cclasses - clasaichean pl
- beàrn clas class interval
- Subject: General
- clàs
- clause
- n(m)
- clàs - clause poss cclauses - clàsaichean pl
- a' chiad deich clàsaichean the first ten clauses
- Subject: General
- clasaigeach
- classical
- adj
- àbhachdas agus aoireadh Greugais chlasaigeach classical Greek humour and satire
- an linn Chlasaigeach Classical period
- bàrdachd agus ficsean eapaig Greugais chlasaigeach classical Greek epic poetry and fiction
- bàrdachd dhramataigeach agus dràma Ghreugais chlasaigeach classical Greek dramatic poetry and drama
- bàrdachd Ghreugais Chlasaigeach classical Greek poetry
- bàrdachd lirig Ghreugais chlasaigeach classical Greek lyric poetry
- cànanan Greugach; Greugais chlasaigeach Hellenic languages; classical Greek
- ceòl Clasaigeach Classical music
- cleachdadh na Greugais chlaisigich classical Greek usage
- cleachdadh na Laidinn chlasaigich classical Latin usage
- faclairean Greugais chlasaigeach classical Greek dictionaries
- faclairean Laideann chlasaigeach classical Latin dictionaries
- freumh-fhaclachd na Greugais chlasaigich classical Greek etymology
- freumh-fhaclachd na Laidinn chlasaigich classical Latin etymology
- gràmar Laideann chlasaigeach classical Latin grammar
- gràmar na Greugais chlasaigich classical Greek grammar
- Greugais ro-chlasaigeach agus iar-chlasaigeach preclassical and postclassical Greek
- litreachasan Greugach; Greugais chlasaigeach Hellenic literatures; classical Greek
- litreachasan Greugais, clasaigeach agus nuadh classical and modern Greek literatures
- litrichean Greugais chlasaigeach classical Greek letters
- meacanaigs clasaigeach; meacanaigs teann-stuth classical mechanics; solid mechanics
- na cànanan Greugach, clasaigeach agus nuadh classical and modern Greek languages
- òraidean Greugais chlasaigeach classical Greek speeches
- seann Laideann, Laideann iar-chlasaigeach agus choitcheann old, postclassical and vulgar Latin
- sgrìobhaidhean measgaichte Greugais chlasaigeach classical Greek miscellaneous writings
- siostam sgrìobhaidh agus foneòlas na Greugais chlasaigich classical Greek writing system and phonology
- siostam sgrìobhaidh agus foneòlas na Laidinn chlasaigich classical Latin writing system and phonology
- Subject: General
- cleachd
- apply
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cleachdadair
- user
- n(m) / n
- cleachdadair - user poss cusers - cleachdadairean pl
- cleachdadairean-fearainn dùthchail rural land users
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- cleachdadh
- application
- n(m)
- cleachdaidh - application poss capplications - cleachdaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cleachdadh
- custom
- n(m)
- cleachdaidh - custom poss ccustoms - cleachdaidhean pl
- cleachdaidhean bàis death customs
- cleachdaidhean cogaidh agus dioplòmasaidh customs of war and diplomacy
- cleachdaidhean coitcheann general customs
- cleachdaidhean cuairt-beatha agus beatha na dachaigh customs of life cycle and domestic life
- cleachdaidhean, modhan agus beul-aithris customs, etiquette and folklore
- Subject: General
- cleachdadh
- observance
- n(m)
- cleachdaidh - observance poss cobservances - cleachdaidhean pl
- cleachdadh Crìosdail Christian observance
- cleachdaidhean Crìosdail ann am beatha teaghlaich Christian observances in family life
- Crìosdaidheachd: gnàthas agus cleachdadh Christian practice and observance
- cumail creideimh religious observance
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- cleachdadh
- practice
- n(m)
- cleachdaidh - practice poss cpractices - cleachdaidhean pl
- cleachdadh co-obrachail collaborative practice
- cleachdadh stèidhte air fianais evidence based practice
- cleachdadh stèidhte air fianais evidence informed practice
- cleachdaidhean seasmhach sustainable practices
- compàirteachadh cleachdaidh sharing practice
- Subject: General
- cleachdadh
- usage
- n(m)
- cleachdaidh - usage poss cusages - cleachdaidhean pl
- cleachdadh àbhaisteach standard usage
- cleachdadh na Laidinn chlasaigich classical Latin usage
- cleachdadh stèidhichte na Gearmailtis standard German usage
- Subject: General
- cleachdadh
- use
- n(m) / n
- cleachdaidh - use poss cuses - cleachdaidhean pl
- cleachdadh-fearainn land use
- còmhstri cleachdadh-fearainn land use conflict
- sònaichean cleachdadh-fearainn land use zones
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- cleachdadh airson buannachd
- exploitation
- n phr
- Subject: General
- cleachdaidhean seasmhach
- sustainable practices
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- cleaf
- clef
- n(m)
- cleaf - clef poss cclefs - cleafan pl
- àrd-chleaf treble clef
- beus-chleaf bass clef
- comharran cleaf clef symbols
- Subject: Music
- clèireach
- presbyterian
- adj
- an Eaglais Shaor Chlèireach the Free Presbyterian Church
- clèireach, ath-leasaichte agus coitheanalach presbyterian, reformed and congregational
- eaglais chlèireach a presbyterian church
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- clì
- left
- adj
- sgamhan clì left lung
- tionndaidh gu do làimh chlì turn left
- Subject: General
- cliabh
- ribcage
- n(m)
- clèibh - ribcage poss cribcages - clèibh pl
- Subject: Science
- cliabh
- thorax
- n(m)
- clèibh - thorax poss cthoraces - clèibh pl
- Subject: Science
- cliabh asnaichean
- ribcage
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- Cliara
- Clare Island
- Subject: Geography
- cliath
- grid
- n(f)
- clèith(e) - grid poss cgrids - cliathan pl
- cliath-dhotagan dot grid
- cliath-dhotagan ceàrnagach square dot grid
- cliath-dhotagan isomeatrach isometric dot grid
- cliath-dhuilleag spreadsheet
- cliath-lorg reference grid
- còd-clèithe grid code
- comharra-clèithe grid reference
- comharra-clèithe ceithir-figearan four-figure grid reference
- comharra-clèithe sia-figearan six-figure grid reference
- loidhne-clèithe grid line
- puing-clèithe grid point
- Subject: Mathematics
- cliath
- stave
- n(m)
- clèithe - stave poss cstaves - cliathan pl
- Subject: Music
- cliath-dhuilleag
- spreadsheet
- n(f)
- cliath-dhuilleig(e) - spreadsheet poss cspreadsheets - cliath-dhuilleagan pl
- Subject: Computing
- cliath-lorg
- reference grid
- n(f)
- clèith-lorg - reference grid poss creference grids - cliathan-lorg pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cliatha(i)ch
- side
- n(f)
- cliathaich - side poss csides - cliathaichean pl
- dealbh-cliathaich side elevation
- sealladh-cliathaich side view
- Subject: Mathematics
- cliog
- click
- n(m)
- cliog - click poss cclicks - cliogan pl
- aon chliog single click
- cliog dùbailte double click
- le aon chliog with one click
- Subject: Computing
- cliog
- click
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- clionaigeach
- clinical
- adj
- goireas rannsachadh clionaigeach clinical research facility
- nurs rannsachadh clionaigeach clinical research nurse
- rannsachadh clionaigeach clinical research
- Subject: General
- cliont
- clint
- cliont - clint poss cclints - cliontaichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- cliop
- clip
- n(m)
- cliop - clip poss cclip - cliopaichean pl
- cliop bùird board clip
- cliopaichean bùird board clips
- Subject: Technical
- clò
- font
- n(m)
- clò - font poss cfonts - clòthan pl
- Subject: Computing
- clò-bhuail
- print
- vb
- dreach clò-bhualaidh print version
- ro-shealladh clò-bhualaidh print preview
- Subject: Computing
- clò-bhuailte
- printed
- adj
- leabhraichean clò-bhuailte printed books
- leubailean clò-bhuailte printed labels
- Subject: General
- clò-bhualadair
- printer
- n(m)
- clò-bhualadair - printer poss cprinters - clò-bhualadairean pl
- dreach clò-bhualadair printer friendly version
- Subject: Computing
- clò-bhualadh
- printing
- n(m)
- clò-bhualaidh - printing poss c
- clò-bhualadh agus gnìomhan co-cheangailte printing and related activities
- Subject: Computing
- cloc-stad
- stop-clock
- n(m)
- cloc-stad - stop-clock poss cstop-clocks - clocaichean-stad pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- clogaid
- helmet
- n(m/f)
- clogaid - helmet poss chelmets - clogaidean pl
- clogaid Lochlannach Viking helmet
- clogaid-dìona crash helmet
- Subject: History
- Cloich na Coillte
- Clonakilty
- Subject: Geography
- clòimh-liath
- mould
- n(f)
- clòimhe-liath - mould poss cmoulds - clòimhean-liath pl
- Subject: Science
- clòimh-liathach
- mouldy
- adj
- Subject: Science
- Clóirtheach
- Clara
- Subject: Geography
- clòraid
- chloride
- n(m)
- clòraid - chloride poss cchlorides - clòraidean pl
- calcium clòraid calcium chloride
- haidridean clòraid hydrogen chloride
- mearcair clòraid mercury chloride
- Subject: Science
- clòrain
- chlorine
- n(m)
- clòrain - chlorine poss c
- Subject: Science
- clòrofail
- chlorophyll
- n(m)
- clòrofail - chlorophyll poss c
- Subject: Science
- clòroplast
- chloroplast
- n(m)
- clòroplast - chloroplast poss cchloroplasts - clòroplastan pl
- Subject: Science
- Cluain Aodha
- Clonee
- Subject: Geography
- Cluain Eois
- Clones
- Subject: Geography
- Cluain Meala
- Clonmel
- Subject: Geography
- Cluainín
- Manorhamilton
- Subject: Geography
- cluaran
- thistle
- n(m)
- cluarain - thistle poss cthistles - cluarain pl
- Subject: Science
- cluas
- ear
- n(f)
- cluaise - ear poss cears - cluasan pl
- broinn na cluaise inside the ear
- canàl na cluaise ear canal
- canàlan leth-chearcallach (na cluaise) semi-circular canals (of the ear)
- cluas a-muigh outer ear
- cluas a-staigh inner ear
- druma na cluaise eardrum
- meadhan na cluaise middle ear
- òrd na cluaise malleus
- seòmar na cluaise vestibule (of the ear)
- stiorap na cluaise stapes
- taobh a-muigh na cluaise outside the ear
- Subject: Science
- club
- club
- n(m)
- club - club poss cclubs - clubaichean pl
- club camanachd shinty club
- club goilf golf club
- club iasgaich fishing club
- club òigridh youth club
- clubaichean coitcheann general clubs
- Subject: General
- cluich
- play
- vb
- cluich an geama play the game
- Subject: Computing
- cluich
- perform
- vb
- cluich an ionnsramaid play the instrument
- Subject: Music
- cluich a-nis
- playback
- imp
- Subject: Computing
- cluicheadair
- player
- n(m)
- cluicheadair - player poss cplayers - cluicheadairean pl
- a' chiad chluicheadair the first player
- Subject: Computing
- cluicheadair Flash
- Flash player
- n(m)
- cluicheadair Flash - Flash player poss cFlash players - cluicheadairean Flash pl
- Subject: Computing
- cnàimh
- bone
- n(m)
- cnàimhe - bone poss ccnàmha - bone poss cbones - cnàimhean plbones - cnàmhan pl
- cnàimh teamparail temporal bone
- Subject: Science
- cnàimh-droma
- spine
- n(m)
- cnàimh-droma - spine poss cspines - cnàimhean-droma plspines - cnàmhean-droma pl
- còrd an droma spinal chord
- Subject: Science
- cnàimh-iteach
- ray-finned
- adj
- iasg cnàimh-iteach ray-finned fish
- Subject: Science
- cnàimheag-droma
- vertebra
- n(f)
- cnàimheig-droma - vertebra poss cvertebrae - cnàimheagan-droma pl
- Subject: Science
- cnàmh
- digest
- vb
- a' cnàmh biadh digesting food
- a' cnàmhadh biadh digesting food
- cnàmh do bhiadh digest your food
- Subject: Science
- cnàmh-bìdh
- digestion
- n(m)
- cnàimh-bìdh - digestion poss c
- caora a' cnàmh a cìr a sheep chewing the cud
- Subject: Science
- cnàmhaidh
- digestive
- adj
- ball-cnàmhaidh digestive organ
- beirmear cnàmhaidh digestive enzyme
- siostam cnàmhaidh digestive system
- siostam iom-fhillte a’ chnàmhaidh the complex digestive system
- Subject: Science
- cnò-dharaich
- acorn
- n(f)
- cnò-daraich - acorn poss cacorns - cnothan-daraich pl
- Subject: Science
- cnoc
- hill
- n(m)
- cnuic - hill poss chills - cnocan plhills - cnuic pl
- Cnoc na Croiche Gallows Hill
- Subject: Geography
- Cnoc Bréanainn
- Brandon Mountain
- Subject: Geography
- Cnoc an Tóchair
- Knocktopher
- Subject: Geography
- Cnoc Brown Clee
- Brown Clee Hill
- n(m)
- Cnoc Brown Clee - Brown Clee Hill poss c
- 'S e Cnoc Brown Clee an cnoc as àirde ann an Shropshire Brown Clee Hill is the highest hill in Shropshire
- Subject: Geography
- Cnoc Fola
- Bloody Foreland
- Subject: Geography
- Cnoc Mhuire
- Knock
- Subject: Geography
- co-amail
- simultaneous
- adj
- atharrachadh co-amail simultaneous variation
- co-aontaran co-amail simultaneous equations
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-aontar
- equation
- n(m)
- co-aontair - equation poss cequations - co-aontaran pl
- abairtean agus co-aontaran expressions and equations
- co-aontar Cartesianach Cartesian equation
- co-aontar ceàrnanach quadratic equation
- co-aontar dà-cheum two-step equation
- co-aontar diofarail differential equation
- co-aontar diofarail den dàrna òrdugh second order differential equation
- co-aontar ioma-theirmeach polynomial equation
- co-aontaran co-amail simultaneous equations
- co-aontaran parameatrach parametric equations
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-astarail
- equidistant
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chasach
- isosceles
- adj
- triantan co-chasach isosceles triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-cheangail
- link
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-cheangailte
- composite
- adj
- cruthan co-cheangailte composite solids
