Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- each-mara
- seahorse
- n(m)
- eich-mhara - seahorse poss cseahorses - eich-mhara pl
- Subject: Science
- Eachann
- Hector
- taigh Eachainn Hector's house
- Subject: General
- Eachdraidh
- History
- n(f)
- Eachdraidh(e) - History poss chistories - eachdraidhean pl
- Cultar, Eachdraidh agus Dualchas na h-Alba Scotland's Culture, History and Heritage
- Cuspairean àraid ann an eachdraidh nàdarra Specific topics in natural history
- Eachdraidh Afraga History of Africa
- Eachdraidh agus Cruinn-eòlas History and Geography
- Eachdraidh Àisia History of Asia
- Eachdraidh Ameireaga a Deas History of South America
- Eachdraidh Ameireaga a Tuath History of North America
- Eachdraidh an t-saoghail World history
- Eachdraidh an t-saoghail àrsaidh gu ca. 499 History of ancient world to ca. 499
- Eachdraidh cheàrnaidhean eile History of other areas
- Eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd History of Christianity
- Eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd agus na h-eaglais Chrìosdail History of Christianity and Christian church
- Eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Afraga History of Christianity in Africa
- Eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Àisia History of Christianity in Asia
- Eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Deas History of Christianity in South America
- Eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Tuath History of Christianity in North America
- Eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an ceàrnaidhen eile History of Christianity in other areas
- Eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd san Roinn Eòrpa History of Christianity in Europe
- Eachdraidh na h-Alba Scottish History
- Eachdraidh na Roinn Eòrpa History of Europe
- Eachdraidh nàdarra Natural history
- Eachdraidh nàdarra fhàs-bheairtean Natural history of organisms
- eachdraidh phoilitigeach political history
- eachdraidh, iomradh agus breithneachadh history, description and criticism
- geur-leanmhainn ann an eachdraidh na h-eaglais persecutions in church history
- leabhar eachdraidh history book
- leasain Eachdraidh History lessons
- Mìos Eachdraidh nan Daoine Dubha Black History Month
- Òrdughan cràbhach ann an eachdraidh na h-eaglais Religious orders in church history
- Subject: History
- eachdraidh-beatha
- biography
- n(f)
- eachdraidh-beatha - biography poss cbiographies - eachdraidhean-beatha pl
- eachdraidh-beatha agus sloinntearachd biography and genealogy
- eachdraidh-beatha, sloinntearachd agus suaicheantais biography, genealogy and insignia
- Subject: General
- eachdraidheil
- historical
- adj
- cànanachas eachdraidheil historical linguistics
- cruinn-eòlas eachdraidheil historical geography
- leabhraichean eachdraidheil historical books
- Subject: General
- eachraidh
- mounted
- adj
- cogadh eachraidh mounted warfare
- feachdan eachraidh mounted forces
- Subject: General
- eaconamach
- economic
- adj
- geòlas eaconamach economic geology
- leasachadh eaconamach economic development
- taisbeanair eaconamach economic indicator
- Subject: GeneralBusiness Studies
- eaconamaidh
- economy
- n(m/f)
- eaconamaidh - economy poss ceconomies - eaconamaidhean pl
- rianachd na h-eaconamaidh agus na h-àrainneachd administration of economy and environment
- staid na h-eaconamaidh state of the economy
- Subject: General
- Eaconamas Dachaigh
- Home Economics
- n(f)
- Eaconamas Dachaigh - Home Economics poss c
- cidsin Eaconamas Dachaigh Home Economics kitchen
- dioplòma ann an Eaconamas Dachaigh diploma in Home Economics
- rian dachaigh home management
- Subject: Home Economics
- eaconomas
- economics
- n(m)
- eaconomais - economics poss ceconomics - eaconomas pl
- eaconamas eadar-nàiseanta international economics
- eaconamas ionmhasail financial economics
- eaconamas obrach labour economics
- eaconamas talmhainn agus lùtha economics of land and energy
- eaconomas dachaigh home economics
- Subject: GeneralBusiness Studies
- Eadailig
- Italic
- n(f)
- Eadailig - Italic poss c
- cànanan Eadailig Italic languages
- litreachasan nan cànan Eadailig eile literatures of other Italic languages
- Subject: Language
- Eadailteach
- Italian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Eadailteach
- Italian
- n(m)
- Eadailtich - Italian poss cItalians - Eadailtich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Eadailtis
- Italian
- n(f)
- Eadailtis - Italian poss c
- bàrdachd Eadailtis Italian poetry
- cleachdadh stèidhichte na h-Eadailtis standard Italian usage
- faclairean Eadailtis Italian dictionaries
- Subject: Language
- eadar-aghaidh
- interface
- n(f)
- eadar-aghaidh - interface poss cinterfaces - eadar-aghaidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- eadar-chàireachadh
- translation
- n(m)
- eadar-chàireachaidh - translation poss ctranslations - eadar-chàireachaidhean pl
- co-chothomachd eadar-chàireachail translation symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-chàirich
- translate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-chairtealach
- interquartile
- adj
- leth-raon eadar-chairtealach semi-interquartile range
- raon eadar-chairtealach interquartile range
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-chluich
- interlude
- n(m)
- eadar-chluich(e) - interlude poss cinterludes - eadar-chluichean pl
- eadar-chluich ciùil musical interlude
- faid an eadar-chluich length of the interlude
- Subject: Music
- eadar-chuspaireil
- interdisciplinary
- adj
- ionnsachadh eadar-chuspaireil interdisciplinary learning
- Subject: General
- eadar-dhealachadh
- difference
- n(m)
- eadar-dhealachaidh - difference poss cdifferences - eadar-dhealachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-fhonn
- episode
- n(m)
- eadar-fhuinn - episode poss cepisodes - eadar-fhuinn pl
- Subject: Music
- eadar-ghlaiste
- interlocking
- adj
- sporan eadar-ghlaiste interlocking spurs
- Subject: Geography
- eadar-ghluasad
- transition
- n(m)
- eadar-ghluasaid - transition poss ctransitions - eadar-ghluasadan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-ghnìomhach
- interactive
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- eadar-gnè
- interspecific
- adj
- Subject: Science
- Eadar-lìon
- Internet
- n(m)
- Eadar-lìn - Internet poss c
- ceangal Eadar-lìn Internet connection
- Malairt Iuchair Eadar-lìn Internet Key Exchange
- Pròtacal Eadar-lìn (IP) Internet Protocol (IP)
- Pròtacal Ruigheachd Brath Eadar-lìn (IMAP) Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
- Pròtacalan Eadar-lìn (IP) Internet Protocols (IP)
- roghainnean Eadar-lìn Internet options
- ruigheachd Eadar-lìn Internet access
- Seirbheis Stòr Ainmean Eadar-lìn (iSNS) Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS)
- Seirbheisean Fiosrachaidh Eadar-lìn (IIS) Internet Information Services (IIS)
- seòladh Eadar-lìn Internet address
- Solaraiche Ruigheachd Eadar-lìn (IAP) Internet Access Provider (IAP)
- Solaraiche Seirbheis Eadar-lìn (ISP) Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- Solaraichean Ruigheachd Eadar-lìn (IAP) Internet Access Providers (IAP)
- Solaraichean Seirbheis Eadar-lìn (ISP) Internet Service Providers (ISP)
- Subject: Computing
- eadar-mheudachadh
- dilation
- n(m)
- eadar-mheudachaidh - dilation poss cdilations - eadar-mheudachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-mheudaich
- dilate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-mhìneachadh
- interpretation
- n(m)
- eadar-mhìneachaidh - interpretation poss cinterpretations - eadar-mhìneachaidhean pl
- dòigh a' mhìneachaidh manner of the interpretation
- eadar-mhìneachadh ciùil interpretation of music
- Subject: Music
- eadar-mhìnich
- interpret
- vb
- eadar-mhìnich an ceòl interpret the music
- Subject: Music
- eadar-nàiseanta
- international
- adj
- cobhair eadar-nàiseanta international aid
- crìoch eadar-nàiseanta international boundary
- dàimhean eadar-nàiseanta international relations
- eaconamas eadar-nàiseanta international economics
- foghlam eadar-nàiseanta international education
- imrich eadar-nàiseanta international migration
- lagh eadar-nàiseanta international law
- malairt eadar-nàiseanta international commerce
- port-adhair eadar-nàiseanta international airport
- sgoil eadar-nàiseanta international school
- tìreachas eadar-nàiseanta international colonization
- Subject: General
- eadar-nochdadh
- transformation
- n(m)
- eadar-nochdaidh - transformation poss ctransformations - eadar-nochdaidhean pl
- ceàrn, co-chothromachd agus eadar-nochdadh angle, symmetry and transformation
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-obair
- interaction
- n(f)
- eadar-obair - interaction poss c
- eadar-obair shòisealta social interaction
- Subject: General
- eadar-obrachail
- interactive
- adj
- bùird-gheala eadar-ghnìomhail interactive whiteboards
- gnìomh eadar-obrachail interactive activity
- Subject: Computing
- eadar-sgaoil
- dissolve
- vb
- eadar-sgaoil salainn ann an uisge dissolve salt in water
- Subject: Science
- eadar-sgaoileadh
- solution