- cumadh co-cheangailte composite shape
- cumaidhean co-cheangailte composite shapes
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-cheangailte
- linked
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-cheangailte
- related
- adj
- àiteachas agus teicneòlasan co-cheangailte agriculture and related technologies
- An Eaglais Mheatodach agus eaglaisean co-cheangailte Methodist and related churches
- clò-bhualadh agus gnìomhan co-cheangailte printing and related activities
- cuspairean co-cheangailte related topics
- feallsanachd nàdair agus siostaman co-cheangailte naturalism and related systems
- Feallsanachdan Socratach agus feallsanachdan co-cheangailte Socratic and related philosophies
- fìrinnean co-cheangailte related facts
- fuaim agus crithean co-cheangailte sound and related vibrations
- giullachd bainne agus toradh co-cheangailte processing dairy and related products
- idealism agus siostaman co-cheangailte idealism and related systems
- iom-dhiadhachd nàdair agus siostaman co-cheangailte pantheism and related systems
- ionadan peanasachaidh agus co-cheangailte penal and related institutions
- leathar, bathar bèin agus bathar co-cheangailte leather, fur goods and related products
- macro-eaconamas agus cuspairean co-cheangailte macroeconomics and related topics
- meatso-tuaradh, uisge-thuaradh agus pròiseasan co-cheangailte mezzotinting, aquatinting and related processes
- mèinnearachd agus obrachadh co-cheangailte mining and related operations
- sòisealachd agus siostaman co-cheangailte socialism and related systems
- stuthan-spreadhaidh, connaidhean agus bathar co-cheangailte explosives, fuels and related products
- togalaichean còmhnaidh agus an leithid residential and related buildings
- Subject: General
- co-cheangailte
- allied
- adj
- obrachadh co-cheangailte allied operations
- saidheansan co-cheangailte allied sciences
- teicneòlasan co-cheangailte allied technologies
- Subject: General
- co-cheangailte
- connected
- adj
- cuspairean co-cheangailte connected subjects
- Subject: General
- co-cheangal
- link
- n(m)
- co-cheangail - link poss clinks - co-cheangalan pl
- co-cheangal ri iomadachadh link with multiplication
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chluich theud
- double stopping
- n phr
- Subject: Music
- co-choltach
- similar
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-choltas
- similarity
- n(m)
- co-choltais - similarity poss csimilarities - co-choltasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chomann
- society
- n(m)
- co-chomainn - society poss csocieties - co-chomainn pl
- daoine ann an co-chomann, eaconamaidh agus gnothachas people in society, economy and business
- daoine, tachartasan san àm a dh'fhalbh agus co-chomainn people, past events and societies
- na h-ealain am measg an t-sluaigh the arts in society
- saidheans sa cho-chomann science in society
- Subject: General
- co-chomann
- co-operative
- n(m)
- co-chomainn - co-operative poss cco-operatives - co-chomainn pl
- Subject: General
- co-chomharra
- coordinate
- n(m)
- co-chomharra - coordinate poss ccoordinates - co-chomharran pl
- lorg co-chomharran puing A find the coordinates of point A
- sgrìobh co-chomharran crasg-y write the coordinates of the y-intercept
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chòrdach
- congruent
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chòrdachd
- congruence
- n(f)
- co-chòrdachd - congruence poss ccongruences - co-chòrdachdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chothromach
- symmetrical
- adj
- dealbhan co-chothromach symmetrical designs
- pàtrain cho-chothromach symmetrical patterns
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chothromachd
- symmetry
- n(f)
- co-chothromachd - symmetry poss c
- co-chothromachd cairteal-chuartail quarter turn symmetry
- co-chothromachd chuartail rotational symmetry
- co-chothromachd chuartail turn symmetry
- co-chothromachd eadar-chàireachail translation symmetry
- co-chothromachd faileis-sgàthain reflection symmetry
- co-chothromachd glaidhdidh glide symmetry
- co-chothromachd leth-chuartail half-turn symmetry
- co-chothromachd loidhne line symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chuid
- proportion
- n(f)
- co-chuid - proportion poss cproportions - co-chuidean pl
- ann an co-chuid dhìrich ri... in direct proportion to...
- co-chuid dhìreach direct proportion
- co-chuid inbhearsach inverse proportion
- co-chuid mhùiteach inverse proportion
- co-chuid neo-dhìreach inverse proportion
- co-chuid neo-dhìreach indirect proportion
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chuidead
- proportionality
- n(m)
- co-chuideid - proportionality poss cproportionalities - co-chuideadan pl
- cunbhal co-chuideid constant of proportionality
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-chuideil
- proportional
- adj
- tha a co-chuideil ri b a is proportional to b
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-dhàimh
- correlation
- n(f)
- co-dhàimhe - correlation poss ccorrelations - co-dhàimhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-èifeachd
- coefficient
- n(f)
- co-èifeachd - coefficient poss ccoefficients - co-èifeachdan pl
- co-èifeachd suathaidh coefficient of friction
- Subject: Science
- co-èifeachdail
- coefficient
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-èifeachdair
- coefficient
- n(m)
- co-èifeachdair - coefficient poss ccoefficients - co-èifeachdairean pl
- ann an 4x, is e 4 an co-èifeachdair agus x an caochladair in 4x, 4 is the coefficient and x is the variable
- co-èifeachd-bualaidh coefficient of restitution
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-eòlaiche
- fellow
- n(m)
- co-eòlaiche - fellow poss cfellows - co-eòlaichean pl
- àrd-cho-eòlaiche rannsachaidh senior research fellow
- co-eòlaiche iar-ollamhach post doctoral fellow
- co-eòlaiche rannsachaidh research fellow
- co-eòlaiche rannsachaidh iar-ollamhach post doctoral research fellow
- Subject: General
- co-fhad nan tràth
- equinox
- n(m)
- co-fhad nan tràth - equinox poss cequinoxes - co-fhadan nan tràth pl
- co-fhad nan tràth earraich spring equinox
- co-fhad nan tràth foghair autumnal equinox
- Subject: Science
- co-fhaireachdainn
- compassion
- n(f)
- co-fhaireachdainn - compassion poss c
- Subject: General
- co-fharpais
- competition
- n(f)
- co-fharpais - competition poss ccompetitions - co-fharpaisean pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- co-fhlaitheas
- commonwealth
- n(m)
- co-fhlaitheis - commonwealth poss c
- An Co-fhlaitheas The Commonwealth
- dùthchannan a' Cho-fhlaitheis countries of the Commonwealth
- Geamannan a' Cho-fhlaitheis The Commonwealth Games
- Subject: Geography
- co-fhreagarrach
- corresponding
- adj
- ceàrn co-fhreagarrach corresponding angle
- co-fhreagarrach ri ∠ABC corresponding to ∠ABC
- taobhan co-fhreagarrach corresponding sides
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-fhuaimneach
- consonant
- adj
- notaichean co-fhuaimneach consonant notes
- Subject: Music
- co-fhuaimneachadh
- homophony
- n(m)
- co-fhuaimneachaidh - homophony poss chomophonies - co-fhuaimneachaidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- co-fhuaimneachd
- consonance
- n(f)
- co-fhuaimneachd - consonance poss cconsonances - co-fhuaimneachdan pl
- co-fhuaimneachd ciùil musical consonance
- Subject: Music
- co-ghnìomhair
- adverb
- n(m)
- co-ghnìomhair - adverb poss cadverbs - co-ghnìomhairean pl
- abairt cho-ghnìomhaireach adverbial phrase
- Subject: Language
- co-iomlaideach
- commutative
- adj
- paidhrichean co-iomlaideach commutative pairs
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-ionann
- equal
- adj
- bloighean co-ionann equal fractions
- builean le coltachd cho-ionann outcomes of equal probability
- co-ionann ri equal to
- coltachd cho-ionann equal probability
- pàirtean co-ionann equal parts
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-ionann
- equivalent
- adj
- bloighean co-ionann equivalent fractions
- deicheadan co-ionann decimal equivalents
- surdan co-ionann equivalent surds
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-ionannachd
- equality
- n(f)
- co-ionannachd - equality poss cequalities - co-ionannachdan pl
- Subject: General
- co-ionannachd
- equivalence
- n(f)
- co-ionannachd - equivalence poss cequivalences - co-ionannachdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-là-breith
- birthday
- n(m)
- co-là-breith - birthday poss cbirthdays - co-làithean-breith plbirthdays - co-lathaichean-breith pl
- cairt co-là-breith birthday card
- cèic co-là-breith birthday cake
- co-là-breith sona dhut happy birthday
- deagh cho-là-breith happy birthday
- Subject: General
- co-labhairt
- conference
- n(f)
- co-labhairt - conference poss cconferences - co-labhairtean pl
- àrd-theicneòlaiche co-labhairt bhidio senior video conference technician
- co-labhairt bhidio video conference
- seirbheisean co-labhairt bhidio video conferencing services
- teicneòlaiche co-labhairt bhidio video conference technician
- Subject: General
- co-leanailteas
- coherence
- n(f)
- co-leanailteis - coherence poss c
- Subject: General
- co-leantainneach
- consecutive
- adj
- notaichean co-leantainneach consecutive notes
- Subject: Music
- co-leasachadh
- supplement
- n(m)
- co-leasachaidh - supplement poss csupplements - co-leasachaidhean pl
- co-leasachadh x the supplement of x
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-leasachail
- supplementary
- adj
- ceàrn co-leasachail supplementary angle
- co-leasachail ri ∠ABC supplementary to ∠ABC
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-loidhneach
- collinear
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-loidhneachd
- collinearity
- n(f)
- co-loidhneachd - collinearity poss ccollinearities - co-loidhneachdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-mheadhanach
- concentric
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-mheas
- ratio
- n(m)
- co-mheas(a) - ratio poss cratios - co-mheasan pl
- riaghailt a’ cho-mheas chunbhalaich the constant ratio rule
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-nasgadh
- conjugate
- n(m)
- co-nasgaidh - conjugate poss cconjugates - co-nasgaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-obrachail
- co-operative
- adj
- ionnsachadh co-obrachail co-operative learning
- Subject: General
- co-òrdanaiche
- coordinator
- n(m)
- co-òrdanaiche - coordinator poss ccoordinators - co-òrdanaichean pl
- co-òrdanaiche taic luchd-ciorraim disability support coordinator
- co-òrdanaiche pròiseict project coordinator
- co-òrdanaiche rannsachaidh research coordinator
- co-òrdanaiche seirbheisean taice support services coordinator
- Subject: General
- co-phàirt
- complement
- n(m)
- co-phàirt - complement poss c
- ’s e 60° co-phàirt 30° the complement of 60° is 30°
- ’s e y co-phàirt x the complement of x is y
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-phàirteach
- complementary
- adj
- ceàrn co-phàirteach complementary angle
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-rèiteachd
- equal temperament
- n(f)
- co-rèiteachd - equal temperament poss cequal temperaments - co-rèiteachdan pl
- gleusadh co-rèiteachd equal temperament tuning
- Subject: Music
- co-sheirm
- harmony
- n(f)
- co-sheirm(e) - harmony poss charmonies - co-sheirmean pl
- a' seinn an co-sheirm singing in harmony
- co-sheirm cho-shìnte parallel harmony
- co-sheirm eas-fhuaimneach dissonant harmony
- tlachd co-sheirme pleasure of harmony
- Subject: Music
- co-sheirmeach
- harmonic
- adj
- ceòl co-sheirmeach harmonic music
- Subject: Music
- co-sheirmich
- harmonise
- vb
- co-sheirmichibh ur seinn harmonise your singing
- Subject: Music
- co-shìnte
- parallel
- adj
- loidhnichean co-shìnte parellel lines
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-shìnte
- parallel
- adj
- cruinnean-cè co-shìnte parallel universes
- Subject: Science
- co-shìnteach
- parallel
- adj
- ann an co-shìneadh in parallel
- ceangailte ann an co-shìneadh connected in parallel
- cuairt cho-shìnteach parallel circuit
- Subject: Science
- co-shreathach
- collinear
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-shreathachd
- collinearity
- co-shreathachd - collinearity poss ccollinearities - co-shreathachdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-thàthadh
- compound
- n(m)
- co-thàthaidh - compound poss ccompounds - co-thàthaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- co-thàthte
- composite
- adj
- cruthan co-thàthte composite solids
- cumadh co-thàthte composite shape
- cumaidhean co-thàthte composite shapes
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-thìmeach
- synchronous
- adj
- Subject: Science
- co-thional
- assembly
- n(m)
- co-thionail - assembly poss cassemblies - co-thionalan pl
- co-thional sgoile school assembly
- Subject: General
- co-thionndadh
- reciprocal
- n(m)
- co-thionndaidh - reciprocal poss creciprocals - co-thionndaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- co-thionndaichte
- reciprocal
- adj
- an riochd as sìmplidhe de fhuincsean co-thionndaichte the simplest form of a reciprocal function
- fuincsean co-thionndaichte reciprocal function