- n(m)
- eadar-sgaoilidh - solution poss csolutions - eadar-sgaoilidhean pl
- eadar-sgaoileadh neo-shàthaichte unsaturated solution
- eadar-sgaoileadh neodrachaidh neutralising solution
- eadar-sgaoileadh salainn salt solution
- eadar-sgaoileadh sàthaichte saturated solution
- Subject: Science
- eadar-shuidheachadh
- displacement
- n(m)
- eadar-shuidheachaidh - displacement poss cdisplacements - eadar-shuidheachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eadar-ùineach
- intermittent
- adj
- drèanadh eadar-ùineach intermittent drainage
- Subject: Geography
- èadhar
- air
- n(f)
- èadhair - air poss c
- bacadh-èadhair air resistance
- bruthadh-èadhair air pressure
- còsag air-sac
- cuartachadh-èadhair air circulation
- èadhar-bheàrn air space (e.g. in mesophyll)
- fionnarachadh air-conditioning
- teasachadh, èadhradh agus fionnarachadh heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
- toll-èadhair air-hole
- tomad-èadhair air mass
- ùraiche èadhair air freshner
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- èadhar-dhìonach
- airtight
- adj
- Subject: Science
- èadhradh
- ventilating
- n(m)
- èadhraidh - ventilating poss c
- teasachadh, èadhradh agus fionnarachadh heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
- Subject: Science
- èadhraig
- ventilate
- vb
- Subject: Science
- eadra-gnè
- intraspecific
- adj
- Subject: Science
- eadra-lìon
- intranet
- n(m)
- eadra-lìn - intranet poss cintranets - eadra-lìn pl
- Subject: Computing
- eag
- notch
- n(f)
- eige - notch poss cnotches - eagan pl
- eag gearradh-tuinn wave-cut notch
- Subject: Geography
- eag-eòlach
- ecological
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- eag-eòlas
- ecology
- n(m)
- eag-eòlais - ecology poss cecologies - eag-eòlasan pl
- Subject: Geography
- eag-loidse
- eco-lodge
- n(m/f)
- eag-loidse - eco-lodge poss ceco-lodges - eag-loidsichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- Eag-sgoil
- Eco School
- n(f)
- Eag-sgoile - Eco School poss cEco Schools - Eag-sgoiltean pl
- Subject: General
- eag-shiostam
- ecosystem
- n(m)
- eag-shiostaim - ecosystem poss cecosystems - eag-shiostaman pl
- Subject: Geography
- eag-thurasachd
- eco-tourism
- n(f)
- eag-thurasachd - eco-tourism poss c
- Subject: Geography
- eagar
- array
- n(m)
- eagair - array poss carrays - eagaran pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eaglais
- church
- n(f)
- eaglais(e) - church poss cchurches - eaglaisean pl
- àirneis agus acfhainnean eaglais church furnishings and articles
- an Eaglais Anglican the Anglican church
- an Eaglais Bhaisteach the Baptist Church
- an Eaglais Chaitligeach the Catholic church
- an Eaglais Easbaigeach the Episcopal Church
- an Eaglais Mheatodach the Methodist Church
- an Eaglais Shaor the Free Church
- an Eaglais Shaor Chlèireach the Free Presbyterian Church
- an Eaglais Stèidhichte the Established Church
- an eaglais thràth agus eaglaisean na h-àird an ear early church and eastern churches
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd agus na h-eaglais Crìosdail history of Christianity and Christian church
- eachdraidh na h-eaglais church history
- Eaglais Chaitligeach na Ròimhe the Roman Catholic Church
- eaglais le stìopall church with a spire
- eaglais le tùr church with a tower
- Eaglais na h-Alba the Church of Scotland
- Eaglais Shasainn the Church of England
- geur-leanmhainn ann an eachdraidh na h-eaglais persecutions in church history
- òrdughan Crìosdail agus eaglaisean ionadail Christian orders and local church
- rdughan cràbhach ann an eachdraidh na h-eaglais religious orders in church history
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- eaglais-eòlas
- ecclesiology
- n(m)
- eaglais-eòlais - ecclesiology poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- eaglaiseil
- ecclesiastical
- adj
- eòlas-diadhachd eaglaiseil ecclesiastical theology
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- eagrachadh
- array
- n(m)
- eagrachaidh - array poss carrays - eagrachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eagraich
- organise
- vb
- ag eagrachadh agus cleachdadh fiosrachaidh organising and using information
- Subject: General
- eagraich
- array
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- eagraichte
- arrayed
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- eagspoineinsial
- exponential
- n(m)
- exponentials - eagspoineinsialan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ealain
- art
- n(f)
- ealain - art poss carts - ealain plarts - ealainean pl
- clas ealain art class
- ealain am measg an t-sluaigh arts in society
- ealain aodach fìghte textile arts
- ealain bhailteil civic art
- ealain chruthachail expressive arts
- ealain coimpiutair computer art
- ealain cruth-tìre landscape art
- ealain cur-seachad recreational arts
- ealain dhidseatach digital art
- ealain fhìnealta fine arts
- ealain ghrafaigeach graphic arts
- ealain maiseachaidh decorative arts
- ealain phlastaig plastic arts
- ealain searamaig ceramic arts
- ealain thaisbeanail performing arts
- facaltaidh nan ealain faculty of arts
- na h-ealain the arts
- obair-mheatailt ealain art metalwork
- oileanach ealain art student
- Pròiseact nan Ealan the Gaelic Arts Agency
- Subject: Art
- Ealasaid
- Elizabeth
- an dàrna banrigh Ealasaid Elizabeth II
- Ealasaid a h-aon Elizabeth I
- Subject: General
- ealastomar
- elastomer
- n(m)
- ealastomar - elastomer poss celastomers - ealastomaran pl
- bathar ealastomar elastomer products
- Subject: Home Economics
- eanchainn
- brain
- n(f)
- eanchainn(e) - brains poss cbrain - eanchainnean pl
- beothas-eanchainn brain activity
- bun-eanchainn brain stem
- Subject: Science
- Eanstar
- Anstruther
- Taigh-tasgaidh Eanstair Anstruther Museum
- Subject: Geography
- eapaig
- epic
- adj
- bàrdachd eapaig epic poetry
- Subject: General
- ear
- east
- n(f)
- ear - east poss c
- (an) ear-dheas (the) south east
- (an) ear-thuath (the) north east
- an àird an ear the east
- An Ear Chèin the Far East
- An Ear Dhlùth Near East
- an Ear Mheadhanach the Middle East
- Cànanan Indo-Eòrpach an Ear agus Ceilteach East Indo-European and Celtic languages
- cànanan taobh an ear agus ear-dheas Àisia languages of East and Southeast Asia
- chaidh iad an ear 's an iar they scattered
- Cille Bhrìghde an Ear East Kilbride
- Dereham an Ear East Dereham
- Ear-dheas Àisia Southeast Asia
- ear-dheas nan Stàitean Aonaichte southeastern United States
- litreachasan Ear-Indo-Eòrpach agus Ceilteach East Indo-European and Celtic literatures
- litreachasan taobh an ear agus ear-dheas Àisia literatures of East and Southeast Asia
- Timor an Ear East Timor
- Subject: Geography
- ear-loidhne
- easting
- n(f)
- ear-loidhne - easting poss ceastings - ear-loidhnichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- eàrlas
- deposit
- n(m)
- eàrlais - deposit poss cdeposits - eàrlais pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- èarobaig
- aerobic
- adj
- eacarsaich èarobaig aerobic exercise
- tha gluasad èarobaig math don chridhe aerobic movement is good for the heart
- Subject: SciencePhysical Education
- èarofoidhl
- aerofoil
- n(f)
- èarofoidhle - aerofoil poss caerofoils - èarofoidhlean plaerofoils - èarofoidhlichean pl
- bha èarofoidhl mhòr air a' phlèana the plane had a large aerofoil
- Subject: Science
- Earra-Ghàidheal
- Argyll
- Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal & Bhòid Argyll and Bute Council
- Subject: Geography
- earrach
- spring
- n(m)
- earraich - spring poss csprings - earraich pl
- co-fhad nan tràth earraich spring equinox
- obair an earraich spring work
- toiseach an earraich beginning of spring
- Subject: General
- earrann
- phrase
- n(f)
- earrainn - phrase poss cphrases - earrannan pl
- a' cumadh earrannan constructing phrases
- cumadh earrainn construction of phrase
- earrann ochd notaichean an eight note phrase
- seinn na h-earrainn singing of the phrase
- Subject: Music
- earrann
- portion
- n(f)
- earrainn - portion poss cportions - earrannan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- earrann
- excerpt
- n(f)
- earrainn - excerpt poss cexcerpt - earrannan pl
- earrann bhon an ro-cheòl excerpt from the overture
- Subject: Music
- earrann
- share
- n(f)
- earrainn - share poss cshares - earrannan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- earrann
- share
- n(f)
- earrainn - share poss cshares - earrannan pl
- margadh nan earrannan stock market
- margadh nan earrannan stock exchange
- Subject: Mathematics
- eas
- waterfall
- n(m)
- easa - waterfall poss cwaterfalls - easan pl
- Subject: Geography
- eas-aontar
- inequation
- n(m)
- eas-aontair - inequation poss cinequations - eas-aontaran pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eas-aontarachd
- inequality
- n(f)
- eas-aontarachd - inequality poss cinequalities - eas-aontarachdan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eas-fhuaimneach
- dissonant
- adj
- co-sheirm eas-fhuaimneach dissonant harmony
- seinn eas-fhuaimneach dissonant singing
- Subject: Music
- eas-fhuaimneachd
- dissonance
- n(f)