- Subject: Mathematics
- coàla
- koala
- n(m)
- coàla - koala poss ckoalas - coàlathan pl
- Subject: Science
- Coatbridge
- Coatbridge
- Colaiste Choatbridge Coatbridge College
- Subject: Geography
- còbalt
- cobalt
- n(m)
- còbailt - cobalt poss c
- Subject: Science
- cobhair
- aid
- n(m)
- cobhair - aid poss c
- cobhair eadar-nàiseanta international aid
- cobhair èiginn emergency aid
- cobhair fad-ùine long-term aid
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- cochlea
- cochlea
- n(f)
- cochlea - cochlea poss ccochleae - cochlean pl
- Subject: Science
- còd
- code
- n(m)
- còd - code poss ccodes - còdaichean pl
- Còd Morse Morse Code
- còd-àireamhan number code
- còd-clèithe grid code
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- Còd Morse
- Morse Code
- n(m)
- Subject: Mathematics
- Còd Slighean Dùthchail na h-Alba
- Outdoor Access Code
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- còd-faire
- passcode
- n(m)
- còd-faire - passcode poss cpasscodes - còdaichean-faire pl
- Subject: Computing
- còda
- coda
- n(f)
- còda - coda poss ccodas - còdathan pl
- crìoch na còda conclusion of coda
- Subject: Music
- coeliac
- coeliac
- n(m)
- coeliac - coeliac poss ccoeliacs - coeliacan pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- cogadh
- war
- n(m)
- cogaidh - war poss cwars - cogaidhean pl
- A' Chiad Chogadh The First World War
- A' Chiad Chogadh World War One
- An Cogadh Mòr The Great War
- An Dàrna Cogadh The Second World War
- An Dàrna Cogadh World War Two
- bàrd cogaidh war poet
- carragh-cuimhne cogaidh war memorial
- cleachdaidhean cogaidh agus dioplòmasaidh customs of war and diplomacy
- cogadh ain-dligheach unjust war
- cogadh catharra civil war
- cogadh dligheach just war
- Cogadh Iraq the Iraq War
- Cogadh nan Eilean Faclanach the Falklands War
- saighdearan a' Chogaidh Mhòir soldiers of the Great War
- teòiridh cogadh dligheach just war theory
- Subject: General
- cogadh
- warfare
- n(m)
- cogaidh - warfare poss c
- cogadh ceimigeach chemical warfare
- cogadh coisridh infantry warfare
- cogadh eachraidh mounted warfare
- cogadh mara sea warfare
- Subject: General
- coibhneil
- benevolent
- adj
- Subject: General
- còig
- five
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- còig-cheàrnach
- pentagon
- n(m)
- còig-cheàrnaich - pentagon poss cpentagons - còig-cheàrnachan pl
- priosam le bonn còig-cheàrnach(ail) pentagon based prism
- Subject: Mathematics
- còig-cheàrnachail
- pentagonal
- adj
- priosam còig-cheàrnachail pentagonal prism
- Subject: Mathematics
- còig-deug
- fifteen
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- còig-nota
- pentatonic
- adj
- sgèilichean còig-nota pentatonic scales
- Subject: Music
- còigeamh
- fifth
- n(m)
- còigeimh - fifth poss cfifths - còigeamhan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- còigeamh
- fifth
- adj
- an còigeamh fear/tè the fifth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- coileach-gaoithe
- weather cock
- n(m)
- coilich-gaoithe - weather cock poss cweather cocks - coilich-gaoithe pl
- Subject: Geography
- coileanadh
- achievement
- n(m)
- coileanaidh - achievement poss cachievements - coileanaidhean pl
- buileachadh agus coileanadh attainment and achievement
- measadh agus coileanadh assessment and achievement
- Sgrùdadh Coileanaidh ann an Alba Scottish Survey of Achievement (SSA)
- Subject: General
- coille
- forest
- n(f)
- coille - forest poss cforests - coilltean pl
- còmhdach coille forest cover
- ùrlar na coille forest floor
- Subject: Geography
- coille-uisge
- rainforest
- n(f)
- coille-uisge - rainforest poss crainforests - coilltean-uisge pl
- coille-uisge na Amason Amazon rainforest
- coilltean-uisge tropaigeach tropical rainforests
- Subject: Geography
- coilleag
- sand dune
- n(f)
- coilleig - sand dune poss csand dunes - coilleagan pl
- Subject: Geography
- coillteachadh
- afforestation
- n(m)
- coillteachaidh - afforestation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- coilltearachd
- forestry
- n(f)
- coilltearachd - forestry poss c
- coilltearachd choimeirsealta commercial forestry
- liosan-mheas, measan agus coilltearachd orchards, fruits and forestry
- sgeamaichean coilltearachd sheasmach sustainable forestry schemes
- Subject: Geography
- coimeas
- comparison
- n(m)
- coimeis - comparison poss ccomparisons - coimeasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- coimeasach
- comparative
- adj
- ainmear/buadhair noun/adjective
- buadhair coimeasach comparative adjective
- buadhair feabhasach superlative adjective
- saidhceòlas coimeasach comparative psychology
- Subject: Language
- coimeirsealta
- commercial
- adj
- coilltearachd choimeirsealta commercial forestry
- leasachaidhean coimeirsealta commercial developments
- tuathanachas àitich coimeirsealta commercial arable farming
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- coimhead eunlaith
- bird watching
- n phr
- Subject:
- coimhead sheallaidhean
- sightseeing
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- coimhearsnachd
- community
- n(f)
- coimhearsnachd - community poss ccommunities - coimhearsnachdan pl
- a' togail coimhearsnachdan Glow building Glow communities
- buidheann coimhearsnachd community group
- coimhearsnachd air-loidhne online community
- coimhearsnachd dhùthchail rural community
- coimhearsnachd ionnsachaidh learning community
- coimhearsnachd ionnsachaidh air-loidhne online learning community
- coimhearsnachd na sgoile the school community
- coimhearsnachd sgoile school community
- Subject: General
- coimiutair
- commuter
- n(m)
- coimiutair - commuter poss ccommuters - coimiutairean pl
- Subject: Geography
- coimpiutair
- computer
- n(m)
- coimpiutair - computer poss ccomputer - coimpiutairean pl
- dòighean sònraichte coimpiutair special computer methods
- ealain coimpiutair computer art
- làimhseachadh dàta agus saidheans coimpiutair data processing and computer science
- prògramadh coimpiutair, prògraman agus dàta computer programming, programs and data
- saidheans coimpiutair computer science
- saidheans coimpiutair, fiosrachadh agus obraichean coitcheann computer science, information and general works
- saidheans, eòlas agus siostaman coimpiutair computer science, knowledge and systems
- siostaman coimpiutair computer systems
- togail dhealbhan agus ealain coimpiutair photography and computer art
- togail dhealbhan, dealbhan-camara agus ealain choimpiutair photography, photographs and computer art
- Subject: General
- Coimpiutaireachd
- Computing
- n(f)
- Coimpiutaireachd Computing
- Coimpiutaireachd - Teisteanais Nàiseanta Computing - National Qualifications
- obair Coimpiutaireachd Computing work
- rùm Coimpiutaireachd Computing room
- tidsear Coimpiutaireachd Computing teacher
- Subject: Computing
- coimpleacs
- complex
- adj
- àireamh choimpleacs complex number
- raon coimpleacs complex plane
- Subject: Mathematics
- coineanach
- rabbit
- n(m)
- coineanaich - rabbit poss crabbits - coineanaich pl
- coineanach-mòr jack rabbit
- Subject: Science
- còinneach
- moss
- n(f)
- còinnich - moss poss cmosses - còinnich pl
- Subject: Science
- còir
- right
- n(f)
- còire - right poss crights - còraichean pl
- còraichean a' chinne-daonna human rights
- còraichean catharra civil rights
- còraichean poilitigeach political rights
- còraichean uile glèidhte all rights reserved
- Cùmhnantan UN air Còraichean Chloinne UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Foillseachadh UN air Còraichean a' Chinne-daonna UN Declaration of Human Rights
- gluasad nan còraichean catharra civil rights movement
- iomairt nan còraichean catharra civil rights campaign
- Subject: Modern Studies
- còir
- benevolent
- adj
- Subject: General
- coire
- corrie
- n(m)
- coire - corrie poss ccorries - coireachan pl
- bile coire corrie lip
- lochan-coire corrie lochan
- Subject: Geography
- coire-dhruma
- kettle-drum
- n(m/f)
- coire-dhruma - kettle-drum poss ckettle-drums - coire-dhrumaichean pl
- Subject: Music
- Coiria a Deas
- South Korea
- n(m/f)
- àireamh-sluaigh Choiria a Deas population of South Korea
- Choiria a Deas South Korea
- Subject: Geography
- Coiria a Tuath
- North Korea
- n(m/f)
- Choiria a Tuath - North Korea poss c
- muinntir Choiria a Tuath people of North Korea
- Subject: Geography
- coiseachd mhòr-ghilean
- gorge walking
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- coisinn
- earn
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- còisireach
- choral
- adj
- Subject: Music
- còisridh
- chorus
- n(f)
- còisridh - chorus poss cchoruses - còisridhean pl
- ceòl còisridh chorus music
- Subject: Music
- coisridh
- infantry
- n(f)
- coisridh - infantry poss c
- cogadh coisridh infantry warfare
- feachdan coisridh infantry forces
- Subject: General
- coitcheann
- general
- adj
- buidhnean coitcheann general organisations
- catalogan chuspairean coitcheann general subject catalogues
- cleachdaidhean coitcheann general customs
- clubaichean coitcheann general clubs
- cruinneachaidhean coitcheann general collections
- cruinneachaidhean de staitistigs choitcheann collections of general statistics
- foghlam farsaing coitcheann broad general education
- gnothaichean coitcheann mu rianachd phoblach general considerations of public administration
- irisean coitcheann general serial publications
- leabharlannan coitcheann general libraries
- leabhraichean mòr-eòlais coitcheann general encyclopedic works
- obraichean coitcheann general works
- prionnsapalan coitcheann general principles
- staitistigs choitcheann na Roinn Eòrpa general statistics of Europe
- stiùireadh coitcheann general management
- Subject: General
- coitcheann
- universal
- adj
- taisbeanair coitcheann universal indicator
- Subject: General
- coitcheann
- standard
- adj
- riochd coitcheann (riochd saidheansail) standard form (scientific notation)
- Subject: Mathematics
- coitheanal
- congregation
- n(m)
- coitheanail - congregation poss ccongregations - coitheanalan pl
- a' gairm coitheanal bàn preaching a congregation vacant
- coitheanalan agus òrdughan cràbhach religious congregations and orders
- coitheanalan bàna vacant congregations
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Coitheanalach
- Congregational
- adj
- Clèireach, Ath-leasaichte agus Coithionalach Presbyterian, Reformed and Congregational
- eaglaisean coitheanalach congregational churches
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- col legno
- col legno
- adv
- Subject: Music
- colaiste
- college
- n(f)
- colaiste - college poss ccolleges - colaistean pl
- Colaiste Loch Abar Lochaber College
- oileanaich (na) colaiste college students
- Subject: Geography
- colbh
- column
- n(m)
- colbh - column poss ccolumns - colbhan pl
- colbh-bheactor column vector
- Subject: Mathematics
- colbh-creige
- rock pillar
- n(m)
- cuilbh-creige - rock pillar poss crock pillars - colbhan-creige pl
- Subject: Geography
- Colbhasa
- Colonsay
- Eilean Cholbhasa Isle of Colonsay
- muinntir Cholbhasa people of Colonsay
- Subject: Geography
- Coldstream
- Coldstream
- Drochaid Choldstream Coldstream Bridge
- Subject: Geography
- Colla
- Coll
- Eilean Cholla Isle of Coll
- Subject: Geography
- Colombia
- Colombia
- n(m/f)
- Cholombia - Colombia poss c
- Colombia agus Ecuador Colombia and Ecuador
- Poblachd Cholombia Republic of Colombia
- Subject: Geography
- Colombianach
- Colombian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- coloratura
- coloratura
- n(f)
- coloratura - coloratura poss ccoloraturas - coloraturathan pl
- àiria coloratura coloratura aria
- sopràno coloratura coloratura soprano
- Subject: Music
- coltach
- likely
- adj
- as coltaiche most likely
- as neo-choltaiche least likely
- le coltachd cho-ionann equally likely
- Subject: Mathematics
- coltach
- probable
- adj
- as coltaiche most probable
- as neo-choltaiche least probable
- nas coltaiche more probable
- nas neo-choltaiche less probable
- Subject: Mathematics
- coltachd
- probability
- n(f)
- coltachd - probability poss cprobabilities - coltachdan pl
- builean le coltachd cho-ionann outcomes of equal probability
- coltachd cho-ionann equal probability
- Subject: Mathematics
- coltachd
- likelihood
- n(f)
- coltachd - likelihood poss clikelihoods - coltachdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- coltas
- appearance
- n(m)
- coltais - appearance poss cappearances - coltasan pl
- èideadh agus coltas pearsanta costume and personal appearance
- Subject: General
- com-pàirtiche
- contributor
- n(m)
- com-pàirtiche - contributor poss ccontributors - com-pàirtichean pl
- com-pàirtichean èifeachdach effective contributors
- Subject: General
- comann
- association
- n(m)
- comainn - association poss cassociations - comainn pl
- comainn airson obair creideimh associations for religious works
- comainn de chaochladh seòrsa miscelleneous kinds of associations
- comainn, buidhnean agus taighean-tasgaidh associations, organizations and museums
- duilgheadasan agus seirbheisean sòisealta; comainn social problems and services; associations
- Subject: General
- comann opara
- operatic society
- n(m)
- comainn opara - operatic society poss coperatic societies - comainn opara pl