- eas-fhuaimneachd - dissonance poss cdissonances - eas-fhuaimneachdan pl
- buaidh na h-eas-fhuaimneachd effect of dissonance
- eas-fhuaimneachd ciùil music dissonance
- Subject: Music
- eas-sheirm
- discord
- n(f)
- eas-sheirme - discord poss cdiscords - eas-sheirmean pl
- buaidh na h-eas-sheirm effect of the discord
- eas-sheirm notaichean note discord
- Subject: Music
- easbhaidh
- deficit
- n(f)
- easbhaidh(e) - deficit poss cdeficits - easbhaidhean pl
- easbhaidh na dùthcha the country's deficit
- Subject: Mathematics
- easgann
- eel
- n(f)
- easgainn - eel poss ceel - easgannan pl
- cho sleamhainn ri druim nah-easgainn as slippery as an eel
- Subject: Science
- easgarpa
- escarpment
- n(m)
- easgarpa - escarpment poss cescarpments - easgarpan plescarpments - easgarpannan pl
- Subject: Geography
- echidna
- echidna
- n(f)
- echidna - echidna poss cechidnas - echidnathan plechidnae - echidnathan pl
- Subject: Science
- echinoderm
- echinoderm
- n(m)
- echinoderm - echinoderm poss cechinoderms - echinoderman pl
- Subject: Science
- Ecuador
- Ecuador
- n(f)
- Ecuador - Ecuador poss c
- Colombia agus Ecuador Colombia and Ecuador
- Poblachd Ecuador Republic of Ecuador
- Subject: Geography
- èideadh
- costume
- n(m)
- èididh - costume poss ccostumes - èididhean pl
- èideadh agus coltas pearsanta costume and personal appearance
- Subject: Home Economics
- Eideard
- Edward
- mac Eideird Edward's son
- Subject: General
- Eige
- Eigg
- Eilean Eige Isle of Eigg
- Subject: Geography
- eigh-shruth
- glacier
- n(m)
- eigh-shruithe - glacier poss ceigh-shrutha - glacier poss cglaciers - eigh-shruthan pl
- Subject: Geography
- eigheachadh
- glaciation
- n(m)
- eigheachaidh - glaciation poss c
- crìoch air eigheachadh bu mhotha limit of maximum glaciation
- eigheachadh bu mhotha maximum glaciation
- Subject: Geography
- eigheadail
- glacial
- adj
- bleith eigheadail glacial erosion
- Subject: Geography
- eighichte
- glaciated
- adj
- àrd-thalamh eighichte glaciated upland
- Subject: Geography
- èiginn
- emergency
- n(f)
- èiginn - emergency poss c
- cobhair èiginn emergency aid
- doras-èiginn emergency exit
- dùdaich èiginn emergency sirens
- fasgadh èiginn emergency shelter
- seirbheisean èiginn emergency services
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- eileagtronaigeach
- electronic
- adj
- conaltradh eileagtronaigeach electronic communication
- goireasan eileagtronaigeach electronic resources
- Subject: Science
- eileagtronaigs
- electronics
- n(f)
- eileagtronaigs - electronics poss c
- Subject: Science
- eileamaid
- element
- n(f)
- eileamaide(e) - element poss celements - eileamaidean pl
- Clàr nan Eileamaidean Periodic Table of Elements
- eileamaid cheimigeach chemical element
- eileamaid sìde weather element
- eileamaidean ceimigeach chemical elements
- Subject: Science
- eilean
- island
- n(m)
- eilein - island poss cislands - eileanan pl
- buidhnean anns an Eadailt agus anns na h-eileanan mun cuairt organisations in Italy and adjacent islands
- Eilean Chocos Cocos Island
- Eilean Leòdhais Isle of Lewis
- eileanan bhon chladach offshore islands
- eileanan na h-Alba Scottish islands
- muinntir an eilein people of the island
- Urras Leabhraichean nan Eilean The Islands Book Trust
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean
- Ellon
- Seann Drochaid Eilein Ellon Auld Brig
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean Bhardsey
- Bardsey Island
- n(m)
- Eilean Bhardsey - Bardsey Island poss c
- Urras Eilean Bhardsey Bardsey Island Trust
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean Chocos
- Cocos Island
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean Ì
- Iona
- Reachdan Eilean Ì Statutes of Iona
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean Mhanainn
- Isle of Man
- n(m)
- Eilean Mhanainn - Isle of Man poss c
- cruinn-eòlas Eilean Mhanainn Isle of Man's geography
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean Mhic Aodha
- Island Magee
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean nam Muc
- Muck
- caladh Eilean nam Muc Muck harbour
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean Reachlainn
- Rathlin Island
- Subject: Geography
- Eilean Wight
- Isle of Wight
- n(m)
- Eilean Wight - Isle of Wight poss c
- Eilean Wight ann an Chaolas Shasainn Isle of Wight in the English Channel
- Subject: Geography
- Eileanan Árann
- Aran Islands
- Subject: Geography
- Eileanan Bhreatainn
- British Isles
- n phr
- buidhnean ann an Eileanan Bhreatainn; ann an Sasainn organisations in British Isles; in England
- feallsanachd Eileanan Bhreatainn philosophy of British Isles
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Eileanan Bhreatainn, ann an Sasainn newspapers in British Isles; in England
- Subject: Geography
- Eileanan Mharshall
- Marshall Islands
- n(pl)
- Eileanan Mharshall - Marshall Islands poss c
- àireamh-sluaigh Eileanan Mharshall population of the Marshall Islands
- Subject: Geography
- Eileanan Sholaimh
- Solomon Islands
- n(pl)
- Eileanan Sholaimh - Solomon Islands poss c
- muinntir Eileanan Sholaimh people of the Solomon Islands
- Subject: Geography
- Eilginn
- Elgin
- muinntir Eilginn people of Elgin
- Subject: Geography
- eiliops
- ellipse
- n(m)
- eiliops - ellipse poss cellipses - eiliopsan pl
- Subject: TechnicalMathematics
- eilipseach
- elliptical
- adj
- cuairt eilipseach na Talmhainn timcheall na Grèine earth's elliptical orbit around the sun
- Subject: Science
- einnseanaireachd
- engineering
- n(f)
- einnseanaireachd - engineering poss c
- einnseanaireachd agus obrachadh co-cheangailte engineering and allied operations
- einnseanaireachd airm agus seòlaidh military and nautical engineering
- einnseanaireachd chatharra civil engineering
- einnseanaireachd cheimigeach chemical engineering
- einnseanaireachd haidreolaig hydraulic engineering
- einnseanaireachd rèile agus rathaid engineering of railroads and roads
- einnseanaireachd shlàinteil agus bhaileil sanitary and municipal engineering
- meuran eile einnseanaireachd other branches of engineering
- Subject: Science
- einsteinium
- einsteinium
- n(m)
- einsteinium - einsteinium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Èipheiteach
- Egyptian
- adj
- ealan Èipheiteach Egyptyian art
- Subject: Geography
- Èipheiteach
- Egyptian
- n(m)
- Èipheitich - Egyptian poss cEgyptians - Èipheitich pl
- Subject: Geography
- èirigh
- erection
- n(m)
- èirigh - erection poss cerections - èirighean pl
- èirigh gun iarraidh unwanted erection
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- èirigh na grèine
- sunrise
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- Èirinn
- Ireland
- n(f)
- na h-Èireann - Ireland poss c
- Èirinn a Tuath Northern Ireland
- Poblachd na h-Èireann (Pob. na h-È) Republic of Ireland (ROI)
- Subject: Geography
- Èirisgeigh
- Eriskay
- Eilean Èirisgeigh Isle of Eriskay
- Subject: Geography
- eisimpleir
- role model
- n(m/f)
- eisimpleir - role model poss crole models - eisimpleirean pl
- deagh eisimpleir good role model
- Subject: General
- eisimpleir
- sample
- n(m)
- eisimpleir - sample poss csamples - eisimpleirean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- eisir
- oyster
- n(m)
- eisir - oyster poss coysters - eisirean pl
- àrach eisirean oyster farming
- eisir driseach thorny oyster
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- èisteachd
- listening
- n(f)
- èisteachd - listening poss c
- èisteachd agus labhairt listening and talking
- èisteachd agus labhairt còmhla listening and talking with others
- èisteachd airson fiosrachadh listening for information
- innealan airson èisteachd agus labhairt/leughadh/sgrìobhadh tools for listening and talking/reading/writing
- Subject: General
- eitean
- core
- n(m)
- eitein - core poss ccores - eitein pl
- cridhe eitean na talmhainn inner core of the earth
- eitean na talmhainn earth's core
- iomall eitean na talmhainn outer core of the earh
- Subject: Science
- eitneografaidh
- ethnography
- n(m)
- eitneografaidh - ethnography poss c
- Subject: General
- eitneòlaiche
- ethnologist
- n(m)
- eitneòlaiche - ethnologist poss cethnologists - eitneòlaichean pl
- Subject: General
- eitneòlas
- ethnology
- n(m)
- eitneòlais - ethnology poss cethnologies - eitneòlasan pl
- Subject: General
- eits
- etch
- vb
- ag eitseadh air fiodh etching on wood
- Subject: Art
- eitseadh
- etching
- n(m)
- eitsidh - etching poss cetchings - eitsidhean pl
- eitseadh agus eitseadh tioram etching and drypoint
- Subject: Art
- eitseadh tioram
- drypoint
- n phr
- clas eitseadh tioram a drypoint class
- eitsidhean tioram drypoints
- meud an eitisdh thioraim the size of the drypoint
- Subject: Art
- El Salbhador
- El Salvador
- n(m/f)
- El Shalbhador - El Salvador poss c
- dùthaich El Shalbhador country of El Salvador
- Subject: Geography
- emfasìoma
- emphysema
- n(f)
- emfasìoma - emphysema poss c
- Subject: Science
- encore
- encore
- n(m)
- encore - encore poss cencores - encorean pl
- a' seinn encore singing an encore
- Subject: Music
- encore
- encore
- adv
- Encore! Encore!