- obair a' chomainn opara work of the operatic society
- Subject: Music
- comar
- confluence
- n(m)
- comair - confluence poss cconfluences - comaran pl
- Subject: Geography
- Comar nan Allt
- Cumbernauld
- muinntir Chomar nan Allt people of Cumbernauld
- Subject: Geography
- comas
- capacity
- n(m)
- comais - capacity poss ccapacities - comasan pl
- ceithir comasan four capacities
- Subject: General
- comas
- potential
- n(m)
- comais - potential poss c
- meudachadh comais maximizing potential
- Subject: General
- comas ceangail
- connectivity
- n(m)
- comas ceangail - connectivity poss cconnectivities - comasan ceangail pl
- Subject: Computing
- comas freagrachaidh
- adaptability
- n(m)
- comas freagrachaidh - adaptability poss cadaptabilities - comasan freagrachaidh pl
- Subject: Science
- comas-guth
- compass
- n(m)
- comais-guth - compass poss ccompasses - comasan-guth pl
- deagh chomas-guth good compass
- Subject: Music
- comas-lìonaidh
- capacity
- n(m)
- comas-lìonaidh - capacity poss ccapacities - comasan-lìonaidh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- comas-obrach
- employability
- n(m)
- comais-obrach - employability poss c
- oifigear comais-obrach employability officer
- sgilean comais-obrach employability skills
- Subject: General
- comasach
- possible
- adj
- luachan comasach possible values
- Subject: Mathematics
- comasach air atharrachadh
- adjustable
- adj
- tha e comasach air atharrachadh it is adjustable
- Subject: Science
- comasach air freagrachadh
- adaptable
- n phr
- tha sin comasach air freagrachadh that is adaptable
- Subject: Science
- combaist
- compass
- n(f)
- combaist(e) - compass poss ccompasses - combaistean pl
- àirdean na combaist the points of the compass
- puingean na combaist the points of the compass
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- comhachag
- owl
- n(m)
- comhachaig - owl poss cowls - comhachagan pl
- comhachag adharcach great horned owl
- Subject: Science
- comhairle
- council
- n(m)
- comhairle - council poss ccouncils - comhairlean pl
- ionad-taigheadais-comhairle council estate
- taighean comhairle council houses
- Western Isles Council Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
- Subject: Geography
- comhairliche
- councillor
- n(m)
- comhairliche - councillor poss ccouncillors - comhairlichean pl
- Subject: General
- comharra
- symbol
- n(m)
- comharra - symbol poss csymbols - comharran pl
- comharra inbhe status symbol
- comharran matamataigeach mathematical symbols
- Subject: General
- comharra
- mark
- n(m)
- comharra - mark poss cmarks - comharran pl
- air a c(h)omharrachadh; comharraichte marked
- comharraich puing a’ riochdachadh A agus tarraing an loidhne-tuath aig A mark a point A and draw its north line
- Subject: Mathematics
- comharra duilleige
- bookmark
- n(m)
- comharra duilleige - bookmark poss cbookmarks - comharran duilleige pl
- Subject: Computing
- comharra-ceangail
- ligature
- n(m)
- comharra-ceangail - ligature poss cligatures - comharran-ceangail pl
- slugadh comharra-ceangail ligature slur
- Subject: Music
- comharra-clèithe
- grid reference
- n(m)
- comharra-clèithe - grid reference poss cgrid references - comharran-clèithe pl
- comharra-clèithe ceithir-figearan four-figure grid reference
- comharra-clèithe sia-figearan six-figure grid reference
- Subject: Geography
- comharra-cùrsa
- direction indicator
- n(m)
- comharra-chùrsa - direction indicator poss cdirection indicators - comharran-cùrsa pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- comharra-gleus
- key signature
- n(m)
- comharra-gleus - key signature poss ckey signatures - comharran-gleus pl
- Subject: Music
- comharra-tìme
- time signature
- n(m)
- comharra-tìme - time signature poss ctime signatures - comharran-tìme pl
- Subject: Music
- comharradh
- notation
- n(m)
- comharraidh - notation poss cnotations - comharraidhean pl
- cairt-comharraidh notation card
- comharradh deicheach decimal notation
- comharradh fuincseanach functional notation
- comharradh-sgrìoba dash notation
- siostam-comharraidh notation system
- Subject: Mathematics
- comharraich
- mark
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- comharraichte
- featured
- adj
- neach-rèic comharraichte featured seller
- nì comharraichte featured item
- sgeulachd chomharraichte featured story
- Subject: Computing
- comharraichte
- notable
- adj
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson am fòrmat books notable for format
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson an còmhdaich books notable for bindings
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson cò leis agus cò às a tha iad books notable for ownership or origin
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson dhealbhan books notable for illustrations
- Subject: General
- comharraichte
- noted
- adj
- comharraichte airson fheartan sònraichte noted for certain characteristics
- Subject: General
- còmhdach
- binding
- n(m)
- còmhdaich - binding poss cbindings - còmhdaich pl
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson an còmhdaich books notable for bindings
- Subject: General
- còmhdach
- coating
- n(m)
- còmhdaich - coating poss c
- Subject: General
- còmhdach
- covering
- n(m)
- còmhdaich - covering poss ccoverings - còmhdaichean pl
- còmhdach mullaich roof covering
- Subject: General
- còmhdaich
- coat
- vb
- dòighean còmhdachaidh coating techniques
- Subject: General
- còmhdhail
- transportation
- n(f)
- còmhdhala - transportation poss ccòmhdhalach - transportation poss c
- còmhdhail adhair air transportation
- còmhdhail air talamh ground transportation
- còmhdhail aiseig ferry transportation
- còmhdhail fànais space transportation
- còmhdhail rèile railroad transportation
- còmhdhail uisge water transportation
- Subject: General
- còmhdhail
- transport
- n(f)
- còmhdhail - transport poss c
- ceanglaichean còmhdhail transport links
- còmhdhail bathair freight transport
- còmhdhail phasainsearan passenger transport
- còmhdhail phoblach public transport
- slighean còmhdhail transport routes
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- còmhdhail phoblach
- public transport
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- còmhlan
- band
- n(m)
- còmhlain - band poss cbands - còmhlain pl
- còmhlan dannsa dance band
- còmhlan pìoba pipe band
- Subject: Music
- còmhnaidheach
- residential
- adj
- togalaichean còmhnaidheach residential buildings
- Subject: General
- còmhnard
- horizontal
- adj
- loidhne chòmhnard horizontal line
- raon chòmhnard horizontal plane
- Subject: Mathematics
- còmhnard
- even
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- còmhnard
- flat
- adj
- aodann còmhnard flat face
- cumadh còmhnard flat shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- còmhradh
- discussion
- n(m)
- còmhraidh - discussion poss cdiscussions - còmhraidhean pl
- bheir am modaràtor sùil air a' chòmhradh seo this discussion is moderated
- buidheann còmhraidh discussion group
- còmhradh Lìn Web discussion
- nithean sa chòmhradh items in discussion
- Subject: Computing
- còmhrag-dithis
- duel
- n(f)
- còmhraig-dithis - duel poss cduels - còmhragan-dithis pl
- Subject: General
- còmhragach
- combatant
- adj
- dreuchd chòmhragach combatant role
- Subject: General
- còmhragaiche
- combatant
- n(m)
- còmhragaiche - combatant poss ccombatants - còmhragaichean pl
- Subject: General
- còmhstri
- conflict
- n(f)
- còmhstri - conflict poss cconflicts - còmhstrithean pl
- còmhstri cleachdadh-fearainn land use conflict
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- compàirteachadh
- participation
- n(m)
- compàirteachaidh - participation poss c
- compàirteachadh agus ionnsachadh participation and learning
- Subject: General
- compàirteachas
- partnership
- n(m)
- compàirteachais - partnership poss cpartnerships - compàirteachasan pl
- compàirteachas le luchd-fastaidh partnership with employers
- compàirteachasan dachaigh agus sgoile home-school partnerships
- Subject: General
- compàirtich
- participate
- vb
- Subject: General
- companaidh phlèanaichean
- airline
- n phr
- airlines - companaidhean phlèanaichean pl
- companaidh phlèanaichean buidseatach budget airline
- Subject: Geography
- companaidh siubhail
- travel agent
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- companaidh thurais
- tour operator
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- còn
- cone
- n(m)
- còn - cone poss ccones - cònaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- con sordino
- con sordino
- adv
- Subject: Music
- cònach
- conic
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- cònach
- conical
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- conadal
- odd one out
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- Conaigean
- Cunningham
- Subject: General
- conaltradh
- communication
- n(m)
- conaltraidh - communication poss ccommunications - conaltradh pl
- conaltradh didseatach digital communication
- conaltradh eileagtronaigeach electronic communication
- conaltradh grafaigeach graphic communication
- conaltradh puist postal communication
- conaltradh sgrìobhte written communication
- manaidsear conaltraidh communications manager
- margaidheachd agus conaltradh marketing and communications
- neach-taice conaltraidh communications assistant
- pròiseasan conaltradh sgrìobhte processes of written communication
- siostam conaltraidh micro-thonn microwave communications system
- siostaman conaltraidh communication systems
- stiùiriche conaltraidh director of communications
- Subject: General
- conbhears
- converse
- n(m)
- conbhears - converse poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- conbhearsach
- converse
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- concertina
- concertina
- n(m)
- concertina - concertina poss cconcertinas - concertinathan pl
- Subject: Music
- concertino
- concertino
- n(f)
- concertino - concertino poss cconcertinos - concertinothan pl
- Subject: Music
- concerto
- concerto
- n(f)
- concerto - concerto poss cconcertos - concertothan pl
- mòr-earrann à concerto passage from concerto
- Subject: Music
- concrait
- concrete
- n(m/f)
- concrait - concrete poss c
- Subject: Technical
- connadh
- fuel
- n(m)
- connaidh - fuel poss cfuels - connaidhean pl
- bith-chonnadh biofuel
- connadh niuclasach nuclear fuel
- connadh-fosail fossil fuel
- stuthan-spreadhaidh, connaidhean agus bathar co-cheangailte explosives, fuels and related products
- Subject: Science
- connspaid
- controversy
- n(f)
- connspaid(e) - controversy poss ccontroversies - connspaidean pl
- connspaidean teagasgail agus saobh-chreideasan doctrinal controversies and heresies
- Subject: General
- consairt
- concert
- n(m/f)
- consairt - concert poss cconcerts - consairtean pl
- consairt-cuimhneachain memorial concert
- seinneadair consairt-cuimhneachain memorial concert singer
- Subject: Music
- consort
- consort
- n(f)
- consort - consort poss cconsorts - consortan pl
- Subject: Music
- continuo
- continuo
- n(f)
- continuo - continuo poss ccontinuos - continuothan pl
- Subject: Music
- contra-dhearbhte
- contrapositive
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- contrafhonn
- counter melody
- n(m)
- contrafhuinn - counter melody poss ccounter melodies - contrafhuinn pl
- Subject: Music
- contrapuing
- counterpoint
- n(f)
- contrapuing - counterpoint poss ccounterpoints - contrapuingean pl
- còmhla ann an contrapuing together in counterpoint
- fonn contrapuing contrapoint melody
- Subject: Music
- contrapuntal
- contrapuntal
- adj
- cruth contrapuntal contrapuntal form
- Subject: Music
- copaidh
- copy
- n(m)
- copaidh - copy poss ccopies - copaidhean pl
- copaidh carboin (cc) carbon copy (cc)
- copaidh carbon falaichte (bcc) blind carbon copy (bcc)
- Subject: ComputingMathematics
- copaidh-dìon
- back up
- n(m)
- copaidh-dhìona - back up poss cback ups - copaidhean-dìon pl
- Subject: Computing
- copaig
- copy
- vb
- copaig agus crìochnaich copy and complete
- copaig an diagram seo copy this diagram
- Subject: Mathematics
- copar
- copper
- n(m)
- copair - copper poss c
- copar sulfat copper sulphate
- Subject: Science
- copernicium
- copernicium
- n(m)
- copernicium - copernicium poss c
- Subject: Science
- cor anglais
- cor anglais
- n(m)
- cor anglais - cor anglais poss ccors anglais - coran anglais pl
- cluicheadair cor anglais cor anglais player
- Subject: Music
- cor-beòshlaint
- standard of living
- n(m)
- standard of living - cor-beòshlaint pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- Cora Droma Rúisc
- Carrick-on-Shannon
- Subject: Geography
- còraichean
- copyright
- n(pl)
- choràichean - copyright poss ccopyright - còraichean pl
- còraichean glèidhte copyright reserved
- fios chòraichean copyright notice
- poileasaidh chòraichean copyright policy
- samhla chòraichean copyright symbol
- Subject: Computing
- Corca Dhuibhne
- Dingle Peninsula
- Subject: Geography
- Corcaigh
- Cork
- Subject: Geography
- corcair
- crimson
- adj
- Subject: Art
- còrd
- chord
- n(m)
- còrd(a) - chord poss cchords - còrdan pl
- 7mh còrd ceannasach dominant 7th chord