- Subject: Music
- ensemble
- ensemble
- n(f)
- ensemble - ensemble poss censembles - ensemblean pl
- ensemblean le aon ionnsramaid gach pàirt ensembles with one instrument per part
- ionnsramaidean agus ensemblean ionnsramaideach instruments and instrumental ensembles
- luchd-ciùil na h-ensemble the ensemble musicians
- Subject: Music
- entr'acte
- entr'acte
- n(f)
- entr'acte - entr'acte poss centr'actes - entr'actan pl
- fad eadar-ùine na h-entr'acte length of entr'acte interval
- Subject: Music
- Eochaill
- Youghal
- Subject: Geography
- eòlaiche
- specialist
- n(m)
- eòlaiche - specialist poss cspecialists - eòlaichean pl
- àrd-eòlaiche phrògraman senior applications specialist
- eòlaiche siostaman gnothachais business systems specialist
- Subject: General
- eòlaiche
- expert
- n(m)
- eòlaiche - expert poss cexperts - eòlaichean pl
- Subject: General
- eòlaiche-bholcànothan
- volcanologist
- n(m)
- eòlaiche-bholcànothan - volcanologist poss cvolcanologists - eòlaichean-bholcànothan pl
- Subject: GeographyScience
- eòlaiche-chnàmhan
- osteologist
- n(m)
- eòlaiche-chnàmhan osteologist
- eòlaichean-chnàmhan osteologists
- Subject: Science
- eòlaiche-fiosaig
- physicist
- n(m)
- eòlaiche-fiosaig - physicist poss cphysicists - eòlaichean-fiosaig pl
- eòlaiche-fiosaigs teòiridheach theoretical physicist
- Subject: Science
- eòlaiche-sìde
- meteorologist
- n(m)
- eòlaiche-sìde - meteorologist poss cmeteorologists - eòlaichean-sìde pl
- Subject: Geography
- eòlaiche-sluaigh
- demographer
- n(m)
- eòlaiche-sluaigh - demographer poss cdemographers - eòlaichean-sluaigh pl
- Subject: Geography
- eòlas
- experience
- n(m)
- eòlais - experience poss cexperiences - eòlasan pl
- eòlas, beatha agus gnàthas cràbhach religious experience, life and practice
- eòlas, gnàthas agus beatha Chrìosdail Christian experience, practice and life
- iomlanachd eòlasan totality of experiences
- tar-eòlasan overarching experiences
- Subject: General
- eòlas
- knowledge
- n(m)
- eòlais - knowledge poss cknowledge - eòlasan pl
- a' cleachdadh eòlas mu chànan using knowledge about language
- manaidsear cuartachadh eòlais knowledge transfer manager
- saidheans, eòlas agus siostaman coimpiutair computer science, knowledge and systems
- Subject: General
- eòlas breith-chloinne
- obstetrics
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- eòlas cùram meidigeach chloinne
- pediatrics
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- eòlas cùram meidigeach seann dhaoine
- geriatrics
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- eòlas dìon-bodhaig
- immunology
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- Eòlas Gnothachais
- Business Studies
- n(m)
- Eòlas Gnothachais - Business Studies poss c
- cùrsa Eòlas Gnothachais Business Studies course
- Subject: Business Studies
- Eòlas Pearsanta agus Sòisealta
- Personal and Social Education
- n phr
- Eòlais Phearsanta agus Shòisealta - Personal and Social Education poss c
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- eòlas sòisealta
- social studies
- n phr
- Subject: General
- eòlas tùs-ghinean
- embryology
- n(m)
- eòlas tùs-ghinean - embryology poss c
- Subject: Science
- eòlas-bodhaig
- anatomy
- n(m)
- eòlais-bodhaig - anatomy poss c
- eòlas-bodhaig daonna human anatomy
- Subject: Science
- eòlas-cheallan
- cytology
- n(m)
- eòlais-cheallan - cytology poss c
- eòlas-cheallan daonna human cytology
- Subject: Science
- eòlas-cungaidh
- pharmacology
- n(m)
- eòlais-cungaidh - pharmacology poss c
- eòlas-cungaidh agus eòlas-leigheis pharmacology and theraputics
- Subject: Science
- eòlas-diadhachd
- theology
- n(m)
- eòlais-diadhachd - theology poss ctheologies - eòlasan-diadhachd pl
- Crìosdaidheachd agus eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail Christianity and Christian theology
- eòlas-diadhachd Crìosdail, moraltan agus adhradh Christian moral and devotional theology
- eòlas-diadhachd sòisealta social theology
- eòlas-diadhachd sòisealta agus eaglaiseil social and ecclesiastical theology
- miotas-eòlas cràbhach agus eòlas-diadhachd sòisealta religious mythology and social theology