- còrd-ruith chord progression
- còrdan inbheartach inverse chords
- còrdan ìoslaichte diminished chords
- gach còrd an co-sheirm each chord in harmony
- inbheartachadh chòrdan inversion of chords
- Subject: Music
- còrd
- chord
- n(m)
- còrd(a) - chord poss cchords - còrdan pl
- nuair a tha 2 radius air an tarraing gu gach ceann de chòrd, tha sin a' dèanamh triantan co-chasach ann an cearcall when 2 radii are drawn to the ends of a chord an isosceles triangle is formed within a circle
- Subject: Mathematics
- còrd an droma
- spinal chord
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- còrd imleig
- umbilical cord
- n(m)
- còrd imleig - umbilical cord poss cumbilical cords - còrdan imleig pl
- Subject: Science
- còrdaid
- chordate
- n(f)
- còrdaid - chordate poss cchordates - còrdaidean pl
- còrdaidean fosaileach fossil chordates
- Subject: Science
- corèisean
- corrasion
- n(m)
- corèisean - corrasion poss c
- Subject: Geography
- còrn
- horn
- n(m)
- cùirn - horn poss chorns - cùirn pl
- còrn Frangach French horn
- Subject: Music
- còrn
- drinking horn
- n(m)
- cùirn - drinking horn poss cdrinking horns - cùirn pl
- Subject: History
- còrn Frangach
- French horn
- n phr
- Subject: Music
- còrnaid
- cornet
- n(f)
- còrnaid - cornet poss ccornets - còrnaidean pl
- a' cluiche còrnaid playing a cornet
- Subject: Music
- còrnair
- corner
- n(m)
- còrnair - corner poss ccorners - còrnairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cornett
- cornett
- n(f)
- cornett - cornett poss ccornetti - cornetti pl
- Subject: Music
- coròisean
- corrosion
- n(m)
- coròisean - corrosion poss c
- Subject: Geography
- corporra
- corporate
- adj
- seirbheisean corparra corprate services
- Subject: Business Studies
- corporra
- physical
- adj
- eòlas corporra physical education
- gnìomhachd chorporra agus spòrs physical activity and sports
- sunnd inntinneil, faireachail, sòisealta agus corporra mental, emotional, social and physical well-being
- Subject: Physical Education
- còrr
- odd
- adj
- àireamh chòrr odd number
- àireamhan corra odd numbers
- fuincsean còrr odd function
- Subject: Mathematics
- còrr
- balance
- n(m)
- corra - balance poss cbalances - corran pl
- còrr-banca bank balance
- Subject: Mathematics
- còrr-ùine
- overtime
- n(m)
- còrr-ùine - overtime poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- corra-mhitheag
- blueberry
- n(f)
- corra-mhitheig - blueberry poss cblueberries - corra-mhitheagan pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- corran
- crescent
- n(m)
- corrain - crescent poss ccrescents - corrain pl
- Subject: Geography
- corran
- hook
- n(m)
- corrain - hook poss chooks - corrain pl
- Subject: Geography
- Corrán Tuathail
- Carrauntoohill
- Subject: Geography
- còs
- cavity
- n(m)
- còis - cavity poss ccavities - còsan pl
- còs fiacla pulp cavity
- còs pliùrail pleural cavity
- Subject: Science
- còsag
- air sac
- n(f)
- còsaig(e) - air sac poss cair sacs - còsagan pl
- Subject: Science
- còsag
- alveolus
- n(f)
- còsaig(e) - alveolus poss calveoli - còsagan pl
- Subject: Science
- còsagail
- alveolar
- adj
- Subject: Science
- cosamhlachd
- allegory
- n(f)
- cosamhlachd - allegory poss callegories - cosamhlachdan pl
- Subject: General
- cosg
- cost
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cosg
- spend
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cosgais
- cost
- n(f)
- cosgais(e) - cost poss ccosts - cosgaisean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cosgais
- buying price
- n(f)
- cosgais - buying price poss cbuying prices - cosgaisean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cosgais
- charge
- n(f)
- cosgais(e) - charge poss ccharges - cosgaisean pl
- cosgais-seribheis service charge
- Subject: Mathematics
- cosgais
- expenditure
- n(f)
- cosgais - expenditure poss cexpenses - cosgaisean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cosmaig
- cosmic
- adj
- ball-sneachda cosmaig cosmic snowball
- gathan cosmaig cosmic rays
- reididheachd cosmaig cosmic radiation
- Subject: Science
- cosmeòlas
- cosmology
- n(m)
- cosmeòlas - cosmology poss c
- Subject: General
- cosmeòlasach
- cosmological
- adj
- argamaid chosmeòlasach cosmological argument
- Subject: General
- cosmos
- cosmos
- n(m)
- cosmos - cosmos poss ccosmoses - cosmosan pl
- meud a' chosmos size of the cosmos
- Subject: Science
- cosnadh
- occupation
- n(m)
- cosnaidh - occupation poss coccupations - cosnaidhean pl
- beus-eòlas cosnaidh occupational ethics
- Subject: General
- cosnadh
- employment
- n(m)
- cosnaidh - employment poss c
- cosnadh na RA UK employment
- cosnaidhean na RA UK employment
- cothroman cosnaidh employment opportunities
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- costa
- coast
- n(m)
- costa - coast poss ccoasts - costaichean pl
- an costa a tuath north coast
- an costa an iar west coast
- costa Afraga African coast
- costa fo dhìon protected coast
- far costa na Spàinne off the coast of Spain
- Subject: Geography
- Costa Rica
- Costa Rica
- n(m/f)
- Chosta Rica - Costa Rica poss c
- eaconamaidh Chosta Rica economy of Costa Rica
- Subject: Geography
- costail
- coastal
- adj
- baile-turasachd costail coastal resort
- ceum costail coastal pathway
- dealbh-tìre costail coastal landscape
- seallaidhean costail coastal scenery
- sgìrean costail coastline areas
- Subject: Geography
- Côte D'Ivoire
- Côte D'Ivoire
- n(m/f)
- Chôte D'Ivoire - Côte D'Ivoire poss c
- mòr-bhailtean Chôte D'Ivoire cities of Côte D'Ivoire
- Subject: Geography
- cothromach
- even
- adj
- àireamh chothromach even number
- fuincsean cothromach even function
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromach
- regular
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromach
- equal
- adj
- air a roinn/roinnte gu cothromach divided equally
- fuincsean cothromach equal function
- roinnean cothromach equal shares
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromachadh
- balancing
- n(m)
- cothromachaidh - balancing poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromachadh
- weighing
- n(m)
- cothromachaidh - weighing poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromachaidh
- symmetry
- adj
- axis-cothromachaidh axis of symmetry
- loidhne-cothromachaidh line of symmetry
- meadhan-cothromachaidh centre of symmetry
- òrdugh-cothromachaidh order of symmetry
- raon-cothromachaidh plane of symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromaich
- balance
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromaich
- weigh
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromaichte
- symmetrical
- adj
- cumadh cothromaichte symmetrical shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromaichte
- balanced
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- cothromaichte
- weighed
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- cotyledon
- cotyledon
- n(m)
- cotyledon - cotyledon poss ccotyledons - cotyledonan pl
- Subject: Science
- courante
- courante
- n(m)
- courante - courante poss ccourantes - couranteathan pl
- Subject: Music
- Cowdenbeath
- Cowdenbeath
- sgioba ball-coise Chowdenbeath Cowdenbeath football team
- Subject: Geography
- cràbhach
- religious
- adj
- beus-eòlas cràbhach religious ethics
- coitheanalan cràbhach religious congregations
- eòlas, beatha agus gnàthas cràbhach religious experience, life and practice
- miotas-eòlas cràbhach agus eòlas-diadhachd sòisealta religious mythology and social theology
- òrdughan cràbhach religious orders
- òrdughan cràbhach ann an eachdraidh na h-eaglais religious orders in church history
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- crac
- chat
- n(f)
- craic - chat poss c
- Subject: Computing
- crann-ola
- oil rig
- n(m)
- crainn-ola - oil rig poss ccroinn-ola - oil rig poss ccruinn-ola - oil rig poss coil rigs - crainn-ola ploil rigs - croinn-ola ploil rigs - cruinn-ola pl
- Subject: GeographyScience
- crann-treabhaidh
- plough
- n(m)
- croinn-treabhaidh - plough poss ccruinn-treabhaidh - plough poss cploughs - crainn-treabhaidh plploughs - croinn-treabhaidh plploughs - cruinn-treabhaidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- craobh
- tree
- n(f)
- craoibhe - tree poss ctrees - craobhan pl
- craobh na beatha tree of life
- craobh-challtainn hazel tree
- craobh-dharaich oak tree
- craobh-mescit mesquite tree
- craobhan cruaidh-fhiodh hardwood trees
- craobhan cruaidh-fhiodh tropaigeach tropical hardwood trees
- craobhan sìor-ghorm evergreen trees
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- craobh co-dhùnaidh
- decision tree
- Subject: Mathematics
- craobh-durcain
- conifer
- n(f)
- craobh-durcain - conifer poss cconifers - craobhan-durcain pl
- Subject: Science
- Craoibh
- Crieff
- baile Chraoibh town of Crieff
- Subject: Geography
- crasg
- intercept
- n(f)
- craisg - intercept poss cintercepts - crasgan pl
- canar crasg-y ris a’ phuing far a bheil an loidhne a’ dol tron y-axis y-intercept is the point where the line passes through the y-axis
- sgrìobh co-chomharran crasg-y write the coordinates of the y-intercept
- Subject: Mathematics
- crèadh
- clay
- n(f)
- creadha - clay poss c
- Subject: Geography
- creag
- rock
- n(f)
- creige - rock poss crocks - creagan pl
- colbh-creige rock pillar
- creag leaghte molten rock
- creagan loma outcrop (rocks)
- Subject: Geography
- Creag an Iubhair
- Craignure
- aiseag Chreag an Iubhair Craignure ferry
- Subject: Geography
- creag-chrochte
- overhang
- n(f)
- creig-chrochte - overhang poss coverhangs - creagan-crochte pl
- Subject: Geography
- creagan loma
- outcrop
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- creamh-gàrraidh
- leek
- n(m)
- creamh-gàrraidh - leek poss cleeks - creamh-gàrraidh pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- crèatar
- crater
- n(m)
- crèatar - crater poss ccraters - crèataran pl
- Subject: Geography
- creideamh
- faith
- n(m)
- creideimh - faith poss cfaiths - creideamhan pl
- creideamhan ann an Crìosd faith in Christ
- creideamhan ann an Ìosa faith in Jesus
- creideamhan Ioslamach, Babach agus Bahai Islam, Babism and Bahai faith
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- creideamh
- religion
- n(m)
- creideimh - religion poss creligions - creideamhan pl
- creideamh Gearmainig Germanic religion
- creideamh Greugach agus Ròmanach Greek and Roman religion
- creideamh Zoroastair Zoroastrianism
- creideamhan às na h-Innseachan religions of Indic origin
- creideamhan eile other religions
- creidheamhan eile religions not provided for elsewhere
- feallsanachd agus teòiridh creideimh philosophy and theory of religion
- saidheans agus creideamh science and religion
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- creideamh
- religious belief
- n(m)
- creideimh - religious belief poss creligious beliefs - creideamhan pl
- coitheanalan agus òrdughan cràbhach religious congregations and orders
- comainn airson obair creideimh associations for religious works
- cumail creideimh religious observance
- eòlas creideimh, moraltachd agus feallsanachd religious, moral and philosophical studies
- foghlam creideimh religious education
- gnàthas aoghaireil Crìosdail agus òrdughan cràbhach Christian pastoral practice and religious orders
- miseanan agus foghlam creideimh missions and religious education
- tha cumail creideimh na dhleastanas air sgoiltean religious observance is required in schools
- togalaichean airson adhbharan creideimh buildings for religious purposes
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- creideamh Zoroastair
- Zoroastrianism
- n phr
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- creideas
- belief
- n(m)
- creideis - belief poss cbelief - creideasan pl
- a' toirt luachan agus creideasan air adhart developing values and beliefs
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Creig Abhann
- Craigavon
- Subject: Geography
- crescendo
- crescendo
- n(m)
- crescendo - crescendo poss ccrescendos - crescendothan pl
- Subject: Music
- creud
- creed
- n(f)
- creuda - creed poss ccreeds - creudan pl
- creudan agus leabhraichean cheist creeds and catechisms
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- creutair
- being
- n(m)
- creutair - being poss cbeings - creutairean pl
- creutairean spioradail spiritual beings
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- cridhe
- heart
- n(m)
- cridhe - heart poss chearts - cridheachan pl
- mo chridhe my heart
- tinneas cridhe heart disease
- Subject: Science
- cridhe eitean na talmhainn
- inner core
- n(m)
- cridhe eitean na talmhainn - inner core poss c
- Subject: Science
- cril
- krill
- n(m)
- cril - krill poss c
- Subject: Science
- crìoch
- boundary
- n(f)
- crìche - boundary poss cboundaries - crìochan pl
- crìoch chonnspaideach disputed boundary
- crìoch dùthcha country boundary
- crìoch eadar-nàiseanta international boundary
- crìoch nàiseanta national boundary
- crìoch roinneil regional boundary
- crìoch-pleata plate boundary
- crìoch-pleata constructach constructive plate boundary
- crìoch-pleata glèidhteach conservative plate boundary
- crìoch-pleata millteach destructive plate boundary
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- crìoch