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- eòlas-dualchainnt
- dialectology
- n(m)
- eòlais-dualchainnt - dialectology poss c
- eòlas-dualchainnt agus cànanachas eachdraidheil dialectology and historical linguistics
- Subject: Language
- eòlas-leigheis
- theraputics
- n(m)
- eòlais-leigheis - theraputics poss c
- eòlas-cungaidh agus eòlas-leigheis pharmacology and theraputics
- Subject: Science
- eòlas-sgrìobhaidh
- graphology
- n(m)
- eòlais-sgrìobhaidh - graphology poss c
- eòlas-sgrìobhaidh fàisneachail divinatory graphology
- Subject: General
- eòlas-sluaigh
- demography
- n(m)
- eòlais-sluaigh - demography poss c
- Subject: Geography
- eòlas-tomhais
- metrology
- n(m)
- eòlas-tomhais - metrology poss c
- Subject: General
- Eòropaidh
- Eoropie
- tràigh Eòropaidh Eoropie beach
- Subject: Geography
- Eòrpach
- European
- adj
- An Coimisean Eòrpach European Commission
- An t-Aonadh Eòrpach European Union
- ceannard leasachadh Eòrpach head of European development
- leasachadh Eòrpach European development
- Pàrlamaid na h-Eòrpa European Parliament
- sealladh Eòrpach European dimension
- Subject: Modern Studies
- eòrpium
- europium
- n(m)
- eòrpium - europium poss c
- eòrpium ogsaid europium oxide
- Subject: Science
- ephemeris
- ephemeris
- n(m)
- ephemeris - ephemeris poss cephemerides - ephemerides pl
- Subject: Science
- epi-mheadhan
- epicentre
- n(m)
- epi-mheadhain - epicentre poss cepicentre - epi-mheadhanan pl
- Subject: Geography
- Epicùrach
- Epicurean
- adj
- feallsanachd Epicùrach Epicurean philosophy
- Subject: General
- erbium
- erbium
- n(m)
- erbium - erbium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Eritrea
- Eritrea
- n(m/f)
- Eritrea - Eritrea poss c
- Stàit Eritrea State of Eritrea
- Subject: Geography
- esprit
- esprit
- n(f)
- esprit - esprit poss c
- beothalachd esprit esprit liveliness
- Subject: Music
- Estòinia
- Estonia
- n(m/f)
- Estòinia - Estonia poss c
- eileanan Estòinia islands of Estonia
- Subject: Geography
- Etiòpia
- Ethiopia
- n(m/f)
- Etiòpia - Ethiopia poss c
- eachdraidh Etiòpia history of Ethiopia
- Subject: Geography
- Etruscanach
- Etruscan
- adj
- snaigheadh Etruscanach Etruscan sculpture
- Subject: General
- eu-tònalach
- atonal
- adj
- òrain eu-tònalach atonal songs
- Subject: Music
- eu-tònalachd
- atonality
- n(f)
- eu-tònalachd - atonality poss catonalities - eu-tònalachdan pl
- feartan eu-tònalachd features of atonality
- Subject: Music
- eucoir-eòlas
- criminology
- n(m)
- eucoir-eòlais - criminology poss c
- Subject: General
- eucoir-saidhbear
- cybercrime
- n(m)
- eucoir-saidhbear - cyber-crime poss ccyber-crimes - eucoirean-saidhbear pl
- Subject: Computing
- eucorach
- criminal
- adj
- lagh eucorach criminal law
- Subject: General
- eucorach
- criminal
- n(m)
- eucoraich - criminal poss ccriminals - eucoraich pl
- Subject: General
- eun
- bird
- n(m)
- eòin - bird poss cbirds - eòin pl
- coimhead eunlaith bird watching
- damhain-eòin bird spider
- eòin fhosaileach fossil birds
- eòin-imrich migrating birds
- eun-dranndain hummingbird
- eun-marra seabird
- fosail eòin bird fossil
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- eun-dranndainn
- hummingbird
- n(m)
- eòin-dranndain - hummingbird poss chummingbirds - eòin-dranndain pl
- Subject: Science
- eunan
- hummingbird
- n(m)
- eòinein - hummingbird poss chummingbirds - eòineinean pl
- Subject: Science
- Euràisia
- Eurasia
- n(f)
- Euràisia - Eurasia poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Euràisianach
- Eurasian
- adj
- am Pleata Euràisianach Eurasian Plate
- Subject: Geography
- euslaint
- disease
- n(f)
- euslaint(e) - disease poss c
- euslaint bannais gum disease
- Subject: Science
- Explorer
- Explorer
- n(m)
- Explorer - Explorer poss c
- Subject: Computing
- expressionism
- expressionism
- n(m)
- expressionism - expressionism poss c
- Subject: Music
- extravaganza
- extravaganza
- n(f)
- extravaganza - extravaganza poss cextravaganzas - extravaganzathan pl
- extravaganza le James Planche an extravaganza by James Planche
- Subject: Music
- Eyemouth
- Eyemouth
- baile Eyemouth town of Eyemouth
- Subject: Geography