- limit
- n(f)
- crìche - limit poss climits - crìochan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- crìoch-làin
- tidal limit
- n(f)
- crìch-làin - tidal limit poss ctidal limits - crìochan-làin pl
- Subject: Geography
- crìochnachadh
- finishing
- n(m)
- crìochnachaidh - finishing poss c
- crìochnachadh loinneil detail finishing
- Subject: General
- crìochnaich
- finish
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- criomadair
- rodent
- n(m)
- criomadair - rodent poss crodents - criomadairean pl
- Subject: Science
- criomag
- cookie
- n(f)
- criomaig - cookie poss ccookies - criomagan pl
- poileasaidh chriomagan cookies policy
- riaghladh chriomagan cookie control
- Subject: Computing
- crìonadh
- decay
- n(m)
- crìonaidh - decay poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- crìonadh
- decline
- n(m)
- crìonaidh - decline poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- criopton
- krypton
- n(m)
- crioptoin - krypton poss c
- Subject: Science
- Crios Kuiper
- Kuiper belt
- n(m)
- Crios Kuiper - Kuiper belt poss c
- Subject: Science
- crios-fasgaidh
- shelter belt
- n(m)
- crios-fasgaidh - shelter belt poss cshelter belts - criosan-fasgaidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- crios-grèine
- solar system
- n(m)
- crios-grèine - solar system poss csolar systems - criosan-grèine pl
- An Crios-grèine The Solar System
- meud a' Chrios-grèine size of the Solar System
- Subject: Science
- Crios-meadhain
- Equator
- n(m)
- Crios-meadhain - Equator poss c
- faisg air a' Chrios-mheadhain near the Equator
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- crios-meadhaineil
- equatorial
- adj
- gnàth-shìde chrios-meadhaineil equatorial climate
- Subject: Geography
- crios-uaine
- green belt
- n(m)
- criosa-uaine - green belt poss cgreen belts - criosachan-uaine plgreen belts - criosan-uaine pl
- Subject: Geography
- Crìosd
- Christ
- n(m)
- Chrìosd(a) - Christ poss c
- Baistich, Deisciobail Chrìosd agus Aidmheintich Baptist, Disciples of Christ and Adventist
- creideamh ann an Crìosd faith in Christ
- Ìosa Crìosd Jesus Christ
- Ìosa Crìosd agus a theaghlach Jesus Christ and his family
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Crìosdaidh
- Christian
- n(m)
- Crìosdaidh - Christian poss cChristians - Crìosdaidhean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Crìosdaidheachd
- Christianity
- n(f)
- Crìosdaidheachd - Christianity poss c
- cleachdadh ealain ann an Crìosdaidheachd use of art in Christianity
- Crìosdaidheachd agus eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail Christianity and Christian theology
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd history of Christianity
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd agus na h-eaglais Chrìosdail history of Christianity and Christian church
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Afraga history of Christianity in Africa
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Àisia history of Christianity in Asia
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Deas history of Christianity in South America
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Tuath history of Christianity in North America
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an ceàrnaidhean eile history of Christianity in other areas
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd san Roinn Eòrpa history of Christianity in Europe
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Crìosdail
- Christian
- adj
- a' bheatha Crìosdail the Christian life
- an creideamh Crìosdail the Christian religion
- beus-eòlas Crìosdail Christian ethics
- cleachdadh Crìosdail Christian observance
- cleachdaidhean Crìosdail ann am beatha teaghlaich Christian observances in family life
- Crìosdaidheachd agus eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail Christianity and Christian theology
- Crìosdaidheachd: gnàthas agus cleachdadh Christian practice and observance
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd agus na h-eaglais Crìosdail history of Christianity and Christian church
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Afraga Christian organization, social work and worship
- eòlas, gnàthas agus beatha Chrìosdail Christian experience, practice and life
- eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail Christian theology
- eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail, moraltan agus adhradh Christian moral and devotional theology
- gnàthas aoghaireil Crìosdail agus òrdughan cràbhach Christian pastoral practice and religious orders
- gnàthas Crìosdail Christian practice
- meuran agus seactaichean Crìosdail Christian denominations and sects
- meuran Crìosdail Christian denominations
- òrdughan Crìosdail agus eaglaisean ionadail Christian orders and local church
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- criostal-eòlas
- crystallography
- n(m)
- criostal-eòlais - crystallography poss c
- Subject: Science
- crith
- vibration
- n(f)
- crith(e) - vibration poss cvibrations - crithean pl
- fuaim agus crithean co-cheangailte sound and related vibrations
- Subject: Science
- crith-thalmhainn
- earthquake
- n(f)
- crith-thalmhainn - earthquake poss ccrithe-talmhainn - earthquake poss cearthquakes - crithean-talmhainn pl
- drile crith-thalmhainn earthquake drill
- sònaichean chrithean-talmhainn beò active earthquake zones
- togalaichean crith-sheasmhach earthquake proof buildings
- Subject: Geography
- crith-theangaireachd
- flutter tonguing
- n(f)
- crith-theangaireachd - flutter tonguing poss c
- Subject: Music
- crith-thonn
- shockwave
- n(m)
- crith-thuinn - shockwave poss cshockwaves - crith-thonnan pl
- Subject: GeographyScience
- crithean sìosmaig
- seismic activity
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyScience
- Croatia
- Croatia
- n(m/f)
- Chroatia - Croatia poss c
- muinntir Chroatia people of Croatia
- Subject: Geography
- Croatianach
- Croatian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- cròcas
- crocus
- n(m)
- cròcais - crocus poss ccrocuses - cròcasan pl
- Subject: Science
- crodh
- cattle
- n(m)
- c(h)ruidh - cattle poss c
- cliath-chruidh cattle grid
- rainseadh-chruidh cattle ranching
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- crois
- cross
- n(f)
- croise - cross poss ccrosses - croisean pl
- Còd Crois Uaine Green Cross Code
- Crois Bhictoria Victoria Cross
- Crois Dheòrsa George Cross
- Crois Iarainn na Gearmailt German Iron Cross
- crois-rathaid crossroads
- Subject: General
- crois leibheil
- level crossing
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Crois Mhic Lionnáin
- Crossmaglen
- Subject: Geography
- croit
- croft
- n(f)
- croite - croft poss ccrofts - croitean pl
- taigh-croite croft house
- Subject: General
- croitear
- crofter
- n(m)
- croiteir - crofter poss ccrofters - croitearan pl
- Subject: General
- croitearachd
- crofting
- n(f)
- croitearachd - crofting poss c
- Coimisean na Croitearachd Crofting Commission
- Subject: General
- croitseat
- crotchet
- n(m)
- croitseit - crotchet poss ccrotchets - croitseatan pl
- nota croitseit crotchet note
- Subject: Music
- cròmasom
- chromosome
- n(m)
- cròmasoim - chromosome poss cchromosomes - cròmasoman pl
- Subject: Science
- cròmasomach
- chromosomal
- adj
- Subject: Science
- cròmat
- chromate
- n(m)
- cròmat - chromate poss c
- luaidhe cròmat lead chromate
- Subject: Science
- cromataig
- chromatic
- adj
- ruithean cromataig chromatic sequences
- semitòn cromataig chromatic semitone
- sgèile chromataig chromatic scale
- Subject: Music
- cromataigeachd
- chromaticism
- n(f)
- cromataigeachd - chromaticism poss c
- Subject: Music
- Cromba
- Cromarty
- Linne Chrombaidh Cromarty Firth
- Subject: Geography
- Cromghlinn
- Crumlin
- Subject: Geography
- cròmium
- chromium
- n(m)
- cròmium - chromium poss c
- Subject: Science
- cròmo-liotografaidh
- chromolithography
- n(m)
- cròmo-liotografaidh - chromolithography poss c
- cròmo-liotografaidh agus serigrafaidh chromolithography and serigraphy
- Subject: Art
- crotal
- lichen
- n(m)
- crotail - lichen poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Cruachan Beann
- Ben Cruachan
- n(f)
- Cruachan Beann - Ben Cruachan poss c
- a' sreap Cruachan Beann climbing Ben Cruachan
- Subject: Geography
- cruaidh
- hard
- adj
- clach chruaidh hard rock
- Subject: Geography
- cruaidh-fhiodh
- hardwood
- n(m)
- cruaidh-fhiodh - hardwood poss chardwoods - cruaidh-fhiodhan pl
- craobhan cruaidh-fhiodh hardwood trees
- craobhan cruaidh-fhiodh tropaigeach tropical hardwood trees
- Subject: Geography
- cruaidh-shligneach
- crustacean
- n(m)
- cruaidh-shlignich - crustacean poss ccrustaceans - cruaidh-shlignich pl
- Subject: Science
- cruan
- enamel
- n(m)
- cruain - enamel poss cenamels - cruain pl
- Subject: Science
- crùbag
- crab
- n(f)
- crùbaig - crab poss ccrabs - crùbagan pl
- crùbag-cruidhe horseshoe crab
- Subject: Science
- cruinn-eòlach
- geographic
- adj
- am Pòla cruinn-eòlach a Tuath geographic North Pole
- làimhseachadh cruinn-eòlach geographic treatment
- Subject: Geography
- cruinn-eòlach
- geographical
- adj
- sgrùdadh cruinn-eòlach geographical study
- Subject: Geography
- Cruinn-eòlas
- Geography
- n(m)
- Cruinn-eòlais - Geography poss c
- An Talamh (Cruinn-eòlas reul-eòlach) Earth (Astronomical geography)
- Cruinn-eòlas - Teisteanais Nàiseanta Geography - National Qualifications
- Cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal Geography and travel
- Cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Afraga Geography of and travel in Africa
- Cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Àisia Geography of and travel in Asia
- Cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Ameireaga a Deas Geography of and travel in South America
- Cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Ameireaga a Tuath Geography of and travel in North America
- Cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an ceàrnaidhean eile Geography of and travel in other areas
- Cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal anns an Roinn Eòrpa Geography of and travel in Europe
- Cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal anns an t-saoghal àrsaidh Geography of and travel in ancient world
- cruinn-eòlas daonna human geography
- Cruinn-eòlas eachdraidheil Historical geography
- Cruinn-eòlas matamataigeach Mathematical geography
- Eachdraidh agus Cruinn-eòlas History and Geography
- leasan Cruinn-eòlais Geography lesson
- pàipear Cruinn-eòlais Geography paper
- Subject: Geography
- cruinne
- globe
- n(m)
- cruinne - globe poss cglobes - cruinnean pl
- lorgair-cruinneil globe locator
- Subject: Geography
- cruinne
- sphere
- n(m)
- cruinne - sphere poss cspheres - cruinnean pl
- leth-chruinne hemisphere
- Subject: Mathematics
- cruinne
- world
- n(m)
- cruinne - world poss c
- Co-bhanntachd Lìon na Cruinne World Wide Web Consortium
- inbhe Làrach Dualchas Cruinneil World Heritage Site status
- Làrach Dualchas Cruinneil World Heritage Site
- malairt chruinneil world trade
- margaid chruinneil world market
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- cruinne-cè
- universe
- n(m)
- cruinne-cè - universe poss cuniverses - cruinnean-cè pl
- cruinnean-cè co-shìnte parallel universes
- tùs a' chruinne-cè origin of the universe
- Subject: Science
- cruinneachadh
- collection
- n(m)
- cruinneachaidh - collection poss ccollections - cruinneachaidhean pl
- cruinneachaidhean anns a' Bheurla collections in English
- cruinneachaidhean coitcheann general collections
- cruinneachaidhean de staitistigs choitcheann collections of general statistics
- cruinneachaidhean litreachais collections of literature
- cruinneachaidhean prìobhaideach private collections
- Subject: General
- cruinneachadh gu
- rounding
- n(m)
- cruinneachaidh - rounding poss croundings - cruinneachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cruinnealas
- globalisation
- n(m)
- cruinnealais - globalisation poss c
- buaidh cruinnealais impact of globalisation
- Subject: Geography
- cruinneil
- global
- adj
- blàthachadh na cruinne global warming
- cùisean na cruinne global issues
- lorg cruinne global footprint
- lorg cruinne sgoiltean schools' global footprint
- saoranachd na cruinne global citizenship
- sgaoileadh-sluaigh an t-saoghail global population distribution
- Subject: Geography
- cruinnich
- collect
- vb
- Subject: General
- cruinnich gu
- round off to
- vb
- cruinnich gu 2 ionad dheicheadh round off to 2 decimal places
- Subject: Mathematics
- cruinnichte
- collected
- adj
- cunntasan cruinnichte de thachartasan collected accounts of events
- làimhseachadh dhaoine, eachdraidheil agus cruinnichte historical and collected persons treatment
- Subject: General
- crumhorn
- crumhorn
- n(m)
- crumhorn - crumhorn poss ccrumhorns - crumhornan pl
- Subject: Music
- cruth
- shape
- n(m)
- crutha - shape (3d) poss cshapes (3d) - cruthan pl
- cruth solid shape
- cruth neo-chothromach irregular shape
- cruth neo-riaghailteach irregular shape
- cruth snìomhanach spiral shape
- cruthan 3sh 3d shapes
- Subject: Mathematics
- cruth
- form
- n(m)
- cruth(a) - form poss cforms - cruthan pl
- cruth ciad-ghluasaid first movement form
- cruth contrapuntal contrapuntal form
- cruth dà-earrainn binary form
- cruth dà-earrainn fillte compound binary form
- cruthan ciùil musical forms
- Subject: Music
- cruth
- solid
- n(m)
- crutha - solid poss csolids - cruthan pl
- cearcall-thomhas crutha circumference of a solid
- cruth cruaidh solid shape
- cruth trì-sheallach 3 dimensional solid
- cruth-cuartail solid of revolution
- cruthan co-cheangailte composite solids
- cruthan co-thàthte composite solids
- Subject: Mathematics
- cruth-atharrachadh
- transformation
- n(m)
- cruth-atharrachaidh - transformation poss ctransformations - cruth-atharrachaidhean pl
- manaidsear cruth-atharrachadh gnothachais business transformation manager
- Subject: General
- cruth-dhealbh (3sh)
- outline
- n(m)
- cruth-dheilbh (3D) - outline poss coutlines - cruth-dhealbhan (3D) pl
- Subject: Technical
- cruth-tìre
- landscape
- n(m)
- cruth-tìre - landscape poss clandscapes - cruthan-tìre pl
- cruth-tìre nàdarra natural landscape
- cruth-tìre Thuircmeanastan landscape of Turkmenistan
- ealain cruth-tìre landscape art
- feartan-tìre landscape features
- Subject: Geography
- cruthachadh
- composing
- n(m)
- cruthachadh ciùil composing of music
- cruthachadh òrain composing of a song
- Subject: Music
- cruthachail
- creative
- adj
- bun-chruthachail original (creatively new)
- na h-ealain chruthachail the creative arts
- sgrìobhadh cruthachail creative writing
- Subject: General
- cruthadair-ciùil
- composer
- n(m)
- cruthadair-ciùil - composer poss ccomposers - cruthadairean-ciùil pl
- comas cruthadair-ciùil composer's ability
- cruthadair-ciùil ainmeil famous composer
- Subject: Music
- cruthaich
- compose
- vb
- cruthaich is cuir post-d compose and send mail
- cruthaich post-d compose mail
- Subject: Computing
- cruthaich
- compose
- vb
- a' cruthachadh ceòl composing music
- a' cruthachadh òran composing a song
- cruthaich òran compose a song
- Subject: Music
- cù
- dog
- n(m)
- coin - dog poss cdogs - coin pl
- cù beag little dog
- cù dubh black dog
- cù-chaorach sheepdog
- cù-seilge hunting dog
- latha a' choin dhuibh the day of the black dog
- Subject: Science
- cuach-aibhne
- river basin
- n(f)
- cuaich-aibhne - river basin poss criver basin - cuachan-aibhne pl
- Subject: Geography
- cuach-mhullach
- dome roof
- n(m)
- cuach-mhullaich - dome roof poss cdome roofs - cuach-mhullaich pldome roofs - cuach-mhullaichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- cuairt
- revolution
- n(f)
- cuairt(e) - revolution poss crevolutions - cuairtean pl
- cruth-cuartail solid of revolution
- cuairt iomlan complete revolution
- leth-chuairt half revolution
- tomhas-lìonaidh cruth-cuartail volume of revolution
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuairt
- rotation
- n(f)
- cuairt(e) - rotation poss crotations - cuairtean pl
- cuairt iomlan complete rotation
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuairt
- cycle
- n(f)
- cuairte - cycle poss ccycles - cuairtean pl
- cuairt mhean-fhàsach evolutionary cycle
- cuairt nan clachan rock cycle
- cuairt-beatha life cycle
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- cuairt
- turn
- n(f)
- cuairt(e) - turn poss cturns - cuairtean pl
- cuairt iomlan full turn
- cuairt iomlan complete turn
- cuairt shlàn full turn
- leth-chuairt half turn
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuairt
- period
- n(f)
- cuairt(e) - period poss cperiods - cuairtean pl
- sgeids grafaichean y = -2 sin x° agus y = -3 sin x° agus sgrìobh cuairt agus meudachd gach graf sketch the graphs y = -2 sin x° and y = -3 sin x° and write the period and amplitude of each graph
- sgrìobh cuairt agus meudachd y = cos x° write the period and the amplitude of y = cos x°
- sgrìobh cuairt an fhuincsean y = 7 cos x° write the period of the function y = 7 cos x°
- sgrìobh cuairt a’ ghraf write the period of the graph
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuairt
- tour
- n(f)
- cuairt(e) - tour poss ctours - cuairtean pl
- cuairtean foghlaim educational tours
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- cuairt-chearcall
- circumcircle
- n(m)
- cuairt-chearcaill - circumcircle poss ccircumcircles - cuairt-chearcaill plcircumcircles - cuairt-chearcallan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuairt-chearcallaichte
- inscribed
- adj
- cearcall cuairt-chearcallaichte inscribed circle
- ceàrnag chuairt-chearcallaichte inscribed square
- triantan cuairt-chearcallaichte inscribed triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuairt-ghluasad
- rotational movement
- n(m)
- cuairt-ghluasaid - rotational movement poss crotational movements - cuairt-ghluasadan pl
- Subject: Geography
- cuairt-òran
- round
- n(m)
- cuairt-òrain - round poss crounds - cuairt-òrain pl
- Subject: Music
- cuairt-rathad
- ring road
- n(m)
- cuairt-rathaid - ring road poss cring roads - cuairt-rathaidean pl
- Subject: Geography
- cuairt-shruthach
- circulatory
- adj
- siostam cuartachaidh circulatory system
- Subject: Science
- cuairt-thomhas
- perimeter
- n(m)
- cuairt-thomhais - perimeter poss cperimeters - cuairt-thomhasan pl
- cuairt-thomhas an triantain perimeter of the triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuairteach
- cyclic
- adj
- fuinn chuairteach cyclic tunes
- pàtran cuarteach cyclic pattern
- Subject: Music
- cuan
- ocean
- n(m)
- cuain - ocean poss coceans - cuantan pl
- An Cuan Atlantaig Atlantic Ocean
- An Cuan Innseanach Indian Ocean
- An Cuan Innseanach a Deas South Indian Ocean
- An Cuan Siar Atlantic Ocean
- eileanan a' Chuain Innseanaich a Deas South Indian Ocean islands
- roinn cuain ocean region
- Subject: Geography
- Cuan Dhún Dealgan
- Dundalk Bay
- Subject: Geography
- Cuan Èireann
- Irish Sea
- n(m)
- Cuan Èireann - Irish Sea poss c
- aiseagan Cuan Èireann Irish Sea ferries
- Subject: Geography
- Cuan Èireann
- Irish Sea
- Subject: Geography
- Cuan Mó
- Clew Bay
- Subject: Geography
- Cuan Shligigh
- Sligo Bay
- Subject: Geography
- cuantach
- oceanic
- adj
- rùsg cuantach oceanic crust
- Subject: Geography
- cuantach
- maritime
- adj
- Artaig Cuantach Arctic Maritime
- Pòlarach Cuantach Polar Maritime
- Tropaigeach Cuantach Tropical Maritime
- Subject: Geography
- cuantam
- quantum
- n(m)
- cuantam - quantum poss cquanta - cuantaman pl
- Subject: Science
- cuantam
- quantum
- adj
- fiosaigs cuantam quantum physics
- meacanaigs cuantam quantum mechanics
- Subject: Science
- cuaraidh
- quarry
- n(m/f)
- cuaraidh - quarry poss cquarries - cuaraidhean pl
- clach cuaraidh quarried stone
- Subject: Geography
- cuaraidheachd
- quarrying
- n(f)
- cuaraidheachd - quarrying poss c
- Subject: Geography
- cuartach
- periodic
- adj
- air sgàth seo, canar gur e fuincsean cuartach le cuairt de 360° a tha anns an fhuincsean sine for this reason, the sine function is said to be a periodic function with a period of 360°
- fuincsean cuartach periodic function
- graf cuartach periodic graph
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuartachadh
- convection
- n(f)
- cuartachaidh - convection poss cconvections - cuartachaidhean pl
- cuartachadh blàiths heat convection
- sruth cuartachaidh convection current
- Subject: Science
- cuartachadh
- circulation
- n(m)
- cuartachaidh - circulation poss ccirculation - cuartachaidhean pl
- cuartachadh èadhair air circulation
- cuartachadh fala circulation of blood
- Subject: Science
- cuartachadh blàiths
- heat convection
- n(m)
- cuartachadh blàiths - heat convection poss c
- Subject: Science
- cuartaich
- circulate
- vb
- Subject: Science
- cuartaich
- orbit
- vb
- Subject: Science
- cuartaich
- circumscribe
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuartaichte
- circumscribed
- adj
- cearcall cuartaichte circumscribed circle
- ceàrnag chuartaichte circumscribed square
- triantan cuartaichte circumscribed triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuartail
- rotational
- adj
- co-chothromachd chuartail rotational symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuartail
- cyclic
- adj
- pàtran cuartail cyclic pattern
- Subject: Mathematics
- Cùbar
- Cupar
- Caisteal Chùbair Cupar Castle
- Subject: Geography
- cueadsal
- quetzal
- n(m)
- cueadsail - quetzal poss cquetzals - cueadsalan pl
- cueadsal riochdail resplendent quetzal
- Subject: Science
- cuèbhear
- quaver
- n(f)
- cuèbher - quaver poss cquavers - cuèbhearan pl
- faid na cuèbher length of the quaver
- Subject: Music
- cuibheall-tomhais
- trundle wheel
- n(f)
- cuibhle-tomhais - trundle wheel poss ctrundle wheels - cuibhlean-tomhais pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuibheas
- average
- n(m)
- cuibheis - average poss caverages - cuibheasan pl
- a' rannsachadh chuibheasan investigating averages
- Subject: MathematicsScienceGeography
- cuibheas
- mean
- n(m)
- cuibheis - mean poss cmeans - cuibheasan pl
- cuibheas aritmeataigeach arithmetic mean
- cuibheas geoimeatrach geometric mean
- cuibheas harmonaig harmonic mean
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuibheasach
- average
- adj
- teòthachd chuibheasach average temperature
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuibheasach
- mean
- adj
- luach cuibheasach mean value
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuibhreann
- allowance
- n(m)
- cuibhrinn - allowance poss callowances - cuibhreannan plallowances - cuibhrinn pl
- cuibhreann-cìse tax allowance
- tha cuibhreann £3 agad you have an allowance of £3
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuibhreann
- share
- n(m/f)
- cuibhrinn - share poss cshares - cuibhreannan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuid
- portion
- n(f)
- cuid(e) - portion poss cportions - cuidean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuideachadh
- help
- n(m)
- cuideachaidh - help poss c
- cuideachadh far-loidhne offline help
- faigh cuideachadh get help
- menu cuideachaidh help menu
- theirig gu menu cuideachaidh go to help menu
- Subject: Computing
- cuideam
- weight
- n(m)
- cuideim - weight poss cweights - cuideaman pl
- cuideam iomlan gross weight
- cuideam lom net weight
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuigeal nam ban-sìthe
- cat's tail
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- Cúil an tSúdaire
- Portarlington
- Subject: Geography
- Cùil Lodair
- Culloden
- Blàr Chùil Lodair Battle of Culloden
- Subject: Geography
- Cúil Mhuine
- Collooney
- Subject: Geography
- Cúil Raithin
- Coleraine
- Subject: Geography
- cuileag-ghlas
- greenfly
- n(f)
- cuileige-glaise - greenfly poss cgreenflies - cuileagan-glasa pl
- Subject: Science
- cuileag-leòmain
- moth
- n(f)
- cuileige-leòmain(e) - moth poss cmoths - cuileagan-leòmain pl
- Subject: Science
- cuileag-theallaich
- cricket
- n(f)
- cuileig-theallaich - cricket poss ccrickets - cuileagan-teallaich pl
- Subject: Science
- cuilean sionnaich
- fox cub
- n(m)
- cuilein-sionnaich - fox cub poss cfox cubs - cuileanan sionnaich pl
- Subject: Science
- cuimhneachan
- reminder
- n(m)
- cuimhneachain - reminder poss creminders - cuimhneachain pl
- Subject: Computing
- cuimhneachan
- souvenir
- n(m)
- cuimhneachain - souvenir poss csouvenirs - cuimhneachain pl
- bùithtean chuimhneachan souvenir shops
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- cuimhnich dhomh
- remind me
- vb
- cuimhnich dhomh aig àm eile remind me later
- Subject: Computing
- Cuimreach
- Welsh
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Cuimreach
- Welsh
- n(m)
- Cuimrich - Welsh poss cWelsh - Cuimrich pl
- cead-siubhail a' Chuimrich the Welshman's passport
- cead-siubhail na Ban-Chuimrich the Welshwoman's passport
- Subject: Geography
- Cuimris
- Welsh
- n(f)
- Cuimris - Welsh poss c
- A' Chuimris the Welsh language
- cànan na Cuimrigh Welsh language
- Subject: Geography
- cuing
- brace
- n(f)
- cuinge - brace poss cbraces - cuingean pl
- Subject: Music
- cuir
- send
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- cuir (ann) an òrdugh
- array
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir a-steach
- insert
- vb
- iuchair INSERT INSERT key
- Subject: Computing
- cuir a-steach
- submit
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- cuir air bhog
- launch
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- cuir air clàr
- array
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir air clàr
- tabulate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir air ghleus
- tune
- vb
- Subject: Music
- cuir an gnìomh
- apply
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- cuir an sàs
- install
- vb
- cuir prògam an sàs install programme
- Subject: Computing
- cuir ann an òrdugh
- arrange
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir ann an òrdugh
- put in order
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir ann an òrdugh
- put in sequence
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir car
- turn
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir car de
- rotate
- vb
- cuir car treasamh-cuairt den chumadh rotate the shape 120°
- cuir leth-chuairt den chumadh rotate the shape 180°
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir fiaradh ann
- slant
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir fios
- contact
- vb
- fios thugainn contact us
- Subject: Computing
- cuir gu dol
- activate
- vb
- air a chur gu dol le guth voice activated
- cuir an t-inneal gu dol activate the machine
- cuir gu dol le guth voice activation
- tha an t-inneal air a chur gu dol le guth the machine is voice activated
- Subject: Science
- cuir mun cuairt
- rotate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir mun cuairt
- turn
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir mun cuairt
- revolve
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir prìs air
- price
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir ris
- add
- vb
- cuir don bhasgaid add to basket
- cuir don chairt add to cart
- cuir ro-shealladh brath add post preview
- Subject: Computing
- cuir sa phost
- post
- vb
- Subject: General
- cuir-ris
- add
- vb
- 2 cuir-ris 4 = 6 2 add 4 = 6
- cuir-ris 4 agus 5 add 4 and 5
- cuir-ris trì agus ceithir add three and four
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuir-ris
- plus
- vb
- 2 cuir-ris 4 = 6 2 plus 4 = 6
- samhla cur-ris plus sign
- soidhne cur-ris plus sign
- Subject: Mathematics
- cuirm-chnuic
- picnic
- n(f)
- cuirm-chnuic - picnic poss cpicnics - cuirmean-chnuic pl
- làrach cuirm-cnuic picnic site
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- cùirt
- court
- n(f)
- cùirte - court poss ccùrtach - court poss ccourts - cùirtean pl
- Cùirt an t-Siorraidh Sheriff Court
- cùirt chatharra civil court
- cùirt-lagha court of law
- cùis-lagha court case
- modh-obrach nan cùirtean procedure of the courts
- Subject: General
- cuirte
- sent
- adj
- chaidh an nì seo a chur chun mhodaràtor this item as been sent for moderation
- Subject: Computing
- cùirtear
- curtain
- n(m)
- cùirteir - curtain poss ccurtains - cùirtearan pl
- dubhsgàil blackout curtain
- Subject: Home Economics
- cùis
- case
- n(f)
- cùise - case poss ccases - cùisean pl
- laghan, riaghailtean agus cùisean laws, regulations and cases
- Subject: General
- cùis-lagha
- court case
- n(f)
- cùise-lagha - court case poss ccourt cases - cùisean-lagha pl
- Subject: Modern Studies
- cuisle
- artery
- n(f)
- cuisle - artery poss carteries - cuislean pl
- cuisle a' chridhe coronary artery
- cuisle mhòr aorta
- cuisle mhòr na h-amhaich carotid artery
- cuisle na h-imleig umbilical artery
- Subject: Science
- cuisle-mhòr
- aorta
- n(f)
- cuisle-mhòir - aorta poss ccuisle-mòire - aorta poss caortas - cuislean-mòra pl
- Subject: Science
- cuisleach
- arterial
- adj
- fèith-fala chuisleach arterial vein
- Subject: Science
- cul-de-sac
- cul-de-sac
- n(m)
- cul-de-sac - cul-de-sac poss ccul-de-sacs - cul-de-sacs pl
- Subject: Geography
- cùl-raon
- background
- n(m)
- cùl-raointean backgrounds
- cùl-raoin background
- Subject: General
- cùl-ri-cùl
- back to back
- Subject: Mathematics
- cùlag
- wisdom tooth
- n(f)
- cùlaig(e) - wisdom tooth poss cwisdom teeth - cùlagan pl
- Subject: Science
- cularan
- cucumber
- n(m)
- cularain - cucumber poss ccucumbers - cularain pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- cularan mara
- sea cucumber
- n phr
- faid a' chularain mhara the length of the sea cucumber
- faid cularan mara the length of a sea cucumber
- Subject: Science
- cultar
- culture
- n(m)
- cultair - culture poss ccultures - cultaran pl
- cultar agus cleachdaidhean culture and institutions
- cultar, eachdraidh agus dualchas na h-Alba Scotland's culture, history and heritage
- cultaran iarach western cultures
- ionad-cultair culture centre
- lagh cultair cultural law
- Subject: General
- cultarach
- cultural
- adj
- lagh cultair cultural law
- mothachadh cultarach cultural awareness
- Subject: General
- cultarail
- cultural
- adj
- baile-turasachd cultarail cultural resort
- Subject: Geography
- cùm ort
- next
- imp
- Subject: Computing
- cùm sìos
- hold down
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- cumadh
- shape
- n(m)
- cumaidh - shape (2d) poss cshapes (2d) - cumaidhean pl
- cumadh co-cheangailte composite shape
- cumadh co-chothromach symmetrical shape
- cumadh co-thàthte composite shape
- cumadh còmhnard flat shape
- cumadh cothromaichte symmetrical shape
- cumadh dùbailte double shape
- cumadh neo-atharrachail rigid shape
- cumadh, suidheachadh agus gluasad shape, position and movement
- feartan chumaidhean properties of shapes
- Subject: Mathematics
- cumadh
- construction
- n(m)
- cumaidh - construction poss cconstructions - cumaidhean pl
- cumadh earrainn construction of phrase
- cumadh sgèile construction of scale
- cumaidhean ciùil musical constructions
- Subject: Music
- cumail-taighe
- housekeeping
- n(f)
- cumail-taighe - housekeeping poss c
- Subject: Home Economics
- cumhachd
- power
- n(m/f)
- cumhachd - power poss cpowers - cumhachdan pl
- cumhachdan agus freumhan powers and roots
- cumhachdan de dheich powers of ten
- Subject: Mathematics
- cumhang
- narrow
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- cùmhnant
- contract
- cùmhnaint - contract poss ccontracts - cùmhnantan pl
- companaidhean cùmhnaint contract companies
- Cùmhnantan Leasachadh Dùthchail Rural Development Contracts
- Subject: General
- cùmhnantan
- terms and conditions
- n(pl)
- chùmhnantan - terms and conditions poss cterms and conditions - cùmhnantan pl
- Subject: Computing
- cùmhnantan cleachdaidh
- terms of use
- n(pl)
- cùmhnantan cleachdaidh - terms of use poss cterms of use - cùmhnantan cleachdaidh pl
- Subject: Computing
- Cumnag
- Cumnock
- mèinnearan Chumnaig Cumnock miners
- Subject: Geography
- Cumnag Nuadh
- New Cumnock
- Bun-sgoil Chumnaig Nuaidh New Cumnock Primary School
- Subject: Geography
- cumulonimbus
- cumulonimbus
- n(m)
- cumulonimbus - cumulonimbus poss c
- Subject: Geography
- cunbhal
- constant
- n(m)
- cunbhail - constant poss cconstants - cunbhalan pl
- cunbhal atharrachaidh constant of variation
- cunbhal co-chuideid constant of proportionality
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunbhalach
- constant
- adj
- reat cunbhalach constant rate
- riaghailt a' cho-mheas chunbhalaich the constant ratio rule
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunnt
- count
- vb
- cunnt air ais (bho) count back (from)
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunntadh
- counting
- n(m)
- cunntaidh - counting poss c
- dòigh cunntaidh method of counting
- siostam cunntaidh counting system
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunntair
- checkout
- n(m)
- cunntair - checkout poss ccheckouts - cunntairean pl
- Subject: Computing
- cunntair
- counter
- n(m)
- cunntair - counter poss ccounters - cunntairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunntas
- statement
- n(m)
- cunntais - statement poss cstatements - cunntasan pl
- fiosrachadh mu atharrachadh statement of variation
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunntas
- account
- n(m)
- cunntais - account poss caccounts - cunntasan pl
- cunntas neach-cleachdaidh user account
- cunntas puist-d e-mail account
- cunntas-banca bank account
- cunntas-dealain electricity bill
- cunntas-fòn telephone bill
- cunntas-ruith current account
- cunntas-tasgaidh investment account
- cunntas-tasgaidh deposit account
- cunntasan cruinnichte de thachartasan collected accounts of events
- cunntasan leasachaidh development accounts
- neach-taice chunntasan accounts assistant
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunntas
- invoice
- n(m)
- cunntais - invoice poss cinvoices - cunntasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunntasachd
- accounting
- n(m)
- cunntasachd - accounting poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- cunntasair
- accountant
- n(m)
- cunntasair - accountant poss caccountant - cunntasairean pl
- àrd-chunntasair senior accountant
- cunntasair ionmhais financial accountant
- cunntasair leasachaidh development accountant
- iar-chunntasair assistant accountant
- Subject: General
- cupa
- trophy
- n(m)
- cupa - trophy poss ctrophies - cupannan pl
- Subject: General
- cur an sàs
- installation
- n(m)
- cuir an sàs - installation poss cinstallations - cur an sàs(an) pl
- crìochnaich an cur an sàs complete the installation
- Draoidh Cur-an-sàs Clò-bhualadair Lìonra Network Printer Installation Wizard
- Subject: Computing
- cur earrannan
- phrasing
- n(m)
- cur earrannan - phrasing poss cphrasing(s) - cur earrannan pl
- sònraich cur earrannan identify phrasing
- Subject: Music
- cur gu dol
- activating
- vb n
- a' cur an inneil gu dol activating the machine
- Subject: Science
- cur-ris
- add-in
- n(m)
- cuir-ris - add-in poss cadd-ins - cur-risean pl
- Subject: Computing
- cur-ris
- add-on
- n(m)
- cuir-ris - add-on poss cadd-ons - cur-risean pl
- uidheam cuir-ris add-on device
- Subject: Computing
- cur-ris
- addition
- n(m)
- cur-ris - addition poss cadditions - cur-risean pl
- cur-ris a-rithist 's a-rithist repeated addition
- cur-ris nad cheann mental addition
- feartan cur-ris addition properties
- fìrinnean cur-ris addition facts
- samhla cur-ris plus sign
- soidhne cur-ris plus sign
- stòiridh cur-ris addition story
- Subject: Mathematics
- cur-ris a-rithist ’s a-rithist
- repeated addition
- Subject: Mathematics
- cur-ris nad cheann
- mental addition
- Subject: Mathematics
- cur-seachad
- leisure
- n(m)
- cur-seachad - leisure poss cleisure - cur-seachadan pl
- Deadhan Gnothachais agus Chur-seachadan Dean of Business and Leisure
- gnothachas agus cur-seachadan business and leisure
- goireasan cur-seachad leisure facilities
- ionad chur-seachadan leisure centre
- ionad-spòrs leisure centre
- pàirce chur-seachadan leisure park
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- cur-seachadan
- recreation
- n(pl)
- cur-seachadan - recreation poss c
- beus-eòlas chur-seachadan agus saor-ùine ethics of recreation and leisure
- ealain agus cur-seachadan arts and recreation
- ealain cur-seachad recreational arts
- ealain thaisbeanail performing arts
- Subject: General
- curaidh
- warrior
- n(m)
- curaidh - warrior poss cwarriors - curaidhean pl
- Subject: General
- cùram
- care
- n(m)
- cùraim - care poss c
- cùram aoghaireil theaghlaichean pastoral care of families
- cùram chloinne child care
- cùram is comhairle pastoral care
- cùram san dachaigh home care
- cùram-slàinte health care
- Subject: General
- cùram-cloinne
- childcare
- n(m)
- cùram-cloinne - childcare poss c
- Subject: General
- cùram-slàinte
- health care
- n(m)
- cùraim-slàinte - health care poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- curium
- curium
- n(m)
- curium - curium poss c
- Subject: Science
- curraicealam
- curriculum
- n(m)
- curraicealaim - curriculum poss ccurricula - curraicealaman pl
- A' togail a' Churraicealaim Building the Curriculum
- adhbharan agus amasan a' Churraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais purposes and aims of Curriculum for Excellence
- Curraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais Curriculum for Excellence
- geàrr-shealladh den churraicealam curriculum at a glance
- luachan, adhbharan agus prionnsapalan Curraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence
- tar-shealladh den churraicealam curriculum overview
- Subject: General
- cùrsa
- direction
- n(m)
- cùrsa - direction poss cdirections - cùrsaichean pl
- comharra-cùrsa direction indicator
- Subject: Mathematics
- cùrsa
- bearing
- n(m)
- cùrsa - bearing poss cbearings - cùrsaichean pl
- cùrsa trì-figearan three-figure bearing
- tha am bàta air cùrsa 020° the boat is on a bearing of 020°
- Subject: Mathematics
- cùrsa
- course
- n(m)
- cùrsa - course poss ccourses - cùrsaichean pl
- comharra-cùrsa direction indicator
- cùrsa trì-figearan three-figure bearing
- tha am bàta air cùrsa 020° the boat is on a bearing of 020°
- Subject: Mathematics
- cùrsa ìochdrach
- lower course
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- cùrsa meadhain
- middle course
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- cùrsa uachdrach
- upper course
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- cùrsa-beatha
- career
- n(m)
- cùrsa-beatha - career poss ccareers - cùrsaichean-beatha pl
- Subject: General
- cùrsa-dreuchd
- career
- n(f)
- cùrsa-dreuchd - career poss ccareers - cùrsaichean-dreuchd pl
- foghlam dhreuchdan career education
- neach-comhairle dhreuchdan career adviser
- seirbheis dhreuchdan careers service
- Subject: General
- cursair
- cursor
- n(m)
- cursair - cursor poss ccursors - cursairean pl
- Subject: Computing
- cuspair
- subject
- n(m)
- cuspair - subject poss csubjects - cuspairean pl
- cuspairean co-cheangailte related subjects
- cuspairean sòisealta social subjects
- cuspairean sònraichte specific subjects
- Subject: General
- cuspair
- topic
- n(m)
- cuspair - topic poss ctopics - cuspairean pl
- cuspairean àraid specific topics
- cuspairean co-cheangailte related topics
- cuspairean sònraichte special topics
- Subject: General
- cuspair-sgrùdaidh
- case study
- n(m)
- cuspair-sgrùdaidh - case study poss ccase studies - cuspairean-sgrùdaidh pl
- Subject: GeographyScienceGeneral